RTDevSys::Manual - The RTDevSys Manual.
This is a very early version of RTDevSys. It is ready for use, and in fact is being used. However there may be some API changes in the future. As well there may be some missing, incomplete, or untested features. At the moment the database commands only support postgres not mysql.
RTDevSys is a command line utility that will create and work with RT projects. The primary idea behind RTDevSys is a way to develop an RT deployment without simply installing RT and hacking against it and its database. To do this, the RT project is seperated into several parts:
- Vendor RT
This is the actual base RT code. A complete copy of the RT installation source should be kept under the project directory. RT Source is usually placed into vendor/rt
- Patches
Sometimes a plugin, extention, or database change is not enough. Sometimes yo uneed to patch RT. Patches could take a while to get into RT itself, and some patches may be very project specific. RTDevSys lets you place patches into a directory within the project, and it will take care of applying them at deployment.
- Plugins (Extentions)
When developing an RT project you will probably need to use, or even create, several plugins. These are perl packages that usually start with RTx::. With RTDevSys you will place plugins into a single directory and RTDevSys will take care of installing and configuring them.
- Workflows
Workflows are essentially whats initially loaded into the database. Queues, Scrips, and other RT objects should be defined in workflows. You can have any number of workflows, they can be seperated out in any way you wish. Workflows are essentially just initialdata files collected into directories.
RTDevSys provides the advantage of version tracking. When RTDevSys installs a workflow it records the name and version in the database. You can run RTDevSys against a deployed database and not worry about loading the workflow data multiple times. In addition you can create numbered migrations against a workflow for upgrade purposes. Workflow migrations make developing and maintaining RT deployments very smooth.
- System
The system is essentially a workflow that is kept seperate from the others. There is no difference between the system directory and a workflow directory. The point is that this is where initialdata and migrations that are for the whole system, as opposed to business logic, should go. An example would be if you upgrade RT versions and need to run an RT script to handle that.
- Migrations
These were briefly mentioned in the workflows section. Migrations are directories containing a version number and a name. When deployed RTDevSys records the latest version number to avoid re-applying a migration. A migration folder can contain an 'update' script, which is simply any shell executable, and/or an initialdata file which is a standard RT initialdata file.
rtdevsys init myproject
This will create an RTDevSys project folder.
- myproject/
This is the project configuration file. The configuration file is written in perl. The configuration file should define an RTDevSys::Config object, and define at least one build within that config object. The code should return the config object.
- myproject/versions.yaml
The versions.yaml file controls what versions should be deployed on specific builds. An example:
--- #The system version system: db_version: stable: 0 demo: 0 #plugin versions plugin: MyPlugin: stable: 0 demo: 1 #workflow versions workflow: MyWorkflow: stable: 3 demo: 5
MyWorkflow migrations up through 3 are stable, but migrations 5 and 6 are not yet stable, this means that in the stable build deployment MyWorkflow will only be updated to version 3, in the demo build deployment it will be updated up to 5. The MyPlugin plugin will be deployed in the demo build, but not in the stable build. The base db_version will remain at the initial version which is 0.
In RTDevSys a plugin or workflow is disabled if it is unlisted, or if the disable property is true. 0 refers to the initial version before any migrations, it does not mean do not install.
Here are the rules specified in the file:
# If a plugin or workflow is not listed it will be skipped # If disable: is true the workflow or plugin will be skipped # If stable: is missing then the plugin or workflow will not be installed in stable # If demo: is missing then it will default to stable # If both are missing it counts as disabled, use devel: 1 to enable it for # development # If nothing is listed it is the same as disable # Do not include any ###- prefix when listing workflows.
- myproject/migrations/
The migrations/ folder contains all migrations against the main system. This is for migrations that do not apply to a single workflow. Migrations are folders that have this format: ###-Description. Each migration may have 1 or both of the following files:
001-Migration/update - An executable file, perl, bash, binary, whatever. This file will be run when the migration is run.
001-Migration/initialdata - A standard RT plugin initialdata file containing data that should be loaded into the database.
