Tk::ColorPicker - Frame based megawidget for selecting a color.
use Tk::ColorPicker;
my $pick = $widow->ColorPicker->pack;
Tk::ColorPicker lets you edit a color in RGB, CMY and HSV space. It has a facility to pick a screen color with your mouse. And it offers a history of previous selected colors. It can work in color depths of 4, 8, 12 or 16 bits per channel. You can switch color depth on the fly.
- Switch: -colordepth
Default value 8 bits per color channel. Can be 4, 8, 12 or 16;
- Switch: -depthselect
Default value 0. If set a row of radiobuttons is diplayed allowing you to switch color depth.
- Switch: -historycolumns
Default value 6. Number of columns in the history tab.
- Switch: -historyfile
Undefined by default. Here you set the filename from where the history is saved and loaded.
- Switch: -indborderwidth
Default value 2. Borderwidth of indicator labels in the recent tab.
- Switch: -indicatorwidth
Default value 4. Width of the indicator labels in the recent tab.
- Switch: -indrelief
Default value 'sunken'. Relief of the indicator labels in the recent tab.
- Switch: -maxhistory
Default value 32.Specifies the maximum number of entries in the history list.
- Switch: -sliderheight
Default value 200. Sets the length of all channel sliders.
- Switch: -updatecall
Set this callback to reflect changes to the outside. Gets the current coloras parameter.
- colorDepth($hexcolor)
Returns the color depth of $hexcolor.
- compoundColor
Returns a hex color string based on the Red, Green and Blue channels.
- convertDepth($string, ?<I$depth>?)
- hex2rgb($hex)
Converts $hex to Red, Green Blue values.
- hexString($num, ?$depth?>)
Returns the hexadecimal notation of $num. If depth is not specified, -colordepth is used
- historyAdd($color)
Adds color to the History list. Saves the list and updates the history tab.
- historyClear
Clears the history list.
- historyLoad
Loads the history file if it is specified.
- historyNew($color)
Adds $color to the history list
- historyReset
Clears the history list. Then saves and updates.
- historySave
Saves the history list.
- historyUpdate
Updates the history tab.
- maxChannelValue
Returns the maximum values for the Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels, based on -colordepth.
- put($color)
Changes all sliders to match $color
- rgb2hex($red, $green, $blue, ?$depth?)
Converts the red, green and blue values to a hexstring. If depth is not specified, -colordepth is used.
- validate(?$color?)
Returns true if $color is a valid hexcolor.
Same as Perl.
Switching color depth straight after initialization gives unwanted results.
Cancelling a pick operation only works in the context of Tk::ColorEntry.