Test::Suite::TestHelper - Make Test::Suite testable


Prevents plugins from producing TAP output and instead provides you with results that would be sent to Test::Suite.


use Test::Suite::TestHelper;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;

# Should be in a BEGIN to make testers with prototypes work.
    real_tests { use_ok( 'MyPlugin' ) };
    MyPlugin->export_to( __PACKAGE__ );

my_tester( ... );
my_other_tester( ... );

my $results = results();

# Actual tests that should produce output must be in a 'real_tests' block.
real_tests {
    ok( @$results, "found results" );

A single result will follow this format

    # These are reliable.
    result => $TEST_RESULT, # what your custom tester returned
    name   => $TEST_NAME,   # The second item your custom tester returned
    time   => $RUN_TIME,    # How long the test took to run (Timer::HiRes)
    debug  => \@DEBUG,      # If the test failed this should contain
                            # extra information that should be printed for
                            # the user (This is all the other elements your
                            # custom tester returned)

    # These should be reliable
    package  => $PACKAGE,   # Package the test was run from
    filename => $FILENAME,  # Filename test was run from
    line     => $LINE,      # Line number where test was run

    # These may or may not be defined
    todo => $REASON,        # If the test was run in a todo {} block.

    # If run under a set/case these will be references to the case/set objects
    case => $CASE,
    set => $SET,


$results = results()

Returns an arrayref with all the results obtained since results was last cleared. Optional argument tells results() to clear all results.


This works by overriding parts of Test::Suite::Plugin so that when called parts of Test::Suite are lexically overriden. There is all kinds of room from problems here, but I am not sure of a better way yet, just be careful.


Chad Granum


Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum

Test-Suite is free software; Standard perl licence.

Test-Suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.