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use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.000048';
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Test2::Harness::Util qw/clean_path/;
option_group {prefix => 'logging', category => "Logging Options"} => sub {
option log => (
short => 'L',
description => 'Turn on logging',
option log_file_format => (
alt => ['lff'],
type => 's',
default => sub { '%!P%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_%!U.jsonl' },
description => 'Specify the format for automatically-generated log files. Overridden by --log-file, if given. This option implies -L (Default: \$YATH_LOG_FILE_FORMAT, if that is set, or else "%!P%Y-%m-%d~%H:%M:%S~%!U~%!p.jsonl"). This is a string in which percent-escape sequences will be replaced as per POSIX::strftime. The following special escape sequences are also replaced: (%!P : Project name followed by a ~, if a project is defined, otherwise empty string) (%!U : the unique test run ID) (%!p : the process ID) (%!S : the number of seconds since local midnight UTC)',
option bzip2 => (
short => 'B',
alt => ['bz2', 'bzip2_log'],
description => 'Use bzip2 compression when writing the log. This option implies -L. The .bz2 prefix is added to log file name for you',
option gzip => (
short => 'G',
alt => ['gz', 'gzip_log'],
description => 'Use gzip compression when writing the log. This option implies -L. The .gz prefix is added to log file name for you',
option log_dir => (
type => 's',
normalize => \&clean_path,
description => 'Specify a log directory. Will fall back to the system temp dir.',
option log_file => (
short => 'F',
type => 's',
normalize => \&clean_path,
description => "Specify the name of the log file. This option implies -L.",
option write_coverage => (
type => 'd',
normalize => \&clean_path,
long_examples => ['', '=coverage.json'],
description => "Create a json file of all coverage data seen during the run (This implies --cover-files).",
action => sub {
my ($prefix, $field, $raw, $norm, $slot, $settings) = @_;
$settings->run->field('cover_files' => 1) if $settings->check_prefix('runner');
return $$slot = clean_path("coverage.json") if $raw eq '1';
return $$slot = $norm;
post \&post_process;
sub post_process {
my %params = @_;
my $settings = $params{settings};
my $logging = $settings->logging;
die "You cannot specify both bzip2-log and gzip-log\n" if $logging->bzip2 && $logging->gzip;
return unless $logging->log || $logging->bzip2 || $logging->gzip || $logging->log_file;
# We want to keep the log and put it in a findable location
$logging->field(log => 1);
unless ($logging->log_file) {
my $log_dir = $logging->log_dir // ($settings->check_prefix('workspace') ? $settings->workspace->tmp_dir : File::Spec->tmpdir);
mkdir($log_dir) or die "Could not create dir '$log_dir': $!"
unless -d $log_dir;
my $format = $logging->log_file_format;
my $filename = expand_log_file_format($format, $settings);
$logging->field(log_file => clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($log_dir, $filename)));
my $log_file = $logging->log_file;
$log_file =~ s{/+$}{}g;
$log_file =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//;
$log_file =~ s/\.jsonl?$//;
$log_file .= "\.jsonl";
$log_file .= "\.bz2" if $logging->bzip2;
$log_file .= "\.gz" if $logging->gzip;
$logging->field(log_file => $log_file);
sub time_for_strftime { time() }
sub expand_log_file_format {
my ($pattern, $settings) = @_;
my $before = $pattern;
$pattern =~ s{%!(\w)}{expand($1, $settings)}ge;
my $res = strftime($pattern, localtime(time_for_strftime()));
return $res;
sub expand {
my ($letter, $settings) = @_;
# This could be driven by a hash, but for now if-else is easiest
if ($letter eq "U") { return $settings->run->run_id }
elsif ($letter eq "p") { return $$ }
elsif ($letter eq "P") {
my $project = $settings->harness->project // return "";
return $project . "~";
elsif ($letter eq "S") {
# Number of seconds since midnight
my ($s, $m, $h) = (localtime(time_for_strftime()))[0, 1, 2];
return sprintf("%05d", $s + 60 * $m + 3600 * $h);
else {
# unrecognized `%!x` expansion. Should we warn? Die?
return "%!$letter";
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::Yath::Options::Logging - Logging options for yath
This is where the command line options for logging are defined.
=head3 Logging Options
=over 4
=item --bzip2
=item --bz2
=item --bzip2_log
=item -B
=item --no-bzip2
Use bzip2 compression when writing the log. This option implies -L. The .bz2 prefix is added to log file name for you
=item --gzip
=item --gz
=item --gzip_log
=item -G
=item --no-gzip
Use gzip compression when writing the log. This option implies -L. The .gz prefix is added to log file name for you
=item --log
=item -L
=item --no-log
Turn on logging
=item --log-dir ARG
=item --log-dir=ARG
=item --no-log-dir
Specify a log directory. Will fall back to the system temp dir.
=item --log-file ARG
=item --log-file=ARG
=item -F ARG
=item -F=ARG
=item --no-log-file
Specify the name of the log file. This option implies -L.
=item --log-file-format ARG
=item --log-file-format=ARG
=item --lff ARG
=item --lff=ARG
=item --no-log-file-format
Specify the format for automatically-generated log files. Overridden by --log-file, if given. This option implies -L (Default: \$YATH_LOG_FILE_FORMAT, if that is set, or else "%!P%Y-%m-%d~%H:%M:%S~%!U~%!p.jsonl"). This is a string in which percent-escape sequences will be replaced as per POSIX::strftime. The following special escape sequences are also replaced: (%!P : Project name followed by a ~, if a project is defined, otherwise empty string) (%!U : the unique test run ID) (%!p : the process ID) (%!S : the number of seconds since local midnight UTC)
Can also be set with the following environment variables: C<YATH_LOG_FILE_FORMAT>, C<TEST2_HARNESS_LOG_FORMAT>
=item --write-coverage
=item --write-coverage=coverage.json
=item --no-write-coverage
Create a json file of all coverage data seen during the run (This implies --cover-files).
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.