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# -*- perl -*-
## REST API Framework - ~/lib/Net/API/REST.pm
## Version v0.8.1
## Copyright(c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
## Author: Jacques Deguest <jack@deguest.jp>
## Created 2019/09/01
## Modified 2023/01/05
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw( $VERSION $DEBUG $API_VERSION );
use curry;
use version;
use Encode ();
use Apache2::Const qw( :common :http );
use APR::Base64 ();
use APR::Request ();
use APR::UUID ();
use JSON::PP ();
# use Nice::Try debug => 6, debug_file => '/usr/local/src/perl/Net-API-REST/dev/debug_nice_try.pl', debug_code => 1;
use Nice::Try dont_want => 1;
use Scalar::Util ();
# use Crypt::JWT;
# 2019-09-26
# We use our own drop-in replacement because of a bug in ModPerl and JSON::XS not recognising hash reference passed
use DateTime;
# use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use MIME::Base64 ();
# use IO::Compress::Gzip;
# use IO::Compress::Bzip2;
# use IO::Compress::Deflate;
$VERSION = 'v0.8.1';
use strict;
$DEBUG = 0;
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
$self->{request} = '' unless( $self->{request} );
$self->{response} = '' unless( $self->{response} );
$self->{apache_request} = '' unless( $self->{apache_request} );
# Routes to endpoint to which are attached resources
$self->{routes} = {} unless( scalar( keys( %{$self->{routes}} ) ) );
$self->{api_version} = 1 if( !length( $self->{api_version} ) );
$self->{default_methods} = [qw( GET POST )] unless( $self->{default_methods} );
$self->{is_allowed} = {} unless( $self->{is_allowed} && scalar( keys( %{$self->{is_allowed}} ) ) );
$self->{supported_methods} = [qw( DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS POST PUT )] unless( $self->{supported_methods} );
$self->{supported_api_versions} = [qw( 1 )] unless( $self->{supported_api_versions} );
$self->{key} = '' unless( length( $self->{key} ) );
$self->{jwt_accepted_algo} = [] unless( length( $self->{jwt_accepted_algo} ) );
$self->{jwt_accepted_encoding} = [] unless( length( $self->{jwt_accepted_encoding} ) );
$self->{jwt_encrypt} = 1 unless( length( $self->{jwt_encrypt} ) );
$self->{jwt_algo} = 'HS256' unless( length( $self->{jwt_algo} ) );
$self->{jwt_encoding} = 'A128GCM' unless( length( $self->{jwt_encoding} ) );
# 200Kb
$self->{compression_threshold} = 204800 unless( length( $self->{compression_threshold} ) );
$self->{lang} = '' unless( length( $self->{lang} ) );
$self->{api_uri} = '' unless( length( $self->{api_uri} ) );
$self->{is_allowed} = {} unless( $self->{is_allowed} && ref( $self->{is_allowed} ) eq 'HASH' );
# Default handlers
$self->{is_allowed}->{access} = sub{ return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK ); } unless( exists( $self->{is_allowed}->{access} ) && ref( $self->{is_allowed}->{access} ) eq 'CODE' );
$self->{is_allowed}->{network} = sub{ return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK ); } unless( exists( $self->{is_allowed}->{network} ) && ref( $self->{is_allowed}->{network} ) eq 'CODE' );
$self->SUPER::init( @_ );
if( length( $self->{api_version} ) )
$self->api_version( $self->{api_version} );
if( $self->{routes} )
$self->routes( $self->{routes} ) || return( $self->pass_error );
$self->supported_api_versions( $self->{supported_api_versions} ) if( $self->{supported_api_versions} );
foreach my $k ( qw( jwt_encrypt jwt_algo jwt_encoding jwt_accepted_algo jwt_accepted_encoding ) )
$self->$k( $self->{ $k } );
return( $self );
sub apache_request { return( shift->_set_get_object_without_init( 'apache_request', 'Apache2::RequestRec', @_ ) ); }
sub api_uri { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'api_uri', 'URI', @_ ) ); }
sub api_version
my $self = shift( @_ );
if( @_ )
my $v = shift( @_ );
unless( ref( $v ) eq 'version' )
$v = version->parse( $v );
$self->{api_version} = $v;
return( $self->{api_version} );
sub bailout
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $msg;
if( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
$msg = shift( @_ );
$msg = { code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR };
$msg->{message} = join( '', @_ ) if( @_ );
## We send the error to our error method
$msg->{code} ||= Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
$self->error( $msg ) if( $msg->{message} );
CORE::delete( $msg->{skip_frames} );
## So it gets logged or displayed on terminal
my( $pack, $file, $line ) = caller;
my $sub_str = ( caller( 1 ) )[3];
my $sub = CORE::index( $sub_str, '::' ) != -1 ? substr( $sub_str, rindex( $sub_str, '::' ) + 2 ) : $sub_str;
## Now we tweak the hash to send it to the client
$msg->{message} = CORE::delete( $msg->{public_message} ) || 'An unexpected server error has occurred';
## Give it a chance to be localised
$msg->{message} = $self->gettext( $msg->{message} );
my $ctype = $self->response->content_type;
if( $ctype eq 'application/json' )
return( $self->reply( $msg->{code}, { error => $msg->{message} } ) );
my $r = $self->apache_request;
$r->status( $msg->{code} );
$r->print( $msg->{message} );
return( $msg->{code} );
catch( $e )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
sub base_path { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'base_path', @_ ) ); }
sub checkonly { return( shift->_set_get_boolean( 'checkonly', @_ ) ); }
sub compression_threshold { return( shift->_set_get_number( 'compression_threshold', @_ ) ); }
sub decode_base64
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = shift( @_ );
return( APR::Base64::decode( $data ) );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to base64 decode data: $e" ) );
sub decode_json
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $raw = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No json data was provided to decode." ) );
my $json = $self->json;
my $hash;
$hash = $json->utf8->decode( $raw );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to decode json payload: $e" ) );
return( $hash );
sub decode_uri
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( URI::Escape::uri_unescape( shift( @_ ) ) );
sub decode_url
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( APR::Request::decode( shift( @_ ) ) );
sub decode_utf8
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $v = shift( @_ );
# try
# {
# return( Encode::decode_utf8( @_, FB_CROAK ) );
# }
# catch( $e )
# {
# return( $self->error( "Error while decoding text: $e" ) );
# }
my $rv = eval
## utf8 is more lax than the strict standard of utf-8; see Encode man page
Encode::decode( 'utf8', $v, Encode::FB_CROAK );
if( $@ )
$self->error( "Error while decoding text: $@" );
return( $v );
return( $rv );
# sub decode_utf8{ return( Encode::decode_utf8( $_[1] ) ); }
sub default_methods { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'default_methods', @_ ) ); }
# sub encode_base64 { return( APR::Base64::encode( @_ ) ); }
sub encode_base64
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = shift( @_ );
return( $self->error( "No valid to base64 encode was provided." ) ) if( !length( $data ) );
return( APR::Base64::encode( $data ) );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to base64 encode data: $e" ) );
sub encode_json
