The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.000134';
use Carp qw/croak/;
use Test2::Harness::Util::UUID qw/gen_uuid/;
use Time::HiRes qw/sleep time/;
use File::Path qw/remove_tree/;
<show_runner_output <truncate_runner_output <truncated_runner_output
<runner_pid +runner_exited <persistent_runner
+runner_stdout +runner_stderr +runner_aux_dir +runner_aux_handles
+task_file +task_queue +tasks_done +tasks
+jobs_file +jobs_queue +jobs_done +jobs
sub init {
my $self = shift;
croak "'run' is required"
unless $self->{+RUN};
my $run_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->{+WORKDIR}, $self->{+RUN_ID});
die "Could not find run dir" unless -d $run_dir;
$self->{+RUN_DIR} = $run_dir;
$self->{+WAIT_TIME} //= 0.02;
$self->{+ACTION}->($self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, harness_run => $self->{+RUN}, harness_settings => $self->settings, about => {no_display => 1}));
sub process {
my $self = shift;
my %warning_seen;
my $settings = $self->settings;
while (1) {
my $count = 0;
$count += $self->process_runner_output if $self->{+SHOW_RUNNER_OUTPUT};
$count += $self->process_tasks();
my $jobs = $self->jobs;
unless (keys %$jobs) {
next if $count;
if ($self->persistent_runner) {
last if $self->{+JOBS_DONE};
last if $self->runner_done;
last if $self->runner_exited;
while(my ($job_try, $jdir) = each %$jobs) {
my $e_count = 0;
for my $event ($jdir->poll($self->settings->collector->max_poll_events // 1000)) {
$count += $e_count;
next if $e_count;
my $done = $jdir->done;
unless ($done) {
delete $jobs->{$job_try};
unless ($settings->debug->keep_dirs) {
my $job_path = $jdir->job_root;
# Needed because we set the perms so that a tmpdir under it can be used.
# This is the only remove_tree that needs it because it is the
# only one in a process that did not initially create the dir.
my $ok = eval {
chmod(0700, $job_path);
remove_tree($job_path, {safe => 1, keep_root => 0});
my $err = $@;
unless ($ok) {
unless ($warning_seen{$job_path}++) {
my $msg = "NON-FATAL Error deleting job dir ($job_path) will try again...: $err";
my $e = $self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, info => [{details => $msg, tag => "INTERNAL", debug => 1, important => 1}]);
delete $jobs->{$job_try};
delete $self->{+PENDING}->{$jdir->job_id} unless $done->{retry};
last if !$count && $self->runner_exited;
sleep $self->{+WAIT_TIME} unless $count;
# One last slurp
$self->process_runner_output if $self->{+SHOW_RUNNER_OUTPUT};
$self->{+ACTION}->(undef) if $self->{+JOBS_DONE} && $self->{+TASKS_DONE};
remove_tree($self->{+RUN_DIR}, {safe => 1, keep_root => 0}) unless $settings->debug->keep_dirs;
sub runner_done {
my $self = shift;
return 0 if keys %{$self->{+PENDING}};
return 1;
sub runner_exited {
my $self = shift;
my $pid = $self->{+RUNNER_PID} or return undef;
return $self->{+RUNNER_EXITED} if $self->{+RUNNER_EXITED};
return 0 if kill(0, $pid);
return $self->{+RUNNER_EXITED} = 1;
sub process_runner_output {
my $self = shift;
my $out = 0;
return $out unless $self->{+SHOW_RUNNER_OUTPUT};
my $action = $self->{+ACTION};
$action = sub {};
my $stdout = $self->{+RUNNER_STDOUT} //= Test2::Harness::Util::File::Stream->new(
name => File::Spec->catfile($self->{+WORKDIR}, 'output.log'),
for my $line ($stdout->poll()) {
my $e = $self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, info => [{details => $line, tag => 'INTERNAL', important => 1}]);
my $stderr = $self->{+RUNNER_STDERR} //= Test2::Harness::Util::File::Stream->new(
name => File::Spec->catfile($self->{+WORKDIR}, 'error.log'),
for my $line ($stderr->poll()) {
my $e = $self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, info => [{details => $line, tag => 'INTERNAL', debug => 1, important => 1}]);
my $auxdir = $self->{+RUNNER_AUX_DIR} //= File::Spec->catdir($self->{+WORKDIR}, 'aux_logs');
return $out unless -d $auxdir;
opendir(my $dh, $auxdir) or die "Could not open aux_logs dir: $!";
for my $path (readdir($dh)) {
next if $path =~ m/^\.+$/;
next if $self->{+RUNNER_AUX_HANDLES}->{$path};
my $tag = uc($path);
next unless $tag =~ s/\.LOG$//;
my $debug = 0;
if ($tag =~ s/\W*(STDERR|STDOUT)\W*//g) {
$debug = 1 if $1 && uc($1) eq 'STDERR';
$self->{+RUNNER_AUX_HANDLES}->{$path} = {
tag => $tag,
debug => $debug,
stream => Test2::Harness::Util::File::Stream->new(name => File::Spec->catfile($auxdir, $path)),
for my $file (sort keys %{$self->{+RUNNER_AUX_HANDLES}}) {
my $data = $self->{+RUNNER_AUX_HANDLES}->{$file};
my $stream = $data->{stream};
for my $line ($stream->poll()) {
my $e = $self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, info => [{details => $line, tag => $data->{tag}, debug => $data->{debug}, important => 1}]);
return $out;
sub process_tasks {
my $self = shift;
return 0 if $self->{+TASKS_DONE};
my $queue = $self->tasks_queue or return 0;
my $count = 0;
for my $item ($queue->poll) {
my ($spos, $epos, $task) = @$item;
unless ($task) {
$self->{+TASKS_DONE} = 1;
my $job_id = $task->{job_id} or die "No job id!";
$self->{+TASKS}->{$job_id} = $task;
$self->{+PENDING}->{$job_id} = 1 + ($task->{retry} || $self->run->retry || 0);
my $e = $self->_harness_event($job_id, $task->{is_try} // 0, $task->{stamp}, 'harness_job_queued' => $task);
return $count;
sub send_backed_up {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{+BACKED_UP}++;
