# -*- perl -*-
## DB/Object/SQLite/Tables.pm
## Version 0.3
## Copyright(c) 2019 Jacques Deguest
## Author: Jacques Deguest <jack@deguest.jp>
## Created 2017/07/19
## Modified 2019/06/18
## All rights reserved.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the same terms as Perl itself.
## This package's purpose is to separate the object of the tables from the main
## DB::Object package so that when they get DESTROY'ed, it does not interrupt
## the SQL connection
require 5.6.0;
use strict;
use parent qw( DB::Object::SQLite DB::Object::Tables );
$VERSION = '0.3';
$DEBUG = 0;
sub init
return( shift->DB::Object::Tables::init( @_ ) );
##----{ End of generic routines }----##
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub alter
sub create
my $self = shift( @_ );
## $tbl->create( [ 'ROW 1', 'ROW 2'... ], { 'temporary' => 1, 'TYPE' => ISAM }, $obj );
my $data = shift( @_ ) || [];
my $opt = shift( @_ ) || {};
my $sth = shift( @_ );
my $table = $self->{ 'table' };
## Set temporary in the object, so we can use it to recreate the table creation info as string:
## $table->create( [ ... ], { ... }, $obj )->as_string();
my $temp = $self->{ 'temporary' } = delete( $opt->{ 'temporary' } );
## Check possible options
my $allowed =
'type' => qr/^(ISAM|MYISAM|HEAP)$/i,
'auto_increment' => qr/^(1|0)$/,
'avg_row_length' => qr/^\d+$/,
'checksum' => qr/^(1|0)$/,
'comment' => qr//,
'max_rows' => qr/^\d+$/,
'min_rows' => qr/^\d+$/,
'pack_keys' => qr/^(1|0)$/,
'password' => qr//,
'delay_key_write' => qr/^\d+$/,
'row_format' => qr/^(default|dynamic|static|compressed)$/i,
'raid_type' => qr/^(?:1|STRIPED|RAID0|RAID_CHUNKS\s*=\s*\d+|RAID_CHUNKSIZE\s*=\s*\d+)$/,
my @options = ();
my @errors = ();
## Avoid working for nothing, make this condition
if( %$opt )
my %lc_opt = map{ lc( $_ ) => $opt->{ $_ } } keys( %$opt );
$opt = \%lc_opt;
foreach my $key ( keys( %$opt ) )
next if( $opt->{ $key } =~ /^\s*$/ || !exists( $allowed->{ $key } ) );
if( $opt->{ $key } !~ /$allowed->{ $key }/ )
push( @errors, $key );
push( @options, $key );
$opt->{comment} = "'" . quotemeta( $opt->{comment} ) . "'" if( exists( $opt->{comment} ) );
$opt->{password} = "'" . $opt->{password} . "'" if( exists( $opt->{password} ) );
if( @errors )
warn( "The options '", join( ', ', @errors ), "' were either not recognized or malformed and thus were ignored.\n" );
## Check statement
my $select = '';
if( $sth && ref( $sth ) && ( $sth->isa( "DB::Object::Statement" ) || $sth->can( 'as_string' ) ) )
$select = $sth->as_string();
if( $select !~ /^\s*(?:IGNORE|REPLACE)*\s*\bSELECT\s+/ )
return( $self->error( "SELECT statement to use to create table is invalid:\n$select" ) );
if( $self->exists() == 0 )
my $query = 'CREATE ' . ( $temp ? 'TEMPORARY ' : '' ) . "TABLE $table ";
## Structure of table if any -
## structure may very well be provided using a select statement, such as:
my $def = "(\n" . CORE::join( ",\n", @$data ) . "\n)" if( $data && ref( $data ) && @$data );
my $tdef = CORE::join( ' ', map{ "\U$_\E = $opt->{ $_ }" } @options );
if( !$def && !$select )
return( $self->error( "Lacking table '$table' structure information to create it." ) );
$query .= join( ' ', $def, $tdef, $select );
my $new = $self->prepare( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing query to create table '$table':\n$query", $self->errstr() ) );
## Trick so other method may follow, such as as_string(), fetchrow(), rows()
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$self->message( "wantarray in void context" );
$new->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing query to create table '$table':\n$query", $new->errstr() ) );
return( $new );
return( $self->error( "Table '$table' already exists." ) );
sub create_info
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $table = $self->{table};
my $struct = $self->{structure};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $default = $self->{default};
my $primary = $self->{primary};
my @output = ();
foreach my $field ( sort{ $fields->{ $a } <=> $fields->{ $b } } keys( %$fields ) )
push( @output, "$field $struct->{ $field }" );
push( @output, "PRIMARY KEY(" . CORE::join( ',', @$primary ) . ")" ) if( $primary && @$primary );
my $info = $self->stat( $table );
my @opt = ();
push( @opt, "TYPE = $info->{type}" ) if( $info->{type} );
my $addons = $info->{ 'create_options' };
if( $addons )
$addons =~ s/(\A|\s+)([\w\_]+)\s*=\s*/$1\U$2\E=/g;
push( @opt, $addons );
push( @opt, "COMMENT='" . quotemeta( $info->{comment} ) . "'" ) if( $info->{comment} );
my $str = "CREATE TABLE $table (\n\t" . CORE::join( ",\n\t", @output ) . "\n)";
$str .= ' ' . CORE::join( ' ', @opt ) if( @opt );
$str .= ';';
return( @output ? $str : undef() );
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub default
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub drop
sub exists