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $hash = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No perl hash reference was provided to encode." ) );
return( $self->error( "Hash provided ($hash) is not a hash reference." ) ) if( !$self->_is_hash( $hash ) );
my $json = $self->json;
my $data;
$data = $json->encode( $hash );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to encode perl data: $e\nPerl data are: ", sub{ $self->printer( $hash ) } ) );
return( $data );
sub encode_uri
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( URI::Escape::uri_escape( shift( @_ ) ) );
sub encode_url
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( APR::Request::encode( shift( @_ ) ) );
sub encode_utf8
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $v = shift( @_ );
# try
# {
# return( Encode::encode_utf8( $v, FB_CROAK ) );
# }
# catch( $e )
# {
# $self->error( "Error while encoding text: $e" );
# return( $v );
# }
my $rv = eval
## utf8 is more lax than the strict standard of utf-8; see Encode man page
Encode::encode( 'utf8', $v, Encode::FB_CROAK );
if( $@ )
$self->error( "Error while encoding text: $@" );
return( $v );
return( $rv );
# sub encode_utf8 { return( Encode::encode_utf8( $_[1] ) ); }
sub endpoint { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'endpoint', 'Net::API::REST::Endpoint', @_ ) ); }
sub generate_uuid
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( APR::UUID->new->format );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to generate an uuid using APR::UUID package: $e" ) );
sub get_auth_bearer
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $bearer = $self->request->authorization;
## Found a bearer
if( $bearer )
if( $bearer =~ /^Bearer[[:blank:]]+([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\~\+\/\=]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9\_][a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\~\+\/\=]+){2,4})$/i )
my $token = $1;
return( $token );
return( $self->error({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message => "Bad bearer authorization format" }) );
## Return empty, not undef, because undef is for errors
return( '' );
sub get_handlers { return( shift->_try( 'server', 'get_handlers', @_ ) ); }
## Does nothing and it should be superseded by a class inheriting our module
## This gives a chance to return a localised version of our string to the user
sub gettext { return( $_[1] ); }
# In Apache2 conf:
# PerlResponseHandler MyPackage::REST which would inherit from Net::API::REST
sub handler : method
my( $class, $r ) = @_;
# my $handlerClass = $r->dir_config( 'Net_API_REST_Handler' ) || 'Net::API::REST' ;
my $debug = $r->dir_config( 'DEBUG' ) || 0;
my $req = Net::API::REST::Request->new( $r, debug => $DEBUG );
# An error has occurred
if( !defined( $req ) )
return( Net::API::REST::Request->error->code || Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
my $resp = Net::API::REST::Response->new( request => $req, debug => $DEBUG );
my $self = $class->new(
apache_request => $r,
debug => $debug,
request => $req,
response => $resp,
if( my $code = $self->log_handler )
$r->set_handlers( 'PerlPrivateLogHandler' => $code );
# $self->apache_request( $r );
# $r->log_error( "Received Apache request $r, object debug value is: ", $self->debug );
# Full uri. $r->uri only returns the path
my $uri = $req->uri;
$self->api_uri( URI->new( $uri->scheme . '://' . $uri->host ) );
# Response content type
$r->content_type( 'application/json' );
my $json = JSON->new->relaxed->utf8;
$self->{json} = $json;
# No need to go further if the ip address is not allowed to access the REST api.
# Here you could check for IP ban, or whether there is enough authorisation to access the endpoint
my $ok_net = $self->is_allowed( 'network' );
if( $ok_net && ref( $ok_net ) )
# Get a return code, and possibly a hash containing the message property
my( $rc, $rdef ) = $ok_net->( $req->remote_ip );
if( $resp->is_error( "$rc" ) )
if( $self->_is_a( $rc, 'Net::API::REST::RC' ) )
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc->code, message => $rc->message }) );
elsif( $rdef && $self->_is_hash( $rdef ) && CORE::exists( $rdef->{message} ) )
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc, message => $rdef->{message} }) );
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc }) );
# No need to go further if the requested method is not supported
my $ok_methods = $self->supported_methods;
my $http_meth = $req->method;
if( scalar( @$ok_methods ) && !scalar( grep( /^$http_meth$/i, @$ok_methods ) ) )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED }) );
# Check supported content-type
my $ok_ct = $self->supported_content_types;
# Only the content type, ie without the charset. Example: application/json; charset=utf-8
my $ct = lc( $req->type );
# We check if content type is provided at all since it could be missing, such as in
# a POST or GET request with no content or query
if( length( $ct ) && scalar( @$ok_ct ) && !scalar( grep( $ct eq $_, @$ok_ct ) ) )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE }) );
# Check if there is a required api version and if we support it
if( $req->client_api_version )
my $ok_versions = $self->supported_api_versions;
my $client_version = $req->client_api_version;
my $client_api_version_is_ok = 0;
foreach my $v ( @$ok_versions )
if( $v == $client_version )
return( $self->reply( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, { error => "API version requested ($client_version) is not supported." } ) );
# Protection against DNS rebinding attacks
if( my $req_host = $req->headers( 'Host' ) )
my $req_host_uri = URI->new( $self->api_uri->scheme . '://' . $req_host );
if( lc( $req_host_uri->host ) ne $self->api_uri->host )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED }) );
$self->request( $req );
$self->response( $resp );
# If there is a init_headers handler, call it to initiate the headers
my $init_headers = $self->init_headers;
if( $init_headers && ref( $init_headers ) eq 'CODE' )
$init_headers->({ request => $req, response => $resp });
if( $http_meth eq 'OPTIONS' )
return( $self->http_options );
elsif( $http_meth eq 'HEAD' )
# $r->send_http_header;
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NO_CONTENT );
my $origin = $req->headers( 'Origin' );
$self->http_cors if( $origin );
my $path = $uri->path;
if( my $base = $r->dir_config( 'Net_API_REST_Base' ) )
$self->base_path( $base );
my $ep = $self->route( $uri );
if( !defined( $ep ) )
my $code = $self->error->code || Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => $code }) );
# No resource found matching the user request, returning a 400
elsif( !length( $ep ) )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST }) );
elsif( !$ep->is_method_allowed( $http_meth ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
$self->endpoint( $ep );
my $handler = $ep->handler;
my $vars = $ep->variables;
$req->variables( $vars );
# require B::Deparse;
# my $deparse = B::Deparse->new( '-p', '-sC' );
# my $meth_body = $deparse->coderef2text( $ep->handler );
my $tmpl = <<EOT;
Endpoint information:
Handler .......: %s
Access type ...: %s
Ok methods ....: %s
Path ..........: %s
Path info .....: %s
Variables .....: %s
