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use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.999003'; # TRIAL
use Test2::Harness::Util qw/mod2file/;
option_group {prefix => 'display', category => "Display Options"} => sub {
option color => (
description => "Turn color on, default is true if STDOUT is a TTY.",
default => sub { -t STDOUT ? 1 : 0 },
option quiet => (
short => 'q',
type => 'c',
description => "Be very quiet.",
default => 0,
option verbose => (
short => 'v',
type => 'c',
description => "Be more verbose",
default => 0,
option no_wrap => (
type => 'b',
description => "Do not do fancy text-wrapping, let the terminal handle it",
default => 0,
option show_times => (
short => 'T',
description => 'Show the timing data for each job',
option term_width => (
type => 's',
alt => ['term-size'],
description => 'Alternative to setting $TABLE_TERM_SIZE. Setting this will override the terminal width detection to the number of characters specified.',
long_examples => [' 80', ' 200'],
action => sub {
my ($prefix, $field, $raw, $norm, $slot, $settings, $handler) = @_;
option 'progress' => (
default => sub { -t STDOUT ? 1 : 0 },
description => "Toggle progress indicators. On by default if STDOUT is a TTY. You can use --no-progress to disable the 'events seen' counter and buffered event pre-display",
option renderers => (
alt => ['renderer'],
type => 'H',
description => 'Specify renderers, (Default: "Formatter=Test2"). Use "+" to give a fully qualified module name. Without "+" "Test2::Harness::Renderer::" will be prepended to your argument.',
long_examples => [' +My::Renderer', ' Renderer=arg1,arg2,...'],
short_examples => [' +My::Renderer', ' Renderer=arg1,arg2,...'],
action => sub {
my ($prefix, $field, $raw, $norm, $slot, $settings, $handler) = @_;
my ($class, $args) = @$norm;
$class = "Test2::Harness::Renderer::$class"
unless $class =~ s/^\+//;
my $file = mod2file($class);
my $ok = eval { require $file; 1 };
warn "Failed to load renderer '$class': $@" unless $ok;
$handler->($slot, [$class, $args]);
post 100 => sub {
my %params = @_;
my $settings = $params{settings};
my $display = $settings->display;
my $renderers = $display->renderers;
my $quiet = $display->quiet;
my $verbose = $display->verbose;
die "The 'quiet' and 'verbose' options may not be used together.\n"
if $verbose && $quiet;
if ($quiet) {
delete $renderers->{'Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter'};
@{$renderers->{'@'}} = grep { $_ ne 'Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter' } @{$renderers->{'@'}};
my @args = map { $_ => $settings->formatter->$_ } qw{
push @args => map { $_ => $settings->display->$_ } qw{
if (my $formatter_args = $renderers->{'Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter'}) {
@$formatter_args = @args unless @$formatter_args;
return if $renderers->{'@'} && @{$renderers->{'@'}};
push @{$renderers->{'@'}} => 'Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter';
$renderers->{'Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter'} = \@args;
option_group {prefix => 'formatter', category => "Formatter Options"} => sub {
option formatter => (
type => 's',
option 'qvf' => (
description => '[Q]uiet, but [V]erbose on [F]ailure. Hide all output from tests when they pass, except to say they passed. If a test fails then ALL output from the test is verbosely output.',
option show_job_end => (
description => 'Show output when a job ends. (Default: on)',
default => 1,
option show_job_info => (
description => 'Show the job configuration when a job starts. (Default: off, unless -vv)',
default => 0,
option show_job_launch => (
description => "Show output for the start of a job. (Default: off unless -v)",
default => 0,
option show_run_info => (
description => 'Show the run configuration when a run starts. (Default: off, unless -vv)',
default => 0,
post 90 => sub {
my %params = @_;
my $settings = $params{settings};
$settings->formatter->field(formatter => $settings->formatter->qvf ? 'QVF' : 'Test2')
unless defined $settings->formatter->formatter;
if ($settings->display->verbose > 1) {
$settings->formatter->field(show_job_info => 1);
$settings->formatter->field(show_job_launch => 1);
$settings->formatter->field(show_run_info => 1);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::Yath::Options::Display - Display options for Yath.
This is where display options are defined.
=head3 Display Options
=over 4
=item --color
=item --no-color
Turn color on, default is true if STDOUT is a TTY.
=item --no-wrap
=item --no-no-wrap
Do not do fancy text-wrapping, let the terminal handle it
=item --progress
=item --no-progress
Toggle progress indicators. On by default if STDOUT is a TTY. You can use --no-progress to disable the 'events seen' counter and buffered event pre-display
=item --quiet
=item -q
=item --no-quiet
Be very quiet.
Can be specified multiple times
=item --renderers +My::Renderer
=item --renderers Renderer=arg1,arg2,...
=item --renderer +My::Renderer
=item --renderer Renderer=arg1,arg2,...
=item --no-renderers
Specify renderers, (Default: "Formatter=Test2"). Use "+" to give a fully qualified module name. Without "+" "Test2::Harness::Renderer::" will be prepended to your argument.
Can be specified multiple times. If the same key is listed multiple times the value lists will be appended together.
=item --show-times
=item -T
=item --no-show-times
Show the timing data for each job
=item --term-width 80
=item --term-width 200
=item --term-size 80
=item --term-size 200
=item --no-term-width
Alternative to setting $TABLE_TERM_SIZE. Setting this will override the terminal width detection to the number of characters specified.
=item --verbose
=item -v
=item --no-verbose
Be more verbose
Can be specified multiple times
=head3 Formatter Options
=over 4
=item --formatter ARG
=item --formatter=ARG
=item --no-formatter
=item --qvf
=item --no-qvf
[Q]uiet, but [V]erbose on [F]ailure. Hide all output from tests when they pass, except to say they passed. If a test fails then ALL output from the test is verbosely output.
=item --show-job-end
=item --no-show-job-end
Show output when a job ends. (Default: on)
=item --show-job-info
=item --no-show-job-info
Show the job configuration when a job starts. (Default: off, unless -vv)
=item --show-job-launch
=item --no-show-job-launch
Show output for the start of a job. (Default: off unless -v)
=item --show-run-info
=item --no-show-run-info
Show the run configuration when a run starts. (Default: off, unless -vv)
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.