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use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our $VERSION = '1.302131'; # TRIAL
=head1 NAME
Test::Builder::Module - Base class for test modules
# Emulates Test::Simple
package Your::Module;
my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__;
use parent 'Test::Builder::Module';
@EXPORT = qw(ok);
sub ok ($;$) {
my $tb = $CLASS->builder;
return $tb->ok(@_);
This is a superclass for L<Test::Builder>-based modules. It provides a
handful of common functionality and a method of getting at the underlying
L<Test::Builder> object.
=head2 Importing
Test::Builder::Module is a subclass of L<Exporter> which means your
module is also a subclass of Exporter. @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, etc...
all act normally.
A few methods are provided to do the C<< use Your::Module tests => 23 >> part
for you.
=head3 import
Test::Builder::Module provides an C<import()> method which acts in the
same basic way as L<Test::More>'s, setting the plan and controlling
exporting of functions and variables. This allows your module to set
the plan independent of L<Test::More>.
All arguments passed to C<import()> are passed onto
C<< Your::Module->builder->plan() >> with the exception of
C<< import =>[qw(things to import)] >>.
use Your::Module import => [qw(this that)], tests => 23;
says to import the functions C<this()> and C<that()> as well as set the plan
to be 23 tests.
C<import()> also sets the C<exported_to()> attribute of your builder to be
the caller of the C<import()> function.
Additional behaviors can be added to your C<import()> method by overriding
sub import {
my($class) = shift;
Test2::API::test2_load() unless Test2::API::test2_in_preload();
# Don't run all this when loading ourself.
return 1 if $class eq 'Test::Builder::Module';
my $test = $class->builder;
my $caller = caller;
$class->import_extra( \@_ );
my(@imports) = $class->_strip_imports( \@_ );
local $Exporter::ExportLevel = $Exporter::ExportLevel + 1;
sub _strip_imports {
my $class = shift;
my $list = shift;
my @imports = ();
my @other = ();
my $idx = 0;
while( $idx <= $#{$list} ) {
my $item = $list->[$idx];
if( defined $item and $item eq 'import' ) {
push @imports, @{ $list->[ $idx + 1 ] };
else {
push @other, $item;
@$list = @other;
return @imports;
=head3 import_extra
C<import_extra()> is called by C<import()>. It provides an opportunity for you
to add behaviors to your module based on its import list.
Any extra arguments which shouldn't be passed on to C<plan()> should be
stripped off by this method.
See L<Test::More> for an example of its use.
B<NOTE> This mechanism is I<VERY ALPHA AND LIKELY TO CHANGE> as it
feels like a bit of an ugly hack in its current form.
sub import_extra { }
=head2 Builder
Test::Builder::Module provides some methods of getting at the underlying
Test::Builder object.
=head3 builder
my $builder = Your::Class->builder;
This method returns the L<Test::Builder> object associated with Your::Class.
It is not a constructor so you can call it as often as you like.
This is the preferred way to get the L<Test::Builder> object. You should
I<not> get it via C<< Test::Builder->new >> as was previously
The object returned by C<builder()> may change at runtime so you should
call C<builder()> inside each function rather than store it in a global.
sub ok {
my $builder = Your::Class->builder;
return $builder->ok(@_);
sub builder {
return Test::Builder->new;