$self->noexec->messagef( 3, $tmpl, $handler, $ep->access, join( ', ', @{$ep->methods} ), $ep->path, join( ', ', @{$ep->path_info} ), $self->dumper( $ep->variables->as_hash ) );
# Check access with handler
my $ok_access = $self->is_allowed( 'access' );
if( $ok_access && ref( $ok_access ) eq 'CODE' )
my( $rc, $rdef ) = $ok_access->( $ep );
if( $resp->is_error( "$rc" ) )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
# return( $self->reply({ code => $rc }) );
if( $self->_is_a( $rc, 'Net::API::REST::RC' ) )
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc->code, message => $rc->message }) );
elsif( $rdef && $self->_is_hash( $rdef ) && CORE::exists( $rdef->{message} ) )
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc, message => $rdef->{message} }) );
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
return( $self->reply({ code => $rc }) );
# use B::Deparse;
# my $deparse = B::Deparse->new("-p", "-sC");
# my $code_body = $deparse->coderef2text( $handler );
# my $rc = $ep->handler->();
my $rc = $handler->();
# Server error
if( !defined( $rc ) )
# Net::API::REST::reply will automatically set a json with an error message based on the user language
# It is ok to set a reply ourself here, because if it were a normal response, we would not be getting an undef value
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR }) );
# return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
elsif( $rc == Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK )
return( Apache2::Const::OK );
return( $rc );
# Stop sending data !!
exit( 0 );
catch( $e )
$self->error({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message => $e });
# return( $self->reply( 500, { message => 'An internal server error occured' } ) );
return( $self->bailout( "An error occurred while executing code for api resource: $e" ) );
sub header_datetime
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $dt;
if( @_ )
return( $self->error( "Date time provided ($dt) is not an object." ) ) if( !Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) );
return( $self->error( "Object provided (", ref( $_[0] ), ") is not a DateTime object." ) ) if( !$_[0]->isa( 'DateTime' ) );
$dt = shift( @_ );
$dt = DateTime->now if( !defined( $dt ) );
my $fmt = Net::API::REST::DateTime->new;
$dt->set_formatter( $fmt );
return( $dt );
# Mut be overriden by sub package
sub http_cors { return; }
sub http_options
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $req = $self->request;
my $res = $self->response;
my $uri = $req->uri;
my $ep = $self->route( $uri );
my $http_meth = $req->method;
if( !defined( $ep ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
elsif( !CORE::length( $ep ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_FOUND );
my $tmpl = <<EOT;
Endpoint information:
Handler .......: %s
Access type ...: %s
Ok methods ....: %s
Path info .....: %s
Variables .....: %s
$self->noexec->messagef( 3, $tmpl, $ep->handler, $ep->access, join( ', ', @{$ep->methods} ), join( ', ', @{$ep->path_info} ), $self->dumper( $ep->variables->as_hash ) );
my $req_methods = [CORE::split( /\,[[:blank:]]*/, $req->headers( 'Access-Control-Request-Method' ) )];
foreach my $m ( @$req_methods )
if( !$ep->is_method_allowed( $m ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
my $origin = $req->headers( 'Origin' ) || $req->headers( 'Access-Control-Request-Origin' );
if( !$origin )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NO_CONTENT );
my $allow_origin = $req->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' );
# "The string "*" cannot be used for a resource that supports credentials"
if( $allow_origin )
if( $ep->access eq 'restricted' )
if( $allow_origin eq '*' )
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => $origin );
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 5 );
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true' );
if( $ep->access eq 'restricted' )
if( $origin )
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => $origin );
# Stringify
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => $self->api_uri . '' );
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true',
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 5
elsif( $origin )
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => $origin,
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true',
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 5
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*' );
my $req_headers = $req->headers( 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' );
if( $req_headers )
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => $req_headers );
my $cred_required = $req->headers( 'Credentials' );
if( lc( $cred_required ) eq 'include' )
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true' );
# Check from the most restrictive allowed methods in the context of the endpoint to the broader one for generally all supported methods
my $ok_methods = scalar( @{$ep->methods} ) ? $ep->methods : $self->supported_methods;
$res->headers( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => join( ', ', @$ok_methods ) );
# $r->headers_out->add( 'Allow' => join( ',', @$ok_methods ) );
# $r->rflush;
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NO_CONTENT );
## To be overriden by module inheriting our package
sub init_headers { return( 1 ); }
# Set or get handlers for various phases to check if the user is allowed access
# Currently available handlers: network and access
sub is_allowed
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $all = $self->{is_allowed};
if( @_ )
return( $self->error( "Wrong number of parameters provided: '", join( "', '", @_ ), "'." ) ) if( scalar( @_ ) > 1 && !( scalar( @_ ) % 2 ) );
if( !( scalar( @_ ) % 2 ) )
while( my( $key, $code ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 ) )
if( $code )
return( $self->error( "I was expecting a code reference for the handler '$key', but instead I got '$code'." ) ) if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' );
$all->{ $key } = $code;
return( $self );
my $key = shift( @_ );
return( '' ) if( !exists( $all->{ $key } ) );
return( $all->{ $key } );
sub is_perl_option_enabled { return( shift->_try( 'request', 'is_perl_option_enabled', @_ ) ); }
# sub json
# {
# my $self = shift( @_ );
# if( !$self->{json} )
# {
# $self->{json} = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
# }
# return( $self->{json} );
# }
# We return a new object each time, because if we cached it, some routine might set the utf8 bit flagged on while some other would not want it
# Also, you might wonder why use JSON::PP and not JSON::XS ? Well, JSON::XS has some issues working under Apache2 modperl
sub json { return( JSON::PP->new->relaxed->convert_blessed ); }
sub jwt_accepted_algo { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'jwt_accepted_algo', @_ ) ); }
sub jwt_accepted_encoding { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'jwt_accepted_encoding', @_ ) ); }
sub jwt_algo { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'jwt_algo', @_ ) ); }
sub jwt_decode
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $opts = {};
if( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
$opts = shift( @_ );
