
Overview of how the Test-More dist works.
A tutorial about writing really basic tests


*DEPRECATED* Module for building testing libraries.
*DEPRECATED* Base class for test modules
*DEPRECATED* test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
The defacto standard in unit testing tools.
Relaxed checking of deep data structures.
Basic utilities for writing tests.
A modern infrastructure for testing.
Base class for events
Child event type
Diag event type
The finish event type
Note event type
Ok event type
The event of a plan
Encapsulate the magic exit logic
Tools for validating the events produced by your testing tools.
Tools for using threads with Test::Stream.
Helper for writing testing tools
*DEPRECATED* Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
Alternative to Test::More::use_ok


in lib/Test/Builder/
in lib/Test/More/
in lib/Test/More/DeepCheck/
in lib/Test/More/DeepCheck/
in lib/Test/More/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/ArrayBase/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/ExitMagic/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/Exporter/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/
in lib/Test/Stream/Tester/
in lib/Test/Stream/Tester/Checks/
in lib/Test/Stream/Tester/
in lib/Test/Stream/Tester/Events/
in lib/Test/Stream/Tester/
in lib/Test/Tester/