

# paginate the alphabet into groups of 10 letters each
my $paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new(10)
# print the second page (K..T)
foreach( $paginator->page(2) ) {
	print $_;


This module helps me create pagination without a lot of fuss. I looked at other pagination modules (see also, below) and their interfaces were cumbersome for me.

This module will NOT...

Keep track of the current page for you
Screw with your CGI or other environment
Generate any HTML

If you're using Template Toolkit you probably want to use Data::Pageset or Data::SpreadPagination because they have lots of subs that work great with the way TT is set up.



$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new();

$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new($number_per_page);
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new($number_per_page, A..Z);

Creates a new pagination object to split up data into sets of $number_per_page. Default items per page is 10, and default data is the empty list.


$paginator->data( @items );

@all = $paginator->data;

This method lets you set new data items for the paginator. It stores a shallow copy of the array, not a reference to it.

Return value is the current data array.



$items_per_page = $paginator->size;

This method lets you set the size of the page, a.k.a. the number of items per page.

Return value is the size of the page.


$number_of_pages = $paginator->pages;

Returns the number of pages based on the data you provide and the number of items per page that you set.


@contents = $paginator->page($number);

@first_page = $paginator->page(1);

@last_page = $paginator->page( $paginator->pages );

The first page is page 1, the last page is number of pages.

Returns items from @list that are on the specified page. If you give an invalid page number or one that's out of range for your data set you get an empty list.


use Data::SimplePaginator;

# paginate the alphabet into groups of 10 letters each

my $paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new(10,A..Z);

# print just the first page, A .. J

print "first page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page(1)) . "\n";

# print every page

foreach my $page ( 1..$paginator->pages ) {
  print "page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($page)) . "\n";

# print just the last page, U .. Z

print "last page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($paginator->pages)) . "\n";

# add more elements to the paginator

$paginator->data( $paginator->data, 1..4, map { lc } A..Z, 5..8 );

# create a pageset paginator to group pages in sets of 3

my $pageset = Data::SimplePaginator->new(3, 1..$paginator->pages);

# print every page, grouping into pagesets

foreach my $setnum ( 1..$pageset->pages ) {
  print "pageset $setnum\n";
  foreach my $page ( $pageset->page($setnum) ) {
    print "  page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($page)) . "\n";

# print every page, grouping into pagesets, resetting page numbers

foreach my $setnum ( 1..$pageset->pages ) {
  print "pageset $setnum\n";
  foreach my $page ( 1..$pageset->page($setnum) ) {
    print "  page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page( ($pageset->page($setnum))[$page-1])) . "\n";


The other paginators I looked at before deciding to write this one:

Data::Page (also: Data::Pageset, Data::SpreadPagination)


Jonathan Buhacoff <>


Copyright (C) 2004 Jonathan Buhacoff. All rights reserved.

This library is free software and can be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.