## A simple decode, most likely for public jwt like google, linkedin, etc.
elsif( scalar( @_ ) == 1 )
my $token = shift( @_ );
my $data;
## $data = Crypt::JWT::decode_jwt( token => $token );
$data = Net::API::REST::JWT::decode_jwt( token => $token );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "There was an error decoding Json Web Token payload: $e" ) );
return( $data );
return( $self->error( "No encryption key was set up in our object or provided." ) ) if( !$self->key && !$opts->{key} );
return( $self->error( "No token was provided to decode." ) ) if( !$opts->{token} );
$opts->{algo} ||= $self->jwt_algo;
$opts->{accepted_algo} ||= $self->jwt_accepted_algo;
$opts->{accepted_encoding} ||= $self->jwt_accepted_encoding;
$opts->{verify_audience} ||= $self->jwt_verify_audience;
my $param =
token => $opts->{token},
key => $opts->{key},
decode_payload => 1,
decode_header => 1,
## verify_iss => sub{ 1; }
verify_aud => qr{^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$},
# PBES2-HS256+A128KW
## accepted_alg => qr{^(?:PBES2\-HS256\+A128KW|HS256)$},
if( $opts->{accepted_algo} )
return( $self->error( "Accepted alorithm option must be an array reference." ) ) if( !$self->_is_array( $opts->{accepted_algo} ) );
if( scalar( @{$opts->{accepted_algo}} ) )
my $re = join( '|', @{$opts->{accepted_algo}} );
$param->{accepted_alg} = qr{^(?:\Q$re\E)$};
## accepted_enc => qr{^(?:A128GCM)$},
if( $opts->{accepted_enc} )
return( $self->error( "Accepted encoding option must be an array reference." ) ) if( !$self->_is_array( $opts->{accepted_enc} ) );
if( scalar( @{$opts->{accepted_enc}} ) )
my $re = join( '|', @{$opts->{accepted_enc}} );
$param->{accepted_enc} = qr{^(?:\Q$re\E)$};
if( ref( $opts->{verify_audience} ) eq 'Regexp' )
$param->{verify_aud} = $opts->{verify_audience};
my $data;
## $data = Crypt::JWT::decode_jwt( %$param );
$data = Net::API::REST::JWT::decode_jwt( %$param );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "There was an error decoding Json Web Token payload: $e" ) );
return( $data );
sub jwt_encode
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $opts = $self->_get_args_as_hash( @_ );
return( $self->error( "No encryption key was set up in our object or provided." ) ) if( !$self->key && !$opts->{key} );
$opts->{encrypt} ||= $self->jwt_encrypt if( !length( $opts->{encrypt} ) );
$opts->{algo} ||= $self->jwt_algo;
if( $opts->{encrypt} )
$opts->{algo} ||= 'PBES2-HS256+A128KW';
$opts->{algo} ||= 'HS256';
$opts->{encoding} ||= $self->jwt_encoding || 'A128GCM';
return( $self->error( "No payload was provided." ) ) if( !$opts->{payload} );
return( $self->error( "Payload submitted is not an hash reference." ) ) if( ref( $opts->{payload} ) ne 'HASH' );
my $payload = $opts->{payload};
$payload->{iss} = $opts->{issuer} if( length( $opts->{issuer} ) );
$payload->{aud} = $opts->{audience} if( length( $opts->{audience} ) );
$payload->{azd} = $opts->{audience} if( length( $opts->{audience} ) );
$payload->{iat} = $opts->{issued_at} if( length( $opts->{issued_at} ) );
$payload->{sub} = $opts->{subject} if( length( $opts->{subject} ) );
if( length( $opts->{expires} ) )
$payload->{exp} = $opts->{expires};
elsif( length( $opts->{ttl} ) )
return( $self->error( "Property \"ttl\" provided is not an integer." ) ) if( $opts->{ttl} !~ /^\d+$/ );
$payload->{exp} = $opts->{iat} + $opts->{ttl};
my $token;
my %params =
payload => $payload,
## do NOT allow the "none" algorithm, as this is massively insecure
allow_none => 0,
alg => $opts->{algo},
key => ( $opts->{key} || $self->key ),
enc => $opts->{encoding},
my @possible_additional_parameters = qw(
for( @possible_additional_parameters )
$params{ $_ } = $opts->{ $_ } if( CORE::exists( $opts->{ $_ } ) && CORE::length( $opts->{ $_ } ) );
## $token = Crypt::JWT::encode_jwt(
$token = Net::API::REST::JWT::encode_jwt( %params );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "Error in the arguments or payload when creating a Jason Web Token: $e" ) );
return( $token );
sub jwt_encoding { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'jwt_encoding', @_ ) ); }
sub jwt_encrypt { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'jwt_encrypt', @_ ) ); }
