Date::Set::ICal - internal use - an Infinity + Date::ICal object


See Date::Set

This module is for Date::Set internal use only!

It's purpose is to provide 'infinity' number handling. It also adds some cacheing for string, epoch and new.


$new($self, $arg)

$arg can be a string, another Date::Set::ICal object, a Date::ICal object, Inf or -Inf.


The object is a pointer to $NEW_CACHE{$string}. Using memoization with %NEW_CACHE makes the program 16% faster.

Each $NEW_CACHE{$string} has 3 keys:

{string} - optional key - a string representation. What you get if you put one of these objects in doublequotes.

{epoch} - a number representation.

{ical} - a Date::ICal object.


Stringifies the object; what gets called if you put one of these objects in doublequotes.


Returns the object as a "standard" Date::ICal object.

We don't know what happens if we input an 'infinity' value.


Flavio Soibelmann Glock <>