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use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.001063';
use Carp qw/croak/;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use File::Spec();
use Test2::Harness::Util qw/open_file/;
use Test2::Harness::Util::UUID qw/gen_uuid/;
-file -_scanned -_headers -_shbang -queue_args
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->file;
# We want absolute path
$file = File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
$self->{+FILE} = $file;
$self->{+QUEUE_ARGS} ||= [];
croak "Invalid test file '$file'" unless -f $file;
my %DEFAULTS = (
timeout => 1,
fork => 1,
preload => 1,
stream => 1,
isolation => 0,
sub check_feature {
my $self = shift;
my ($feature, $default) = @_;
$default = $DEFAULTS{$feature} unless defined $default;
return $default unless defined $self->headers->{features}->{$feature};
return 1 if $self->headers->{features}->{$feature};
return 0;
sub check_stage {
my $self = shift;
$self->_scan unless $self->{+_SCANNED};
return $self->{+_HEADERS}->{stage} || 'default';
sub meta {
my $self = shift;
my ($key) = @_;
$self->_scan unless $self->{+_SCANNED};
my $meta = $self->{+_HEADERS}->{meta} or return ();
return () unless $key && $meta->{$key};
return @{$meta->{$key}};
sub check_category {
my $self = shift;
$self->_scan unless $self->{+_SCANNED};
my $category = $self->{+_HEADERS}->{category};
return $category if $category;
my $fork = $self->check_feature(fork => 1);
my $preload = $self->check_feature(preload => 1);
my $timeout = $self->check_feature(timeout => 1);
my $isolate = $self->check_feature(isolation => 0);
# 'isolation' queue if isolation requested
return 'isolation' if $isolate;
# 'medium' queue for anything that cannot preload or fork
return 'medium' unless $preload && $fork;
# 'long' for anything with no timeout
return 'long' unless $timeout;
return 'general';
sub event_timeout { $_[0]->headers->{timeout}->{event} }
sub postexit_timeout { $_[0]->headers->{timeout}->{postexit} }
sub headers {
my $self = shift;
$self->_scan unless $self->{+_SCANNED};
return {} unless $self->{+_HEADERS};
return {%{$self->{+_HEADERS}}};
sub shbang {
my $self = shift;
$self->_scan unless $self->{+_SCANNED};
return {} unless $self->{+_SHBANG};
return {%{$self->{+_SHBANG}}};
sub switches {
my $self = shift;
my $shbang = $self->shbang or return [];
my $switches = $shbang->{switches} or return [];
return $switches;
sub _scan {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{+_SCANNED}++;
my $fh = open_file($self->{+FILE});
my %headers;
for (my $ln = 1; my $line = <$fh>; $ln++) {
next if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
if ($ln == 1 && $line =~ m/^#!/) {
my $shbang = $self->_parse_shbang($line);
if ($shbang) {
$self->{+_SHBANG} = $shbang;
next if $line =~ m/^\s*(use|require|BEGIN|package)\b/;
last unless $line =~ m/^\s*#\s*HARNESS-(.+)$/;
my ($dir, @args) = split /[-\s]/, lc($1);
if ($dir eq 'no') {
my ($feature) = @args;
$headers{features}->{$feature} = 0;
elsif ($dir eq 'yes' || $dir eq 'use') {
my ($feature) = @args;
$headers{features}->{$feature} = 1;
elsif ($dir eq 'stage') {
my ($name) = @args;
$headers{stage} = $name;
elsif ($dir eq 'meta') {
my ($key, $val) = @args;
push @{$headers{meta}->{$key}} => $val;
elsif ($dir eq 'category' || $dir eq 'cat') {
my ($name) = @args;
$headers{category} = $name;
elsif ($dir eq 'timeout') {
my ($type, $num) = @args;
warn "'" . uc($type) . "' is not a valid timeout type, use 'EVENT' or 'POSTEXIT' at $self->{+FILE} line $ln.\n"
unless $type =~ m/^(event|postexit)$/;
$headers{timeout}->{$type} = $num;
else {
warn "Unknown harness directive '$dir' at $self->{+FILE} line $ln.\n";
$self->{+_HEADERS} = \%headers;
sub _parse_shbang {
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
return {} if !defined $line;
my %shbang;
# NOTE: Test this, the dashes should be included with the switches
my $shbang_re = qr{
\#!.*perl.*? # the perl path
(?: \s (-.+) )? # the switches, maybe
if ($line =~ $shbang_re) {
my @switches = grep { m/\S/ } split /\s+/, $1 if defined $1;
$shbang{switches} = \@switches;
$shbang{line} = $line;
return \%shbang;
sub queue_item {
my $self = shift;
my ($job_name) = @_;
my $category = $self->check_category;
my $stage = $self->check_stage;
my $fork = $self->check_feature(fork => 1);
my $preload = $self->check_feature(preload => 1);
my $timeout = $self->check_feature(timeout => 1);
my $stream = $self->check_feature(stream => 1);
return {
category => $category,
file => $self->file,
headers => $self->headers,
job_id => gen_uuid(),
job_name => $job_name,
shbang => $self->shbang,
stage => $stage,
stamp => time,
switches => $self->switches,
use_fork => $fork,
use_preload => $preload,
use_stream => $stream,
use_timeout => $timeout,
event_timeout => $self->event_timeout,
postexit_timeout => $self->postexit_timeout,
my %RANK = (
immiscible => 1,
long => 2,
medium => 3,
general => 4,
isolation => 5,
sub rank {
my $self = shift;
return $RANK{$self->check_category} || 1;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Harness::Job::TestFile - Logic to scan a test file.
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2017 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.