# We extract the jwt data, and do not verify it, which is very unsecure of course
# Best to use jwt_verify()
sub jwt_extract
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $token = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No json web token was provided to extract its data." ) );
return( $self->error( "Token provided ($token) seems malformed. I was expecting 3 chunks of base64 data separated by dots" ) ) if( $token !~ /^([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)$/ );
my( $header, $claim, $crypto ) = split( /\./, $token, 3 );
my $hash = {};
$hash->{raw_header} = MIME::Base64::decode_base64( $header );
$hash->{raw_claim} = MIME::Base64::decode_base64( $claim );
my $j = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
$hash->{header} = $j->utf8->decode( $hash->{raw_header} );
$hash->{claim} = $j->utf8->decode( $hash->{raw_claim} );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occured while attempting to extract token data: $e" ) );
return( $hash );
sub jwt_verify
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $token;
my $opts = {};
if( @_ )
if( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
$opts = shift( @_ );
elsif( scalar( @_ ) >= 2 && !( @_ % 2 ) )
$opts = { @_ };
$token = shift( @_ );
$token ||= $opts->{token} || return( $self->error( "No json web token was provided to extract its data." ) );
my $hash = $self->jwt_extract( $token ) || return( undef() );
# Something like this:
# {
# "keys": [
# {
# "kid": "2bf8418b2963f366f5fefdd127b2cee07c887e65",
# "e": "AQAB",
# "kty": "RSA",
# "alg": "RS256",
# "n": "uA8MNzSvgJTB_eHWj_HnpGzgtfBzsO4PjdNkEvdETRHEvyqIyqQnACRUNQ9KACnPV3R1M_1VlkJGRJ-xI3By3uylEOh4VagVRlCjLbsmuXburlOLn3TZSkwR7XE3pvVqcypq4nLPdu6foV__wcrLkZPMJzq654vepbOIegx5iVIvV2ilfdqs7VTwHRAUQU6nYfa8jaUwj1H_-zlaaHK-vxm-lWdGjAyiv-xBj5UmY24WtkTuX-MWLvOgbrqcYzMpzEm-LCdBbZR4qjQbWEatRISp4QW31xBZxF2FwMK2YWXDUW_GhXy0hgbsSyX-6jziTDSsulk9SNstSXmYCTZtvw",
# "use": "sig"
# },
# {
# "use": "sig",
# "kid": "0b0bf186743471a1edcac3060d1256f9e4050ba8",
# "e": "AQAB",
# "kty": "RSA",
# "alg": "RS256",
# "n": "0s9r8J5G5I77VpYWS-ttQ8GBDZBlxN_TZHl4DJHAi1WzvxQcP0hBPdASNqAnAuXA-ZxMpMtW_ovjhwo1Ncqpofd3c0H5mSzA9nsmmiex3AO7ZbkaGIdOcMYr4ttOFKZJn2giZWsfQuTlMEvcGyghViyy6l7t1-dMyxjbNOAVLVn25PHfWLbtffv-5EXFXt0Bp0wf0JjPghy4xXf3GjqqqaG_pOnmY_g2c6s8NwZG8dLymiqq0sta3URCUzDYnEHfx7Ol-grOYBOg6YjQP-gl0r5_uvB9Vl9jXKz-WcUUqVTuLp6S-CBstsOheUpSjX3vVP48KJIS4DX6NFHgjn8ooQ"
# }
# ]
# }
if( $opts->{rsa_keys} )
return( $self->error( "RSA keys provided with parameter \"rsa_keys\" is not an hash reference." ) ) if( ref( $opts->{rsa_keys} ) ne 'HASH' );
my $keys = $opts->{rsa_keys};
return( $self->error( "No \"keys\" property found in the rsa keys provided." ) ) if( !$keys->{keys} );
return( $self->error( "Property \"keys\" in rsa eys provided is not an array reference (of rsa keys)." ) ) if( !$self->_is_array( $keys->{keys} ) );
# Check all is in order before going further
my( $e, $n );
$n = 0;
foreach my $ref ( @{$keys->{keys}} )
foreach my $p ( qw( kid e kty alg n ) )
return( $self->error( "No property \"$p\" could be found in this rsa key No $n. Hash is: ", sub{ $self->dump( $ref ) } ) ) if( !$ref->{ $p } );
# Make sure our header has alg set to rsa and there is a kid property, or else Crypt::JWT will die
# So at least, we can catch this issue and return an error gracefully...
# {"alg":"RS256","kid":"0b0bf186743471a1edcac3060d1256f9e4050ba8","typ":"JWT"}
my $header = $hash->{header} || return( $self->error( "Unable to get the header from the jwt token '$token'." ) );
return( $self->error( "JWT token header returned by jwt_extract is empty! Original token is: '$token'" ) ) if( !scalar( keys( %$header ) ) );
return( $self->error( "JWT token header found has no \"alg\" property set. Original token is: '$token'" ) ) if( !$header->{alg} );
return( $self->error( "JWT token header found has no \"kid\" property set. Original token is: '$token'" ) ) if( !$header->{kid} );
return( $self->error( "JWT validation was requested using rsa keys, but could not find the property \"alg\" set to \"RS256\"." ) ) if( $header->{alg} !~ /^(RS|PS|ES)\d{3}$/i );
my $kid = $header->{kid};
