Test2::Tools::Tester - Tools to help you test other testing tools.
This is a collection of tools that are useful when testing other test tools.
use Test2::Tools::Tester qw/event_groups filter_events facets/;
use Test2::Tools::Basic qw/plan pass ok/;
use Test2::Tools::Compare qw/is like/;
my $events = intercept {
plan 11;
ok(1, 'pass');
is(1, 1, "pass");
like(1, 1, "pass");
# Grab events generated by tools in Test2::Tools::Basic
my $basic = filter $events => 'Test2::Tools::Basic';
# Grab events generated by Test2::Tools::Basic;
my $compare = filter $events => 'Test2::Tools::Compare';
# Grab events generated by tools named 'ok'.
my $oks = filter $events => qr/.*::ok$/;
my $grouped = group_events $events;
# Breaks events into this structure:
'__NA__' => [ ... ],
'Test2::Tools::Basic' => {
'__ALL__' => [ $events->[0], $events->[1], $events->[2] ],
plan => [ $events->[0] ],
pass => [ $events->[1] ],
ok => [ $events->[2] ],
Test2::Tools::Compare => { ... },
# Get an arrayref of all the assert facets from the list of events.
my $assert_facets = facets assert => $events;
# [
# bless({ details => 'pass', pass => 1}, 'Test2::EventFacet::Assert'),
# bless({ details => 'pass', pass => 1}, 'Test2::EventFacet::Assert'),
# ]
# Same, but for info facets
my $info_facets = facets info => $events;
No subs are exported by default.
- $array_ref = filter $events => $PACKAGE
- $array_ref = filter $events => $PACKAGE1, $PACKAGE2
- $array_ref = filter $events => qr/match/
- $array_ref = filter $events => qr/match/, $PACKAGE
This function takes an arraref of events as the first argument. All additional arguments must either be a package name, or a regex. Any event that is generated by a tool in any of the package, or by a tool that matches any of the regexes, will be returned in an arrayref.
- $grouped = group_events($events)
This function iterates all the events in the argument arrayref and splits them into groups. The resulting data structure is:
{ PACKAGE => { SUBNAME => [ $EVENT1, $EVENT2, ... }}
If the package of an event is not known it wil be put into and arrayref under the '__NA__' key at the root of the structure. If a sub name is not known it will typically go under the '__ANON__' key in under the package name.
In addition there is an '__ALL__' key under each package which stores all of the events sorted into that group.
A more complete example:
{ '__NA__' => [ $event->[3] ], 'Test2::Tools::Basic' => { '__ALL__' => [ $events->[0], $events->[1], $events->[2] ], plan => [ $events->[0] ], pass => [ $events->[1] ], ok => [ $events->[2] ], }, }
- $arrayref = facets TYPE => $events
This function will compile a list of all facets of the specified type that are found in the arrayref of events. If the facet has a
package available then the facet will be constructed into an instance of the class, otherwise it is left as a hashref. Facet Order is $assert_facets = facets assert => $events; # [ # bless({ details => 'pass', pass => 1}, 'Test2::EventFacet::Assert'), # bless({ details => 'pass', pass => 1}, 'Test2::EventFacet::Assert'), # ]
The source code repository for Test2-Suite can be found at
Copyright 2017 Chad Granum <>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.