Fennec::Manual::Workflows - Writing custom workflow plugins for Fennec.
Fennec is still under active development, many features are untested or even unimplemented. Please give it a try and report any bugs or suggestions.
When a test file is loaded Fennec::Runner creates a root workflow, this root workflow is an Fennec::Workflow object. Every testset or workflow defined in the test file is defined in the form of a method. These methods are blessed to the proper workflow or testset. The blessed methods are passed to the root workflow.
When a child workflow method is executed it will be possitioned as 'current', calling Fennec::Workflow->current will always return the current workflow, it will throw an exception if there is no current workflow. You can nest testsets and workflows by defining them inside a parent workflow method.
package MyTest;
use Fennec;
# Export a function that is used to create an instance of the workflow.
export my_workflow => sub {
my ( $name, $sub ) = @_
__PACKAGE__->new( $name, $sub )
my_workflow parent => sub {
tests 'parent tests' => {
my_workflow nested => sub {
tests 'child tests' => {
When Fennec runs it will load the file, it will create a root workflow, the workflow sub named 'parent' will be blessed and passed to the root workflow as a child workflow. Next Fennec will set 'parent' as the current workflow. The workflow sub 'nested' will be blessed as a workflow and passed to 'parent' as a child, it will then be set as current and executed.
Fennec will grab the testsets from the workflows after they have all been traversed and executed. They will then optionally be randomized and executed.
The above example is fairly silly, There is no reason to put 'child tests' within a child workflow. The only thing that makes nested workflows useful is using Fennec::TestSet::SubSet or writing your own subclass of Fennec::TestSet Doing so allows you to group tests, and add setup/teardown functions, or do anything you can think of. The SubSet will be run in random order with the other TestSets, however you can do whatever you want to the tests grouped within.
package Fennec::Workflow::MyWorkflow;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fennec::Workflow qw/:subclass/;
# Code that should be executed just before running the tests
build_hook { ... };
# Method that returns an array of TestSet objects.
sub testsets {
my $self = shift;
my $subset = SubSet->new(
name => 'My Workflow Subset',
workflow => $self,
file => $self->file,
$subset->add_setup( MySetup => sub { ... })
$subset->add_testset( MyTest => sub { ... })
$subset->add_teardown( MyTeardown => sub { ... })
# You should always provide line numbers for where your tests were defined.
sub lines {
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless wantarray;
my $subset = $self->testsets;
return $subset->lines;
Overriding these is optional, not overriding them will result in a workflow that acts just like the root workflow.
- @testsets = $wf->testsets()
testsets() should return an array with 0 or more testset objects or objects that subclass testset. These will be run by Fennec in random order mixed with other testsets from other workflows.
- $wf->build()
The inherited method sets $wf as the current workflow, it then runs the method that was blessed into as the workflow object. Overriding this is not recommended, but may be necessary for some complicated workflows.
- $wf->build_children()
This should rarely need to be overriden, calls $child->build() on all child workflows. If you override add_items to add items other than workflows and testsets, or to disallow adding items at all then you will probably want to override this to reflect the change.
- $wf->add_item( $item )
Add $item to the workflow. The inherited method will add workflows or testsets, it will throw an exception for anything else.
- build_hook { ... }
- build_hook( sub { ... })
Add code that should be run just after building the workflows and jus before running the tests.
- import()
Fennec::Workflow has a complicated import() method, in order to simplify it all classes that sublcass Fennec::Workflow have a new import() method exported to their package. It is important that you do not try to override import(), or that you are at least aware that you cannot call $wf->SUPER::import() and get the expected behavior. Defining your own import() method will also throw a redefine warning.
- @wfs = $wf->workflows()
Returns a list of all the workflows added as children.
- $tf = $wf->testfile()
Returns the Fennec::TestFile object currently being run.
- $pwf = $wf->parent()
Returns the parent workflow object to which this one is a child, the root workflow will return the TestFile object.
- $testsets = $wf->_testsets()
- $wf->_testsets( \@testsets )
Get/Set the list of testsets, if you override add_item() and never caller SUPER::add_item() then you will need to manually add TestSets to the arrayref returned by _testsets().
- $workflows = $wf->_workflows()
- $wf->_workflows( \@workflows )
Get/Set the list of workflows, if you override add_item() and never caller SUPER::add_item() then you will need to manually add Workflows to the arrayref returned by _workflows().
- run_tests()
In a normal Fennec run this will only be called on the root Workflow object. Overriding this in your subclass will have NO EFFECT.
- $wf->add_items( @items )
Bulk form of add_item().
- Fennec::Workflow Documentation for the root workflow object, documentes inherited methods.
Chad Granum
Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum
Fennec is free software; Standard perl licence.
Fennec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.