# Check if kid value is in the rsa keys provided.
foreach my $ref ( @{$keys->{keys}} )
if( $ref->{kid} eq $kid )
$e = $ref->{e};
$n = $ref->{n};
return( $self->error( "Unable to find a matching key for the one found in the token header ($kid) against the rsa keys provided." ) ) if( !CORE::length( $e ) || !CORE::length( $n ) );
# Ok, we are very reasonably safe to call Crypt::JWT now
my $data;
# $data = Crypt::JWT::decode_jwt( token => $token );
# $data = Crypt::JWT::decode_jwt(
$data = Net::API::REST::JWT::decode_jwt(
token => $token,
kid_keys => $keys,
decode_payload => 1,
verify_exp => 0,
debug => 3,
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "Faile validating jwt token '$token'. Reason is: $e" ) );
## Ok, we're good
return( $hash );
sub jwt_verify_audience { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'jwt_verify_audience', 'Regexp', @_ ) ); }
sub key { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'key', @_ ) ); }
sub lang { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'lang', @_ ) ); }
sub lang_unix
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $lang = $self->{lang};
$lang =~ tr/-/_/;
return( $lang );
sub lang_web
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $lang = $self->{lang};
$lang =~ tr/_/-/;
return( $lang );
sub log_error { return( shift->_try( 'apache_request', 'log_error', @_ ) ); }
sub print
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $opts = {};
if( scalar( @_ ) == 1 && ref( $_[0] ) )
$opts = shift( @_ );
$opts->{data} = join( '', @_ );
return( $self->error( "No data was provided to print out." ) ) if( !CORE::length( $opts->{data} ) );
my $r = $self->apache_request;
my $json = $opts->{data};
my $bytes = 0;
# Before we use this, we have to make sure all Apache module that deal with content encoding are de-activated because they would interfere
my $threshold = $self->compression_threshold || 0;
# rfc1952
my $z;
if( CORE::length( $json ) > $threshold &&
$self->request->accept_encoding =~ /\bgzip\b/i &&
$self->_load_class( 'IO::Compress::Gzip' ) &&
( $z = IO::Compress::Gzip->new( '-', Minimal => 1 ) ) )
#require Compress::Zlib;
#$r->print( Compress::Zlib::memGzip( $json ) );
# $r->content_encoding( 'gzip' );
$self->response->content_encoding( 'gzip' );
$self->response->headers->set( 'Content-Encoding' => 'gzip' );
# We use merge, because another value may already be set
$self->response->headers->merge( 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding' );
# $r->send_http_header;
$z->print( $json );
elsif( CORE::length( $json ) > $threshold &&
$self->request->accept_encoding =~ /\bbzip2\b/i &&
$self->_load_class( 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' ) &&
( $z = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new( '-' ) ) )
# $r->content_encoding( 'bzip2' );
$self->response->content_encoding( 'bzip2' );
$self->response->headers->set( 'Content-Encoding' => 'bzip2' );
$self->response->headers->merge( 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding' );
# $r->send_http_header;
$z->print( $json );
elsif( CORE::length( $json ) > $threshold &&
$self->request->accept_encoding =~ /\bdeflate\b/i &&
$self->_load_class( 'IO::Compress::Deflate' ) &&
( $z = IO::Compress::Deflate->new( '-' ) ) )
## $r->content_encoding( 'deflate' );
$self->response->content_encoding( 'deflate' );
$self->response->headers->set( 'Content-Encoding' => 'deflate' );
$self->response->headers->merge( 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding' );
# $r->send_http_header;
$z->print( $json );
$self->response->headers->unset( 'Content-Encoding' );
# $self->response->content_encoding( undef() );
# $r->send_http_header;
# $r->print( $json );
# $json = Encode::encode_utf8( $json ) if( utf8::is_utf8( $json ) );
my $bytes = $r->print( $json );
catch( $e )
# $r->rflush;
return( $self );
## push_handlers($hook_name => \&handler);
## push_handlers($hook_name => [\&handler, \&handler2]);
sub push_handlers { return( shift->_try( 'server', 'push_handlers', @_ ) ); }
sub reply
my $self = shift( @_ );
my( $code, $ref );
# $self->reply( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK, { message => "All is well" } );
if( scalar( @_ ) == 2 )
( $code, $ref ) = @_;
# $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK, message => "All is well" } );
elsif( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
$ref = shift( @_ );
$code = $ref->{code} if( CORE::length( $ref->{code} ) );
my $r = $self->apache_request;
if( $code !~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
$self->response->code( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
$self->response->print( $self->json->utf8->encode({ error => 'An unexpected server error occured', code => 500 }) );
$self->error( "http code to be used '$code' is invalid. It should be only integers." );
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
if( ref( $ref ) ne 'HASH' )
$self->response->code( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
# $r->send_http_header;
$self->response->print( $self->json->utf8->encode({ error => 'An unexpected server error occured', code => 500 }) );
$self->error( "Data provided to send is not an hash ref." );
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
my $msg;
if( CORE::exists( $ref->{success} ) )
$msg = $ref->{success};
# Maybe error is a string, or maybe it is already an error hash like { error => { message => '', code => '' } }
elsif( CORE::exists( $ref->{error} ) && !Net::API::REST::Status->is_success( $code ) )
if( ref( $ref->{error} ) eq 'HASH' )
$msg = $ref->{error}->{message};
$msg = $ref->{error};
$ref->{error} = {};
$ref->{error}->{code} = $code if( !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{code} ) );
$ref->{error}->{message} = "$msg" if( !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{message} ) && ( !ref( $msg ) || overload::Method( $msg => "''" ) ) );
CORE::delete( $ref->{message} ) if( CORE::length( $ref->{message} ) );
CORE::delete( $ref->{code} ) if( CORE::length( $ref->{code} ) );
elsif( CORE::exists( $ref->{message} ) )
$msg = $ref->{message};
# We format the message like in bailout, ie { error => { message => '', code => '' } }
if( $self->response->is_error( $code ) )
$ref->{error} = {} if( ref( $ref->{error} ) ne 'HASH' );
$ref->{error}->{code} = $code if( !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{code} ) );
$ref->{error}->{message} = $ref->{message} if( !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{message} ) );
CORE::delete( $ref->{message} ) if( CORE::length( $ref->{message} ) );
CORE::delete( $ref->{code} ) if( CORE::length( $ref->{code} ) );
elsif( $self->response->is_error( $code ) )
$ref->{error} = {} if( !CORE::exists( $ref->{error} ) || ref( $ref->{error} ) ne 'HASH' );
$ref->{error}->{code} = $code if( !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{code} ) );
CORE::delete( $ref->{code} ) if( CORE::length( $ref->{code} ) );
my $frameOffset = 0;
my $sub = ( caller( $frameOffset + 1 ) )[3];
$frameOffset++ if( substr( $sub, rindex( $sub, '::' ) + 2 ) eq 'reply' );
my( $pack, $file, $line ) = caller( $frameOffset );
$sub = ( caller( $frameOffset + 1 ) )[3];
# Without an Access-Control-Allow-Origin field, this would trigger an erro ron the web browser
# So we make sure it is there if not set already
unless( $self->response->headers->get( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ) )
$self->response->headers->set( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*' );
