Changes for version 0.05 - 2012-05-28
- (Update) Added use of Plack::Builder and Plack::Middleware::AccessLog in default configuration.
- (Update) Added Service Description resultFormat triples for SPARQL XML and JSON Results.
- (Update) Renamed Service Description sd:defaultDatasetDescription property to sd:defaultDataset.
- (Update) Croak when unable to open file handles
- (Update) Updated see also link to SPARQL Protocol (1.1).
- (Update) Improved HTTP error status code messages.
- (Addition) Use a default in-memory store if no config file is available.
- (Addition) Let RDF_ENDPOINT_FILE env variable override the Config::JFDI default.
- (Update) Require a recent version (0.99) of Plack::Request with support for logging.
- (Update) Fixed bug in handling of update requests.
- (Update) Improved conformance with SPARQL 1.1 Protocol spec.
- (Update) Removed custom logging code (should be done with Plack middleware).
A SPARQL Protocol Endpoint implementation