The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package PNI::Edge;
use strict;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
my $arg = {@_};
# $source is not required but should be a PNI::Slot::Out
my $source = $arg->{source};
if ( defined $source and not $source->isa('PNI::Slot::Out') ) {
return PNI::Error::invalid_argument_type;
$self->add( source => $source );
# $target is not required but should be a PNI::Slot::In
my $target = $arg->{target};
if ( defined $target and not $target->isa('PNI::Slot::In') ) {
return PNI::Error::invalid_argument_type;
$self->add( target => $target );
defined $source and $source->add_edge($self);
defined $target and $target->add_edge($self);
# Finally, if both source and target are defined emulate a task method
# TODO this could be inside an init method
if ( defined $source and defined $target ) {
$target->set_data( $source->get_data );
return $self
# return $source : PNI::Slot::Out
sub get_source { shift->get('source') }
# return $target : PNI::Slot::In
sub get_target { shift->get('target') }
sub task {
my $self = shift;
# Nothing to do if there is no source.
my $source = $self->get_source or return 1;
# Nothing to do if there is no target.
my $target = $self->get_target or return 1;
# This is Edge's task: pass data from target to source.
$target->set_data( $source->get_data );
return 1
=head1 NAME
PNI::Edge - is used to connect two slots
# connects the output of a node to the input of another node
my $edge = PNI::Edge->new( source => $output, target => $input );
my $not_connected_edge = PNI::Edge->new;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<get_source>
my $output = $edge->get_source;
=head2 C<get_target>
my $input = $edge->get_target;
=head2 C<task>
If edge is connected, pass data from target to source.