return( shift->table_exists( shift( @_ ) ) );
sub lock { return( shift->error( "There is no table locking in SQLite." ) ); }
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub name
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub null
## Inherited from DB::Object::Tables
## sub primary
sub rename
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $table = $self->{table} ||
return( $self->error( 'No table was provided to rename' ) );
my $new = shift( @_ ) ||
return( $self->error( "No new table name was provided to rename table '$table'." ) );
if( $new !~ /^[\w\_]+$/ )
return( $self->error( "Bad new table name '$new'." ) );
my $query = "ALTER TABLE $table RENAME TO $new";
my $sth = $self->prepare( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing query to rename table '$table' into '$new':\n$query", $self->errstr() ) );
if( !defined( wantarray() ) )
$sth->execute() ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing query to rename table '$table' into '$new':\n$query", $sth->errstr() ) );
return( $sth );
sub structure
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $table = shift( @_ ) || $self->{table} ||
$self->error( "No table provided to get its structure." );
return( wantarray() ? () : undef() );
my $sth1 = $self->prepare_cached( "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?" ) ||
return( $self->error( "An error occured while preparing the sql query to get the details of table \"$table\": ", $self->errstr() ) );
$sth1->execute( $table ) || return( $self->error( "An erro occured while executing the sql query to get the details of table \"$table\": ", $sth1->errstr() ) );
my $def = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref;
## table or view
$self->{type} = $def->{type};
## $self->_reset_query();
## delete( $self->{ 'query_reset' } );
## my $struct = $self->{ '_structure_real' } || $self->{ 'struct' }->{ $table };
my $struct = $self->{structure};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $default = $self->{default};
my $null = $self->{null};
my $types = $self->{types};
if( !%$fields || !%$struct || !%$default )
$self->message( 3, "No structure, field, default values, null or types set yet for this table '$table' object. Populating." );
## my $query = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ?";
my $query = <<EOT;
PRAGMA table_info(${table})
## select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'address'
my $sth = $self->prepare_cached( $query ) ||
return( $self->error( "Error while preparing query to get table '$table' columns specification: ", $self->errstr() ) );
$sth->execute ||
return( $self->error( "Error while executing query to get table '$table' columns specification: ", $sth->errstr() ) );
my @primary = ();
my $ref = '';
my $c = 0;
my $type_convert =
'int' => 'integer',
## Mysql: field, type, null, key, default, extra
## Postgres: tablename, field, field_num, type, len, comment, is_nullable, key, foreign_key, default
## SQLite: cid, name, type, notnull, dflt_value, pk
while( $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() )
my %data = map{ lc( $_ ) => $ref->{ $_ } } keys( %$ref );
$data{default} = CORE::delete( $data{dflt_value} );
$data{field} = CORE::delete( $data{name} );
$data{key} = CORE::delete( $data{pk} );
if( exists( $type_convert->{ $data{type} } ) )
$data{type} = $type_convert->{ $data{type} };
$data{default} = '' if( !defined( $data{default} ) );
## push( @order, $data{ 'field' } );
$fields->{ $data{field} } = ++$c;
$types->{ $data{field} } = $data{ 'type' };
$default->{ $data{field} } = '';
$default->{ $data{field} } = $data{ 'default' } if( $data{default} ne '' && $data{notnull} );
$null->{ $data{field} } = $data{ 'notnull' } ? 0 : 1;
my @define = ( $data{type} );
push( @define, "DEFAULT '$data{default}'" ) if( $data{default} ne '' || $data{notnull} );
push( @define, "NOT NULL" ) if( $data{notnull} );
push( @primary, $data{field} ) if( $data{key} );
$struct->{ $data{field} } = CORE::join( ' ', @define );
if( @primary )
## $struct->{ '_primary' } = \@primary;
$self->{primary} = \@primary;
## $self->{ '_structure_real' } = $struct;
$self->{default} = $default;
$self->{fields} = $fields;
$self->{structure} = $struct;
$self->{types} = $types;
$self->message( 3, "Fields found: ", sub{ $self->dumper( $fields ) } );
# $self->message( sprintf( "struct has %d keys", scalar( keys( %$struct ) ) ) );
return( wantarray() ? () : undef() ) if( !scalar( keys( %$struct ) ) );
return( wantarray() ? %$struct : \%$struct );
sub unlock { return( shift->error( "Locking and unlocking of tables is unsupportde in SQLite." ) ); }
## Inherited from DB::Object
## sub _simple_exist
## Do nothing
## DB::Object::Tables are never destroyed.
## They are just gateway to tables, and they are cached by DB::Object::table()
## print( STDERR "DESTROY'ing table $self ($self->{ 'table' })\n" );