Brannigan::Tree - A Brannigan validation/parsing scheme tree, possibly built from a series of inherited schemes.


version 0.7


This module is used internally by Brannigan. Basically, a tree is a validation/parsing scheme in its "final", workable structure, taking any inherited schemes into account. The actual validation and parsing of input is done by this module.


new( $scheme | @schemes )

Creates a new Brannigan::Tree instance from one or more schemes.

process( \%params )

Validates and parses the hash-ref of input parameters. Returns a hash-ref of the parsed input, possibly containing a '_rejects' hash-ref with a list of failed validations for each failed parameter.

validate( \%params )

Validates the hash-ref of input parameters and returns a hash-ref of rejects (i.e. failed validation methods) for each parameter.

parse( \%params, \%param_rules, [\%group_rules] )

Receives a hash-ref of parameters, a hash-ref of parameter rules (this is the 'params' part of a scheme) and optionally a hash-ref of group rules (this is the 'groups' part of a scheme), parses the parameters according to these rules and returns a hash-ref of all the parameters after parsing.


_validate_param( $param, $value, \%validations )

Receives the name of a parameter, its value, and a hash-ref of validations to assert against. Returns a list of validations that failed for this parameter. Depending on the type of the parameter (either scalar, hash or array), this method will call one of the following three methods.

_validate_scalar( $param, $value, \%validations, [$type] )

Receives the name of a parameter, its value, and a hash-ref of validations to assert against. Returns a list of all failed validations for this parameter. If the parameter is a child of a hash/array parameter, then $type must be provided with either 'hash' or 'array'.

_validate_array( $param, $value, \%validations )

Receives the name of an array parameter, its value, and a hash-ref of validations to assert against. Returns a list of validations that failed for this parameter.

_validate_hash( $param, $value, \%validations )

Receives the name of a hash parameter, its value, and a hash-ref of validations to assert against. Returns a list of validations that failed for this parameter.

_merge_trees( @trees )

Merges two or more hash-refs of validation/parsing trees and returns the resulting tree. The merge is performed in order, so trees later in the array (i.e. on the right) "tramp" the trees on the left.


Brannigan, Brannigan::Validations.


Ido Perlmuter, <ido at ido50 dot net>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-brannigan at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Brannigan::Tree

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2010 Ido Perlmuter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.