use strict;
util( $_ ) for qw/warning_is warnings_are warning_like capture_warnings/;
tester( $_ ) for qw/warnings_like warnings_exist/;
sub capture_warnings(&) {
my ( $sub ) = @_;
my @warns;
local $SIG{ __WARN__ } = sub { push @warns => @_ };
return @warns
sub warning_is(&$;$) {
my ( $sub, $match, $name ) = @_;
my @warns = capture_warnings( \&$sub );
return result(
pass => 0,
name => $name,
stderr => [ "Too many warnings:", map { "\t$_" } @warns ],
) if @warns > 1;
return is( $warns[0], $match, $name );
sub warnings_are(&$;$) {
my ( $sub, $matches, $name ) = @_;
my @warns = capture_warnings( \&$sub );
return is_deeply( \@warns, $matches, $name );
sub warning_like(&$;$) {
my ( $sub, $match, $name ) = @_;
my @warns = capture_warnings( \&$sub );
return result(
pass => 0,
name => $name,
stderr => [ "Too many warnings:", map { "\t$_" } @warns ],
) if @warns > 1;
return result(
pass => 0,
name => $name,
stderr => [ "Did not warn as expected" ],
) if !@warns;
return like( $warns[0], $match, $name );
sub warnings_like(&$;$) {
my ( $sub, $matches, $name ) = @_;
my @warns = capture_warnings( \&$sub );
return result(
pass => 0,
name => $name,
stderr => [ "Wrong number of warnings:", map { "\t$_" } @warns ],
) if @warns != @$matches;
my @fail;
for my $i ( 0 .. ( @warns - 1 )) {
next if $warns[$i] =~ $matches->[$i];
push @fail => "'" . $warns[$i] . "' does not match '" . $matches->[$i] . "'";
pass => @fail ? 0 : 1,
name => $name,
@fail ? ( stderr => \@fail ) : (),
sub warnings_exist(&$;$) {
my ( $sub, $in, $name ) = @_;
my $matches = ref($in) eq 'ARRAY' ? $in : [ $in ];
my @warns = capture_warnings( \&$sub );
my %found;
my @extra;
for my $warn ( @warns ) {
my $matched = 0;
for my $match ( @$matches ) {
if ( ref( $match ) ? $warn =~ $match : $match eq $warn ) {
$found{ $match }++;
push @extra => $warn unless $matched;
my @missing = grep { !$found{$_} } @$matches;
pass => @missing ? 0 : 1,
name => $name,
stderr => [
@missing ? ( "Missing warnings:", map { "\t$_" } @missing )
: (),
(@missing && @extra) ? ( "Extra warnings (not an error):", map { "\t$_" } @extra )
: (),
=head1 NAME
Fennec::Assert::Core::Warn - Tools for testing warnings
This library provides functions that are useful in testing code that throws
warnings. This library provides everything L<Test::Warn> does plus some
my @warnings = capture_warnings {
warn 'a';
warn 'b';
warning_is { warn 'xxx' } "xxx at ...", "Name";
warnings_are { warn 'xxx'; warn 'yyy'; }
[ 'xxx at ...', 'yyy at ...' ],
warning_like { warn 'xxx' } qr/^xxx at/, "Name";
warnings_like { warn 'xxx'; warn 'yyy' }
[ qr/^xxx/, qr/^yyy/ ],
warnings_exist { warn 'xxx'; warn 'yyy' }
[ qr/^xxx/, 'yyy at ...' ],
=head1 EXPORTS
=over 4
=item @list = capture_warnings { warn 'xxx' }
Capture the generated warnings to do with as you please.
=item warning_is { ... } $want, $name
Check that the thrown warning is what you want.
=item warnings_are { ... } \@want, $name
Check that the thrown warnings are what you want.
=item warning_like { ... } $regex, $name
Check that the thrown warning matches $regex.
=item warnings_like { ... } [ $regex, ... ], $name
Check that the thrown warnings match the list of regexes.
=item warnings_exist { ... } [ $string, $regex, ... ], $name
Check that at least 1 warning matches for each string and regex provided.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chad Granum L<>
Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum
Fennec is free software; Standard perl licence.
Fennec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.