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# -*- perl -*-
# DB/Object/Mysql/
# Version 0.3
# Copyright(c) 2019 Jacques Deguest
# Author: Jacques Deguest <>
# Created 2017/07/19
# Modified 2019/06/17
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# This package's purpose is to automatically terminate the statement object and
# separate them from the connection object (DB::Object).
# Connection object last longer than statement objects
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;
use parent qw( DB::Object::Statement DB::Object::Mysql );
$VERSION = 'v0.300.0';
$DEBUG = 0;
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub bind_param
# sub commit is called by dbh, so it is in DB::Object::Postgres
# Customised for MySQL
sub distinct
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $query = $self->{query} ||
return( $self->error( "No query to set as to be ignored." ) );
my $type = uc( ( $query =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+/ )[ 0 ] );
# ALTER for table alteration statements (DB::Object::Tables
my @allowed = qw( SELECT );
my $allowed = CORE::join( '|', @allowed );
if( !scalar( grep{ /^$type$/i } @allowed ) )
return( $self->error( "You may not flag statement of type \U$type\E to be distinct:\n$query" ) );
# Incompatible. Do not bother going further
return( $self ) if( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(?:$allowed)[[:blank:]]+(?:DISTINCT|DISTINCTROW|ALL)[[:blank:]]+/i );
$query =~ s/^([[:blank:]]*)($allowed)([[:blank:]]+)/$1$2 DISTINCT /;
my $sth = $self->_cache_this( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing new ignored query:\n$query" ) );
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$sth->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing new ignored query:\n$query" ) );
return( $sth );
# Customised for MySQL
sub dump
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $args = @_ == 1 ? shift( @_ ) : { @_ };
my $vsep = ",";
my $hsep = "\n";
my $width = 35;
require IO::File;
my $fh = IO::File->new;
$fh->fdopen( fileno( STDOUT ), 'w' );
$vsep = $args->{vsep} if( exists( $args->{vsep} ) );
$hsep = $args->{hsep} if( exists( $args->{hsep} ) );
$width = $args->{width} if( exists( $args->{width} ) );
my @fields = @{$self->{sth}->FETCH( 'NAME' )};
return( $self->error( "No query to dump." ) ) if( !exists( $self->{sth} ) );
if( exists( $args->{file} ) )
# new_file is inherited from Module::Generic and uses Module::Generic::File
my $file = $self->new_file( $args->{file} ) || return( $self->pass_error );
$fh = $file->open( '>', { binmode => 'utf8' }) || return( $self->error( "Unable to open file $file in write mode: $!" ) );
my @header = sort{ $fields->{ $a } <=> $fields->{ $b } } keys( %$fields );
my $date = DateTime->now;
my $table = $self->{table};
$fh->printf( "# Generated on %s for table $table\n", $date->strftime( '%c' ) );
$fh->print( "# ", CORE::join( "\t", @header ), "\n" );
my @data = ();
while( @data = $self->fetchrow() )
$fh->print( CORE::join( "\t", @data ), "\n" );
return( $self );
elsif( exists( $args->{fh} ) )
if( !fileno( $args->{fh} ) )
return( $self->error( "The file descriptor provided does not seem to be valid (not open)" ) );
$fh = IO::File->new_from_fd( $args->{fh}, 'w' ) || return( $self->error( $! ) );
my $max = 0;
# foreach my $field ( keys( %$fields ) )
foreach my $field ( @fields )
$max = length( $field ) if( length( $field ) > $max );
my $template = '';
# foreach my $field ( sort{ $fields->{ $a } <=> $fields->{ $b } } keys( %$fields ) )
foreach my $field ( @fields )
$template .= "$field" . ( '.' x ( $max - length( $field ) ) ) . ": %s\n";
$template .= "\n";
my @data = ();
while( @data = $self->fetchrow() )
$fh->printf( $template, @data );
return( $self );
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub execute
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub executed
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub fetchall_arrayref($@)
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub fetchcol($;$)
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub fetchhash(@)
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub fetchrow(@)
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub finish
sub ignore
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $query = $self->{query} ||
return( $self->error( "No query to set as to be ignored." ) );
my $type = uc( ( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(\S+)[[:blank:]]+/ )[ 0 ] );
# ALTER for table alteration statements (DB::Object::Tables
my @allowed = qw( INSERT UPDATE ALTER );
my $allowed = CORE::join( '|', @allowed );
if( !scalar( grep{ /^$type$/i } @allowed ) )
return( $self->error( "You may not flag statement of type \U$type\E to be ignored:\n$query" ) );
# Incompatible. Do not bother going further
return( $self ) if( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(?:$allowed)[[:blank:]]+(?:DELAYED|LOW_PRIORITY|HIGH_PRIORITY)[[:blank:]]+/i );
return( $self ) if( $type eq 'ALTER' && $query !~ /^[[:blank:]]*$type[[:blank:]]+TABLE[[:blank:]]+/i );
$query =~ s/^([[:blank:]]*)($allowed)([[:blank:]]+)/$1$2 IGNORE /;
my $sth = $self->_cache_this( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing new ignored query:\n$query" ) );
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$sth->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing new ignored query:\n$query" ) );
return( $sth );