# As an api, make sure there is no caching by default unless the field has already been set.
unless( $self->response->headers->get( 'Cache-Control' ) )
$self->response->headers->set( 'Cache-Control' => 'private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' );
$self->response->content_type( 'application/json' );
# $r->status( $code );
$self->response->code( $code );
if( defined( $msg ) && $self->apache_request->content_type ne 'application/json' )
# $r->custom_response( $code, $msg );
$self->response->custom_response( $code, $msg );
# $r->custom_response( $code, '' );
$self->response->custom_response( $code, '' );
#$r->status( $code );
# We make sure the code is set
if( CORE::exists( $ref->{error} ) && !$self->response->is_success( $code ) )
$ref->{error}->{code} = $code if( ref( $ref->{error} ) eq 'HASH' && !CORE::length( $ref->{error}->{code} ) );
my $lang = $self->lang_unix;
if( !length( "$lang" ) && $ref->{locale} )
$lang = $ref->{locale};
unless( length( "$lang" ) )
$lang = $self->request->preferred_language( Net::API::REST::Status->supported_languages );
# Make sure we are dealing with unix style language code
$lang =~ tr/-/_/;
if( CORE::length( $lang ) == 2 )
$lang = Net::API::REST::Status->convert_short_lang_to_long( $lang );
# We have something weird, like maybe eng?
elsif( $lang !~ /^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$/ )
$lang = Net::API::REST::Status->convert_short_lang_to_long( substr( $lang, 0, 2 ) );
my $err_description;
if( !$ref->{error}->{error_description} && ( $err_description = $self->response->get_http_message( $code, $lang ) ) )
$ref->{error}->{error_description} = $err_description;
$ref->{error}->{error_description} = $self->gettext( $self->response->get_http_message( $code ) );
if( !exists( $ref->{error}->{locale} ) &&
defined( $msg ) &&
$self->_is_a( $msg => 'Text::PO::String' ) &&
defined( my $locale = $msg->locale ) )
$ref->{error}->{locale} = $locale if( length( "$locale" ) );
elsif( !exists( $ref->{error}->{locale} ) &&
defined( $lang ) &&
length( "$lang" ) )
$ref->{error}->{locale} = $lang;
$ref->{code} = $code if( !CORE::length( $ref->{code} ) );
if( !exists( $ref->{locale} ) &&
defined( $msg ) &&
$self->_is_a( $msg => 'Text::PO::String' ) &&
defined( my $locale = $msg->locale ) )
$ref->{locale} = $locale if( length( "$locale" ) );
if( CORE::exists( $ref->{cleanup} ) &&
defined( $ref->{cleanup} ) &&
ref( $ref->{cleanup} ) eq 'CODE' )
my $cleanup = CORE::delete( $ref->{cleanup} );
$self->request->request->pool->cleanup_register( $cleanup, $self );
# $r->push_handlers( PerlCleanupHandler => $cleanup );
my $json = $self->json->utf8->relaxed(0)->encode( $ref );
# Before we use this, we have to make sure all Apache module that deal with content encoding are de-activated because they would interfere
$self->print( $json ) || do
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );
return( $code );
sub request { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'request', 'Net::API::REST::Request', @_ ) ); }
sub response { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'response', 'Net::API::REST::Response', @_ ) ); }
sub route
my $self = shift( @_ );
# my $parts = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No path parts as array reference was provided." ) );
#return( $self->error( "Path parts provided ($parts) is not an array reference." ) ) if( ref( $parts ) ne 'ARRAY' );
my $uri = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error({
code => 400,
message => "No uri was provided to find the appropriate route."
}) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "URI provided \"$uri\" is not an object." }) ) if( !Scalar::Util::blessed( $uri ) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "URI object provided \"$uri\" is not an URI object." }) ) if( !$uri->isa( 'URI' ) );
my $path = $uri->path;
if( my $base = $self->base_path )
$path =~ s/^\Q$base\E//;
my @points = split( /\/+/ , $path );
# Clean up empty path
my $parts = [ grep{ length( $_ ) > 0 } @points ];
my $client_api_version = '';
if( $parts->[0] =~ /^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)$/ )
$client_api_version = $1;
shift( @$parts );
$client_api_version ||= $self->request->client_api_version || $self->api_version;
my $routes = $self->routes;
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "No routes set up to find the appropriate resource." }) ) if( !scalar( keys( %$routes ) ) );
return( $self->reply( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, { error => "API version requested ($client_api_version) is not supported." } ) ) if( !CORE::exists( $routes->{ $client_api_version } ) );
my $req = $self->request;
my $resp = $self->response;
# Path variables like "/some/path/1234/more/thing/jack" where 1234 and jack are variables
# 2019-11-13: This is set by the caller of route()
# my $vars = $req->variables;
my $vars = {};
my $def_methods = $self->default_methods;
my $http_meth = lc( $req->method // '' );
# Until proven otherwise; If it is set at a certain point of the path, and nowhere after, then the path below inherit its value set before like a toll gate
my $access = 'public';
my $check;
$check = sub
my( $pos, $subroutes ) = @_;
my $part = $parts->[ $pos ];
# reserved words cannot be used in path
return( '' ) if( $part =~ /^_(access_control|allowed_methods|handler|name|var|delete|get|head|post|put)$/i );
if( exists( $subroutes->{ lc( $part ) } ) )
$part = lc( $part );
# Code reference
if( ref( $subroutes->{ $part } ) eq 'CODE' )
