

This module describes the yath log format in detail.


The log file is a JSONL file. This means that each line is a complete JSON document. Any given line in the log may be parsed by a JSON parser independently of any other line.

Each line in the log is exactly 1 event as seen or produced by the harness.

Events in the log should be in the order they were seen by the harness, no sorting or re-ordering should be done.

When tests were run concurrently it is perfectly valid for events from multiple test jobs to be muxed together; in other words events are not grouped by test.


Events may have the following fields at the top level, some fields are optional:


The total number of assertions made up to and including this event in the current subtest or top level test if this event is not inside a subtest.

This may be null, or a whole integer greater than or equal to 0.

This field is optional and does not appear in harness generated events, only in events passed through from tests.


This field is required.

This field should be an ID for the event, and should be a UUID. Be aware some logs may have a string that is not a UUID if a UUID library was unavailable. For safety assume it is a unique string, but do not assume it is a UUID.

Tools may assume this field is always a UUID and refuse to process logs that do not use UUIDS. Please document such when the tools are written.


See the "FACET DATA" section.

This field is required, and some fields within it are also required.


This should be the unique ID of the job to which the event belongs. The harness itself will set this field to 0 for any events generated by the harness itself.

This field is normally 0 for the harness, and a UUID for a real test job. In some cases this may be a unique string that is not a UUID, but tools are free to refuse to process logs that do not use UUIDs here. Note that even when UUIDs are used the harness itself will set the field to 0 for internal harness events.


The process ID from which the event was generated.

This field is optional. Most test events should include this field, harness internal events will usually omit it.


The run identification. All events must have the same run_id. This field is a unique string, usually a UUID. Tools are free to reject logs that do not use a UUID for this field.


The timestamp for when the event was seen by the harness. This field is required.

Note The stamp is usually the stamp for when the event was generated, but in some cases it may be more accurately described as when the harness first saw the event. This is because the harness sets the field if it is missing, but in most cases the test itself set the field first at event creation.


This field is optional. This field is set by the test and is used to synchronize events, stdout and stderr.

It is safest to never tamper with, or backfill this field. If you are trying to write a tool that outputs the yath log format from another source it is best to omit this field completely.


The thread ID from which the event was generated.

This field is optional. Most test events should include this field, harness internal events will usually omit it.


This field is optional. This field includes timing data from the process at the time the event was generated.

"times" : [
   0.04,     # user
   0.01,     # system
   0,        # cuser
   0         # csystem

The data inside the array is the result of the times() function as documented at

This field will only be present when Test2::Formatter::Stream was used. TAP and other formats do not generate this field.


Facets are what convey useful information about test state from test to harness. In addition some facets are added by the harness itself to convey information for anything that reads the log.

"facet_data" is a hash, each field is the name of a facet. All facets are hashes, but some facet types allow multiple hashes to be specified in which case the field has a list of them. Each facet type is documented, including the type it wants, hash vs list of hashes.

There are 3 categories of facet:



This facet is always a single hash containing a duplicate of some top-level data:

"harness" : {
   "event_id" : "A07FDDFC-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD",
   "job_id" : "A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
   "run_id" : "A0649E8E-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD"

This facet is required. Many tools choose to ignore any data outside of facet_data, so it is important to list these values here.


This facet contains the details of the test run, which includes environment variables set, where test files were found, library directories that were in use, and flags passed to yath when it was executed.


"harness_run" : {
   "args" : [],
   "blib" : 1,
   "cover" : null,
   "default_search" : [
   "dummy" : 0,
   "env_vars" : {
      "HARNESS_ACTIVE" : 1,
      "HARNESS_JOBS" : 1,
      "HARNESS_VERSION" : "Test2-Harness-0.001078",
      "PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC" : 1,
      "T2_HARNESS_ACTIVE" : 1,
      "T2_HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE" : 0,
      "T2_HARNESS_JOBS" : 1,
      "T2_HARNESS_RUN_ID" : "A0649E8E-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
      "T2_HARNESS_VERSION" : "0.001078"
   "event_uuids" : 1,
   "exclude_files" : {},
   "exclude_patterns" : [],
   "finite" : 1,
   "input" : null,
   "job_count" : 1,
   "lib" : 1,
   "libs" : [
   "load" : null,
   "load_import" : null,
   "mem_usage" : 1,
   "no_long" : null,
   "plugins" : [],
   "preload" : null,
   "run_id" : "A0649E8E-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
   "search" : [
   "show_times" : null,
   "switches" : [],
   "times" : 1,
   "tlib" : 0,
   "unsafe_inc" : 1,
   "use_fork" : 1,
   "use_stream" : 1,
   "verbose" : 0


This facet is almost always paired with the "harness_job_launch" facet. This facet is always a single hash which describes the test job that is starting. This facet will show up in the log once per test file executed.

example from the start of tiny.t:

