App::PPBuild::CUI - Command line user interface for App::PPBuild
Used by the ppbuild script, and PPBFiles when run directly. Processes arguments and runs the specified tasks.
Used internally, you probably do not want to use this yourself.
Many of these rely on data obtained from Getopt::Long to run.
- help()
Prints the command line help to STDOUT.
- new()
Create a new App::PPBuild object.
The only argument is the App::PPBuild object to use, if none is specified it will use the global.
- ppb()
Set/Retrieve the App::PPBuild object used by the CUI.
- again()
Set/Retrieve the global 'again' flag. (ppbuild --again)
- quiet()
Set/Retrieve the 'quiet' flag. (ppbuild --quiet)
- run()
Run the tasks specified in the command line arguments. Arguments will be shifted off, NOT preserved, This is by design.
- file()
Set and or load the PPBFile being used.
Warning, PPBFiles only work on the global App::PPBuild object, if the CUI was created with a different App::PPBuild object this will generate a warning.
- read_session()
Load the specified session file.
- write_session()
Write the session to the specified file.
- task_list()
Print the list of available tasks.
Chad Granum <>
Copyright 2009 Chad Granum
licensed under the GPL version 3. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this. If not, see <>.