# Do we have still more path?
# If we do, we store it as variable _path_info and let the handler deal with it
# $vars->{_path_info} = [ splice( @$parts, $pos + 1 ) ] if( $#$parts > $pos );
# return( $subroutes->{ $part } );
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => $subroutes->{ $part },
methods => $def_methods,
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
$ep->path_info( [ splice( @$parts, $pos + 1 ) ] ) if( $#$parts > $pos );
return( $ep );
# path part has sub component, so we look for a key _handler in the sub hash
elsif( ref( $subroutes->{ $part } ) eq 'HASH' )
my $ref = $subroutes->{ $part };
if( !exists( $ref->{_handler} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_delete} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_get} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_head} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_post} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_put} ) )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found an entry for path part \"$part\", which is a hash reference, but could not find a key \"_handler\", \"_delete\", \"_get\", \"_head\", \"_post\", or \"_put\" inside it." }) );
my $methods = {};
foreach my $h ( qw( _delete _get _head _post _put ) )
if( exists( $ref->{ $h } ) )
$methods->{ uc( substr( $h, 1 ) ) } = $ref->{ $h };
my $supported_methods = [sort( keys( %$methods ) )];
# If this is just a pre-flight check, at this stage the handler does not matter
my $handler = $http_meth eq 'options'
? sub{}
: exists( $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } ) ? $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } : $ref->{_handler};
# We reached the end, return the handler
# return( $ref->{_handler} ) if( $pos == $#$parts );
# return( $check->( $pos + 1, $ref ) );
$access = $ref->{_access_control} if( $ref->{_access_control} );
if( $pos == $#$parts )
if( ref( $handler ) eq 'CODE' )
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => $handler,
methods => exists( $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } )
? [uc( $http_meth )]
: ( scalar( @$supported_methods )
? $supported_methods
: $ref->{_allowed_methods}
? $ref->{_allowed_methods}
: $def_methods ),
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
return( $ep );
elsif( $handler =~ /^([^\-]+)\-\>(\S+)$/ )
my( $cl, $meth ) = ( $1, $2 );
# require $cl unless( defined( *{"${cl}::"} ) );
my $rc = eval{ $self->_load_class( $cl ); };
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Unable to load class \"$cl\": $@" }) ) if( $@ );
# NOTE: 2021-09-05 (Jacques): See above same comment for the same issue, i.e. we only need to use the class name to check if the method exists, otherwise creating an instance of the object would have undesirable consequences under OPTIONS
my $code = $cl->can( $meth );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Class \"$cl\" does not have a method \"$meth\"." }) ) if( !$code );
# return( sub{ $code->( $o, api => $self, @_ ) } );
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => sub
my $o = $cl->new(
apache_request => $self->apache_request,
debug => $self->debug,
request => $req,
response => $resp,
# Pass the api object here as well
api => $self,
return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) ) if( !defined( $o ) );
$code->( $o, api => $self, @_ );
methods => exists( $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } )
? [uc( $http_meth )]
: ( scalar( @$supported_methods )
? $supported_methods
: $ref->{_allowed_methods}
? $ref->{_allowed_methods}
: $def_methods ),
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
return( $ep );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => $e }) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found a route for the path part \"${part}\" and HTTP method ${http_meth}, but the handler found is not a code reference." }) );
return( $check->( $pos + 1, $ref ) );
# Not a code or a hash reference, so it has got to be a package name
elsif( $subroutes->{ $part } =~ /^([^\-]+)\-\>(\S+)$/ )
my( $cl, $meth ) = ( $1, $2 );
# require $cl unless( defined( *{"${cl}::"} ) );
# my $rc = eval{ $self->_load_class( $cl ); };
my $rc = $self->_load_class( $cl );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Unable to load class \"$cl\": " . $self->error }) ) if( !defined( $rc ) );
# NOTE: 2021-09-05 (Jacques): This turned out to be a bad idea to check if a method exists in class, because by merely instantiating an object, it would trigger execution of code that is undesirable when running under OPTIONS, which only aims to check sanity and not actually run the query.
# As it turns out $cl->can( $meth ) works just as well.
# my $o = $cl->new(
# apache_request => $self->apache_request,
# debug => $self->debug,
# request => $req,
# response => $resp,
# # Pass the api object here as well
# api => $self,
# ) || return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) );
# my $code = $o->can( $meth );
my $code = $cl->can( $meth );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Class \"$cl\" does not have a method \"$meth\"." }) ) if( !$code );
# return( sub{ $code->( $o, api => $self, @_ ) } );
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => sub
my $o = $cl->new(
apache_request => $self->apache_request,
debug => $self->debug,
request => $req,
response => $resp,
# Pass the api object here as well
api => $self,
return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) ) if( !defined( $o ) );
$code->( $o, api => $self, @_ );
methods => $def_methods,
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
return( $ep );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => $e }) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found an entry for path part \"$part\" ($subroutes->{ $part }), but I do not know what to do with it. If this was supposed to be a package, the syntax needs to be My::Package->my_sub" }) );
elsif( exists( $subroutes->{_var} ) )
my $ref = $subroutes->{_var};
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found a variable, and I was expecting a hash reference, but intsead got '$ref'." }) ) if( ref( $ref ) ne 'HASH' );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found a variable, and I was expecting a key _name to be present in the definition hash reference, but could not find one." }) ) if( !exists( $ref->{_name} ) );
if( !exists( $ref->{_handler} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_delete} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_get} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_head} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_post} ) &&
!exists( $ref->{_put} ) )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found a variable with name \"$ref->{_name}\" and was expecting a key _handler to be present in the definition hash reference, but could not find one." }) );
my $methods = {};
foreach my $h ( qw( _delete _get _head _post _put ) )
if( exists( $ref->{ $h } ) )
$methods->{ uc( substr( $h, 1 ) ) } = $ref->{ $h };
my $supported_methods = [sort( keys( %$methods ) )];
# If this is just a pre-flight check, at this stage the handler does not matter
my $handler = $http_meth eq 'options'
? sub{}
: exists( $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } ) ? $methods->{ uc( $http_meth ) } : $ref->{_handler};
my $var_name = $ref->{_name};
# For variable type to be array
if( exists( $ref->{_type} ) )
if( lc( $ref->{_type} ) eq 'array' || $ref->{_type} eq '[]' )
if( exists( $vars->{ $var_name } ) )
my $prev = $vars->{ $var_name };
$vars->{ $var_name } = [ $prev ] if( ref( $prev ) ne 'ARRAY' );
$vars->{ $var_name } = [];
# Store variable value
if( exists( $vars->{ $var_name } ) )
my $prev = $vars->{ $var_name };
$vars->{ $var_name } = [ $prev ] if( ref( $prev ) ne 'