Test::Stream::Transition - How to transition from Test::Builder to Test::Stream


This document demonstrates how to transition code from Test::Builder to Test::Stream. This is a list of things people frequently need to do, and how to do them with both systems. This document also provides a list of things that had been done in legacy Test::Builder that will break with Test::Stream.


Test::Builder1.5/2 Support

The Problem

If you modified your code or tests such that they have behavior that is conditional on the Test-Simple version, it is likely to break. A vast majority of modules broken by Test::Stream fall into this category.

The Fix

The fix is to remove all Test::Builder1.5/2.0 related code. Either use the lagacy Test::Builder API, or use Test::Stream directly.

Replacing the Test::Builder singleton

The Problem

Some test modules would replace the Test::Builder singleton instance with their own instance or subclass. This was usually done to intercept, or modify results as they happened.

The Test::Builder singleton is now a simple compatability wrapper around Test::Stream. The Test::Builder singleton is no longer the central place for results. Most results bypass the Test::Builder singleton completely, which breaks and behavior intended when replacing the singleton.

The Fix

If you simply want to intercept all results instead of letting them go to TAP, you should look at the Test::Stream docs and read about pushing a new hub onto the hub stack. Replacing the hub temporarily is now the correct way to intercept results.

If your goal is purely monitoring of events use the listen { ... } sub exported by Test::More to watch events as they are fired. If you wish to modify results before they go to TAP look at the munge { ... } function exported by Test::Stream.

Directly Accessing Hash Elements

The Problem

Some modules look directly at hash keys on the Test::Builder singleton. The problem here is that the Test::Builder singleton no longer holds anything important.

The Fix

The fix is to use the API specified in Test::Stream to look at or modify state as needed.



use Test::Builder;

# A majority of tools out there do this:
# my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
# This works, but has always been wrong, forcing Test::Builder to implement
# subtests as a horrific hack. It also causes problems for tools that try
# to replace the singleton (also discouraged).

sub my_ok($;$) {
    my ($bool, $name) = @_;
    my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
    $TB->ok($bool, $name);

sub my_diag($) {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    my $TB = Test::Builder->new;


use Test::Stream qw/context/;

sub my_ok($;$) {
    my ($bool, $name) = @_;
    my $ctx = context();
    $ctx->ok($bool, $name);

sub my_diag($) {
    my ($msg) = @_;

The context object has API compatible implementations of the following methods:

ok($bool, $name)
subtest($name, $code)

If you are looking for helpers with is, like, and others, see Test::More::Tools.



use Test::Mote;

sub exclusive_ok {
    my ($bool1, $bool2, $name) = @_;

    # Ensure errors are reported 1 level higher
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

    $ok = $bool1 || $bool2;
    $ok &&= !($bool1 && $bool2);
    ok($ok, $name);

    return $bool;

Every single tool in the chain from this, to ok, to anything ok calls needs to increment the $Level variable. When an error occurs Test::Builder will do a trace to the stack frame determined by $Level, and report that file+line as the one where the error occured. If you or any other tool you use forgets to set $Level then errors will be reported to the wrong place.


use Test::Mote;

sub exclusive_ok {
    my ($bool1, $bool2, $name) = @_;

    # Grab and store the context, even if you do not need to use it
    # directly.
    my $ctx = context();

    $ok = $bool1 || $bool2;
    $ok &&= !($bool1 && $bool2);
    ok($ok, $name);

    return $bool;

Instead of using $Level to perform a backtrace, Test::Stream uses a context object. In this sample you create a context object and store it. This locks the context (errors report 1 level up from here) for all wrapped tools to find. You do not need to use the context object, but you do need to store it in a variable. Once the sub ends the $ctx variable is destroyed which lets future tools find their own.



# Set the mode BEFORE anything loads Test::Builder
use open ':std', ':encoding(utf8)';
use Test::More;


# Modify the filehandles
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
binmode $builder->output,         ":encoding(utf8)";
binmode $builder->failure_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
binmode $builder->todo_output,    ":encoding(utf8)";


use Test::Stream 'utf8';


use Test::Stream encoding => 'utf8'; # Or any other encoding


use Test::Stream qw/tap_encoding/;

# Use utf8 for one result
ok(1, "SOMETHING UTF8");

# Go back to the legacy encoding
ok(1, "Something ASCII");

With Test::Stream encoding is flexible and can be changed as needed.


The following people have all contributed to this document in some way, even if only for review.

Chad Granum (EXODIST) <>


The source code repository for Test::More can be found at


Chad Granum <>


Copyright 2015 Chad Granum <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
