racknotes - A command line interface to Rackspace Email Notes.
SYNOPSIS Usage: racknotes command [arguments]
Available Commands:
add add a new note, content is read from stdin
append append the content of stdin to the note
delete delete the note
help show syntax and available commands
list lists id and subject of all notes
show show the contents of the note
- -h|--help
Print a brief help message.
- add -s|--subject=SUBJECT
Add a new note with the given subject. The contents of the note will be read from stdin.
- append -n|--num=NUM
Append the content of stdin to the note.
- delete -n|--num=NUM
Delete the note.
- list
List the id and subject of all the notes.
- show -n|--num=NUM
Show the contents of the note.
This program is a command line tool to interface with Rackspace Email Notes.