# This is an unlikely code path. If we're here, it means the last loop couldn't process any results.
my $e = $self->_harness_event(0, undef, time, info => [{details => <<" EOT", tag => "INTERNAL", debug => 1, important => 1}]);
* The collector has reached the maximum number of concurrent jobs to process.
* Testing will continue, but some tests may be running or even complete before they are rendered.
* All tests and events will eventually be displayed, and your final results will not be effected.
Set a higher --max-open-jobs collector setting to prevent this problem in the
future, but be advised that could result in too many open filehandles on some
This message will only be shown once.
sub jobs {
my $self = shift;
my $jobs = $self->{+JOBS} //= {};
return $jobs if $self->{+JOBS_DONE};
# Don't monitor more than 'max_open_jobs' or we might have too many open file handles and crash
# Max open files handles on a process applies. Usually this is 1024 so we
# can't have everything open at once when we're behind.
my $max_open_jobs = $self->settings->collector->max_open_jobs // 1024;
my $additional_jobs_to_parse = $max_open_jobs - keys %$jobs;
if($additional_jobs_to_parse <= 0) {
return $jobs;
my $queue = $self->jobs_queue or return $jobs;
for my $item ($queue->poll($additional_jobs_to_parse)) {
my ($spos, $epos, $job) = @$item;
unless ($job) {
$self->{+JOBS_DONE} = 1;
my $job_id = $job->{job_id} or die "No job id!";
die "Found job without a task!" unless $self->{+TASKS}->{$job_id};
delete $self->{+PENDING}->{$job_id} if $self->{+PENDING}->{$job_id} < 1;
my $file = $job->{file};
my $e = $self->_harness_event(
harness_job => $job,
harness_job_start => {
details => "Job $job_id started at $job->{stamp}",
job_id => $job_id,
stamp => $job->{stamp},
file => $file,
rel_file => File::Spec->abs2rel($file),
abs_file => File::Spec->rel2abs($file),
harness_job_launch => {
stamp => $job->{stamp},
retry => $job->{is_try},
my $job_try = $job_id . '+' . $job->{is_try};
$jobs->{$job_try} = Test2::Harness::Collector::JobDir->new(
job_try => $job->{is_try} // 0,
job_id => $job_id,
run_id => $self->{+RUN_ID},
runner_pid => $self->{+RUNNER_PID},
job_root => File::Spec->catdir($self->{+RUN_DIR}, $job_try),
# The collector didn't read in all the jobs because it'd run out of file handles. We need to let the stream know we're behind.
$self->send_backed_up if $max_open_jobs <= keys %$jobs;
return $jobs;
sub _harness_event {
my $self = shift;
my ($job_id, $job_try, $stamp, %args) = @_;
croak "Job id is required" unless defined $job_id;
croak "Stamp is required" unless defined $stamp;
return Test2::Harness::Event->new(
stamp => $stamp,
job_id => $job_id,
job_try => $job_try,
event_id => gen_uuid(),
run_id => $self->{+RUN_ID},
facet_data => \%args,
sub jobs_queue {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{+JOBS_QUEUE} if $self->{+JOBS_QUEUE};
my $jobs_file = $self->{+JOBS_FILE} //= File::Spec->catfile($self->{+RUN_DIR}, 'jobs.jsonl');
return unless -f $jobs_file;
return $self->{+JOBS_QUEUE} = Test2::Harness::Util::Queue->new(file => $jobs_file);
sub tasks_queue {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{+TASK_QUEUE} if $self->{+TASK_QUEUE};
my $tasks_file = $self->{+TASK_FILE} //= File::Spec->catfile($self->{+RUN_DIR}, 'queue.jsonl');
return unless -f $tasks_file;
return $self->{+TASK_QUEUE} = Test2::Harness::Util::Queue->new(file => $tasks_file);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Harness::Collector - Module that collects test output and provides it as
an event stream.
This module is responsible for reading and parsing the output produced by
multiple jobs running under yath.
This module is not intended for external use, it is an implementation detail
and can change at any time. Currently instances of this module are not passed
to any plugins or callbacks.
If you need a collector for a third-party command you should look at
L<App::Yath::Command::collector>. When a command needs a collector (such as
L<App::Yath::Command::test> does) it normally spawns a collector process by
execuing C<yath collector>. The C<start_collector()> subroutine in
L<App::Yath::Command::test> is a good place to look for more details.
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.