Changes for version 0.273 - 2015-11-17

  • Adding describeRepository command
  • Adding support for reading and adding to the Fedora default namespace
  • Adding support to switch namespaces using the bag('name')
  • Listing all objects is only within one namespace


Fedora Commons Administrative client


Low level Catmandu interface to the Fedora Commons REST API
Perl model for the Fedora 'addRelationship' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getDatastreamHistory' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'addDatastream', 'getDatastream', 'modifyDatastream','setDatastreamState' and 'setDatastreamVersionable' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'describe' method call
Perl model for the Fedora 'export' and 'getObjectXML' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'findObjects' and 'resumeFindObjects' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getDatastreamDissemination' or 'getDissemination' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getObjectHistory' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getObjectProfile' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getRelationships' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'ingest' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'listDatastreams' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'listMethods' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'modifyObject' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'getNextPID' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'purgeDatastream' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'purgeObject' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'purgeRelationship' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'upload' REST call
Perl model for the Fedora 'validate' REST call
Perl model for generic Fedora Commons REST API responses
A Catmandu::Store plugin for the Fedora Commons repository


in lib/Catmandu/Store/
in lib/Catmandu/Store/FedoraCommons/
in lib/Catmandu/Store/FedoraCommons/