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub join
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub object
sub only
return( shift->error( "SELECT | DELETE | UPDATE ONLY is not supported by Mysql." ) );
sub priority
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $prio = shift( @_ );
my $map =
# Bad argument. Do not bother
return( $self ) if( !exists( $map->{ $prio } ) );
my $query = $self->{query} ||
return( $self->error( "No query to set priority for was provided." ) );
my $type = uc( ( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(\S+)[[:blank:]]+/ )[ 0 ] );
my $allowed = CORE::join( '|', @allowed );
# Ignore if not allowed
if( !scalar( grep{ /^$type$/i } @allowed ) )
$self->error( "You may not set priority on statement of type \U$type\E:\n$query" );
return( $self );
# Incompatible. Do not bother going further
return( $self ) if( $query =~ /^\s*(?:$allowed)\s+(?:DELAYED|LOW_PRIORITY|HIGH_PRIORITY)\s+/i );
# SELECT with something else than HIGH_PRIORITY is incompatible, so do not bother to go further
return( $self ) if( $prio != 1 && $type =~ /^(?:SELECT)$/i );
return( $self ) if( $prio != 0 && $type =~ /^(?:DELETE|INSERT|REPLACE|UPDATE)$/i );
$query =~ s/^([[:blank:]]*)($allowed)([[:blank:]]+)/$1$2 $map->{ $prio } /i;
my $sth = $self->_cache_this( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing new low priority query:\n$query" ) );
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$sth->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing new low priority query:\n$query" ) );
return( $sth );
# rollback is called using the dbh handler and is located in DB::Object::Postgres
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub rows(@)
# Inherited from DB::Object::Statement
# sub undo
sub wait
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $query = $self->{query} ||
return( $self->error( "No query to set as to be delayed." ) );
my $type = ( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(\S+)[[:blank:]]+/ )[ 0 ];
my @allowed = qw( INSERT REPLACE );
my $allowed = CORE::join( '|', @allowed );
# Ignore if not allowed
if( !scalar( grep{ /^$type$/i } @allowed ) )
$self->error( "You may not use wait (delayed query) on statement of type \U$type\E:\n$query" );
return( $self );
# Incompatible. Do not bother going further
return( $self ) if( $query =~ /^[[:blank:]]*(?:$allowed)[[:blank:]]+(?:DELAYED|LOW_PRIORITY|HIGH_PRIORITY)[[:blank:]]+/i );
$query =~ s/^([[:blank:]]*)($allowed)([[:blank:]]+)/$1$2 DELAYED /i;
my $sth = $self->_cache_this( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing new delayed query:\n$query" ) );
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$sth->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing new delayed query:\n$query" ) );
return( $sth );
# Do nothing but existing so it is handled by this package
# print( STDERR "DESTROY'ing statement $self ($self->{ 'query' })\n" );
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
DB::Object::Mysql::Query - Statement Object for MySQL
use DB::Object::Mysql::Statement;
my $this = DB::Object::Mysql::Statement->new || die( DB::Object::Mysql::Statement->error, "\n" );
=head1 VERSION
This is a MySQL specific statement object.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 distinct
This takes no argument and this will modify the query to add the keyword C<DISTINCT>
# produces SELECT DISTINCT....
$sth->distinct( 'name' );
# produces SELECT DISTINCT ON (name)....
If called in void context, this will execute the prepare statement handler immediately.
It returns the newly created statement handler.
See L<MySQL documentation for more information|>
=head2 dump
This will dump the result of the query to STDOUT or to a file if I<file> argument is provided, or if a filehandle is provided with I<fh>, it will be used to print out the data.
It takes also a I<vsep>, which defaults to a command and a I<hsep> which defaults to a new line.
It returns the current object.
=head2 ignore
This takes no argument and this will modify the queries of type C<alter>, C<insert>, C<update> to add the keyword C<IGNORE>
# produces INSERT IGNORE....
If called in void context, this will execute the prepare statement handler immediately.
It returns the newly created statement handler.
See L<MySQL documentation for more information|>
=head2 only
This returns an error as C<SELECT FROM ONLY> is not supported by MySQL.
=head2 priority
Provided with a priority integer that can be 0 or 1 with 0 being C<LOW_PRIORITY> and 1 being C<HIGH_PRIORITY> and this will adjust the query formatted to add the priority. This works only on Mysql drive though.
If used on queries other than C<DELETE>, C<INSERT>, C<REPLACE>, C<SELECT>, C<UPDATE> an error will be returned.
If called in void context, this will execute the newly create statement handler immediately.
It returns the newly create statement handler.
=head2 wait
$sth->wait || die( $sth->error );
This takes no parameter and only works on queries of type C<INSERT> or C<UPDATE>. It will modify the previously prepared query to add the keyword C<DELAYED>
If called in void context, this will execute the prepare statement handler immediately.
It returns the newly created statement handler.
See L<MySQL documentation for more information|>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<>E<gt>
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
files under the same terms as Perl itself.