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## HTML Object - ~/lib/HTML/Object/DOM/
## Version v0.2.0
## Copyright(c) 2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
## Author: Jacques Deguest <>
## Created 2021/12/13
## Modified 2022/09/18
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw( HTML::Object::Comment HTML::Object::DOM::CharacterData );
use vars qw( $VERSION );
our $VERSION = 'v0.2.0';
use strict;
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
$self->{_init_strict_use_sub} = 1;
$self->HTML::Object::Comment::init( @_ ) || return( $self->pass_error );
return( $self );
sub getAttributes { return( wantarray() ? () : [] ); }
sub getChildNodes { return( wantarray() ? () : [] ); }
sub getElementById { return; }
sub getFirstChild { return; }
sub getLastChild { return; }
sub getParentNode { return( shift->parent ); }
sub getRootNode { return( shift->parent->getRootNode ); }
sub getValue { return( shift->value ); }
sub isEqualNode
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $e = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No html element was provided to insert." ) );
return( $self->error( "Element provided (", overload::StrVal( $e ), ") is not an HTML::Object::Element." ) ) if( !$self->_is_a( $e => 'HTML::Object::Element' ) );
return(0) if( !$self->_is_a( $e => 'HTML::Object::Comment' ) );
return( $self->value eq $e->value );
sub isAttributeNode { return(0); }
sub isCommentNode { return(1); }
sub isElementNode { return(0); }
sub isNamespaceNode { return(0); }
sub isPINode { return(0); }
sub isProcessingInstructionNode { return(0); }
sub isTextNode { return(0); }
# Note: Property
sub nodeValue : lvalue { return( shift->_set_get_lvalue( 'value', @_ ) ); }
sub string_value { return( shift->value ); }
sub toString { return( shift->value ); }
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
HTML::Object::DOM::Comment - HTML Object DOM Comment Class
use HTML::Object::DOM::Comment;
my $this = HTML::Object::DOM::Comment->new( value => $some_comment ) ||
die( HTML::Object::DOM::Comment->error, "\n" );
=head1 VERSION
The L<Comment|HTML::Object::DOM::Comment> interface represents textual notations within markup; although it is generally not visually shown, such comments are available to be read in the source view.
Comments are represented in HTML and XML as content between '<!--' and '-->'. In XML, like inside SVG or MathML markup, the character sequence '--' cannot be used within a comment.
It inherits from L<HTML::Object::Comment> and L<HTML::Object::DOM::CharacterData>
+-----------------------+ +---------------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+
| HTML::Object::Element | --> | HTML::Object::EventTarget | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Node | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::CharacterData | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Comment |
+-----------------------+ +---------------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+
| ^
| |
v |
+-----------------------+ |
| HTML::Object::Comment | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
=head2 nodeValue
Sets or gets the text value for this element.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 getAttributes
Returns an empty list in list context, or an empty array reference in scalar context.
=head2 getChildNodes
Returns an empty list in list context, or an empty array reference in scalar context.
=head2 getElementById
Returns an empty list in list context, or C<undef> in scalar context.
=head2 getFirstChild
Returns an empty list in list context, or C<undef> in scalar context.
=head2 getLastChild
Returns an empty list in list context, or C<undef> in scalar context.
=head2 getParentNode
Returns the parent node, if any.
=head2 getRootNode
Returns the L<root node|HTML::Object::DOM::Document>
=head2 getValue
Returns the text value of this comment, i.e. the text between C<<!--> and C<-->>
=head2 isAttributeNode
Returns false.
=head2 isCommentNode
Returns true.
=head2 isElementNode
Returns false.
=head2 isEqualNode
Provided with another element object, and this returns true if both comment element are the same, or false otherwise.
=head2 isNamespaceNode
Returns false.
=head2 isPINode
Returns false.
=head2 isProcessingInstructionNode
Returns false.
=head2 isTextNode
Returns false.
=head2 string_value
Returns the content of the comment as a string.
=head2 toString
Returns the content of the comment as a string.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<>E<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright(c) 2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.