Both files are optional, but at least one must be present.
No 2 migration folders should have the same number prefix, and all numbers should be sequential integers. Skipping numbers will not cause any issues.
- myproject/workflows/
Each folder within this one is a workflow. You can prefix workflows folders with numbers if they need to be loaded in a specific order. Workflows should contain one or more .pm files. Each .pm file within a workflow folder will be loaded as a standard RT initialdata file.
Workflows may also have migrations. The workflows/MyWorkflow/migrations may contain migration folders just like the system migrations. Please see the system migrations section for details.
- myproject/plugins/
Each folder within the plugins folder should be a standard RT plugin. This means a real RT plugin that uses Module::Build::RTx.
- myproject/vendor/
- myproject/vendor/patches/
Place patches that should be applied against RT at deployment time in here. Those prefixed with a number will be run, those without a number prefix will be ignored.
Patches are applied at deployment, and unapplied afterwords.
- myproject/vendor/rt/
Place the RT installation source here It is not provided with RTDevSys.
myproject $ rtdevsys --help deploy rtdevsys <command>
rtdevsys deploy [long options...] [build] --loaddb Load database from specified file. --dbname Database name (RT_DB) --password Database password (RT_DB_PASSWORD) --versions_file versions.yaml file to use --user RT/DB User (RT_USER) --rthome RT Installation Path (RTHOME) --webuser RT/DB User (RT_WEB_USER) --dbport Database port number (RT_DB_PORT) --group RT Group (RT_GROUP) --dbuser Database database user (RT_DB_USER) --dbhost Database Host (RT_DB_HOST) --webgroup RT Group (RT_WEB_GROUP) --build 'stable', 'demo', or 'devel' --initdb Initialize a new RT database
To deploy a specific build use $ rtdevsys --build MYBUILD. Most of these options should be self-explanitory, most are also configurable in the RTDS_Config file per build. --initdb and --build are the only options you are likely to need if you have a proper RTDS_Config.
rtdevsys help <command>
Available commands:
commands: list the application's commands
help: display a command's help screen
database: Manage the database
deploy: Deploy an RT installation
init: Initialize a project directory
plugins: Install, load, configure, and create plugins
rt: RT Installation
run: run a command with all the rt environment set
server: Control the rt standalone server
system: Runs system migrations
test: Test utilities.
versions: Displaye version info
workflows: Installs workflows and runs workflow migrations
Usually I create a project Makefile that calls some long, but often needed rtdevsys commands. Here is a copy of the testing section I usually use:
rm -rf test-stderr.log
test-workflows: pre-test
${RT_DEV_SYS} test --workflows 2>> test-stderr.log
test-plugins: pre-test
${RT_DEV_SYS} test --plugins 2>> test-stderr.log
${RT_DEV_SYS} test --workflows --plugins
${RT_DEV_SYS} rt --test
${PERL} -e "use RTDevSys::DB; RTDevSys::DB::loaddb( '.test.psqlc', flags => '-c' );"
I plan to expand this section later, for now the above examples should show how the rtdevsys testing tools are used. The last one will simply load the database dump that is created prior to any tests.
These are not yet available on cpan. I will add them when I have figured out the mechanics of Module::Install::RTx + CPAN when there is no RT installed on the cpan testers hosts.
For now these can be found on my github page:
- RTx::DevSys
This extention was originally part of RTDevSys. This extention will add several commands to RTDevSys for manipulating the database, Using shredder, or replacing email and passwords for development purposes. It also adds a simple interface and testing helpers. I do not recommend using RTDevSys without it.
NNID stands for Non-Numeric ID. This extention will allow you to track, maintain, and modify most objects stored in the RT database using code. NNID files are very similar to initialdata files in that they define objects that go into the database. The difference is that items are given a unique name, and any changes to objects defined in the file can be synchronised to the database. There is also a capture and dumper tool that will allow you to use NNID against an already deployed RT.
- RTDevSys commands to create an empty workflow or plugin.
- RTDevSys commands to create an empty migration.
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