"harness_job" : {
   "args" : [],
   "category" : "general",
   "conflicts" : [],
   "env_vars" : {
      "HARNESS_ACTIVE" : 1,
      "HARNESS_JOBS" : 1,
      "HARNESS_VERSION" : "Test2-Harness-0.001078",
      "PERL5LIB" : "/lib:/blib/lib:/blib/arch",
      "PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC" : null,
      "T2_HARNESS_ACTIVE" : 1,
      "T2_HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE" : 0,
      "T2_HARNESS_JOBS" : 1,
      "T2_HARNESS_RUN_ID" : "A0649E8E-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
      "T2_HARNESS_VERSION" : "0.001078",
      "TEMPDIR" : "/tmp/yath-test-28710-kFqwxNKE/A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD/tmp",
      "TEST2_JOB_DIR" : "/tmp/yath-test-28710-kFqwxNKE/A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
      "TMPDIR" : "/tmp/yath-test-28710-kFqwxNKE/A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD/tmp"
   "event_timeout" : null,
   "event_uuids" : 1,
   "file" : "/tiny.t",
   "headers" : {},
   "input" : "",
   "job_id" : "A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
   "job_name" : 1,
   "libs" : [
   "load" : [],
   "load_import" : [],
   "mem_usage" : 1,
   "pid" : 28712,
   "postexit_timeout" : null,
   "preload" : [],
   "shbang" : {},
   "show_times" : null,
   "stage" : "default",
   "stamp" : 1562009833.97186,
   "switches" : [],
   "times" : 1,
   "use_fork" : 1,
   "use_preload" : 1,
   "use_stream" : 1,
   "use_timeout" : 1


This facet is present when the harness launches a new job, it is usually paired with the harness_job facet. The main point of this facet is to provide a timestamp for job start before the test itself can generate any events.

"harness_job_launch" : {
   "retry" : null,
   "stamp" : 1562009834.09536


This facet is generated when the test process actually starts (vs when the harness asks it to via launch). This is often generated in a process other than the main harness process, so can be used to see how long it takes for the test process to spawn.

"harness_job_start" : {
   "details" : "Job A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD started at 1562009834.08625",
   "file" : "/tiny.t",
   "job_id" : "A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
   "stamp" : "1562009834.08625"


This facet is generated when the test process has exited. This facet will contain the exit code as well as a complete and unfiltered version of the STDOUT and STDERR output. If Test2::Formatter::Stream was used then this will include the T2-HARNESS-ESYNC codes used to make sure STDOUT, STDERR, and all events line up properly.

"harness_job_exit" : {
   "details" : "Test script exited 256",
   "exit" : "256",
   "file" : "/tiny.t",
   "job_id" : "A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
   "stderr" : "...",
   "stdout" : "...",


This facet is generated when the harness is closing off the test after the test process has exited.

"harness_job_end" : {
   "fail" : 1,
   "file" : "/tiny.t",
   "stamp" : 1562009834.15989


Test facets are documented at "THE-FACET-API" in Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Event.

passing assertion example

Note In the proper log this would all be on one line.

"facet_data" : {
   "about" : {
      "eid" : "28712~0~1562009834~4",
      "package" : "Test2::Event::Pass",
      "uuid" : "A07FE270-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD"
   "assert" : {
      "details" : "A passing test",
      "pass" : 1
   "control" : {},
   "harness" : {
      "event_id" : "A07FE270-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD",
      "job_id" : "A06685B4-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD",
      "run_id" : "A0649E8E-9C37-11E9-88CA-DEDAB0029DDD"
   "hubs" : [
         "buffered" : 0,
         "details" : "Test2::Hub",
         "hid" : "28712~0~1562009834~2",
         "ipc" : 0,
         "nested" : 0,
         "pid" : 28712,
         "tid" : 0,
         "uuid" : "A07FD85C-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD"
   "trace" : {
      "buffered" : 0,
      "cid" : "28712~0~1562009834~3",
      "frame" : [
      "hid" : "28712~0~1562009834~2",
      "huuid" : "A07FD85C-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD",
      "nested" : 0,
      "pid" : 28712,
      "tid" : 0,
      "uuid" : "A07FE108-9C37-11E9-AE8C-DFDAB0029DDD"

failing assertion example

"facet_data" : {
   "about" : {
      "details" : "fail",
      "eid" : "3287~0~1562020001~4",
      "package" : "Test2::Event::Fail",
      "uuid" : "4C6EF67C-9C4F-11E9-80B8-8E77B0029DDD"
   "assert" : {
      "details" : "a failing test",
      "pass" : 0
   "control" : {},
   "harness" : {
      "event_id" : "4C6EF67C-9C4F-11E9-80B8-8E77B0029DDD",
      "job_id" : "4C5570F8-9C4F-11E9-B087-8D77B0029DDD",
      "run_id" : "4C538A2C-9C4F-11E9-B087-8D77B0029DDD"
   "hubs" : [
         "buffered" : 0,
         "details" : "Test2::Hub",
         "hid" : "3287~0~1562020001~2",
         "ipc" : 0,
         "nested" : 0,
         "pid" : 3287,
         "tid" : 0,
         "uuid" : "4C6EEB96-9C4F-11E9-80B8-8E77B0029DDD"
   "info" : [
         "debug" : 1,
         "details" : "This is a diagnostics message for the fail",
         "tag" : "DIAG"
         "debug" : 1,
         "details" : "Another diagnostics message",
         "tag" : "DIAG"
   "trace" : {
      "buffered" : 0,
      "cid" : "3287~0~1562020001~3",
      "frame" : [
      "hid" : "3287~0~1562020001~2",
      "huuid" : "4C6EEB96-9C4F-11E9-80B8-8E77B0029DDD",
      "nested" : 0,
      "pid" : 3287,
      "tid" : 0,
      "uuid" : "4C6EF47E-9C4F-11E9-80B8-8E77B0029DDD"


Other facets are any facet not defined above. These facets may come from any number of plugins or tools. The rule is to ignore and pass-through any facet your tool does not know how to handle.


The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at


Chad Granum <>


Chad Granum <>


Copyright 2019 Chad Granum <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
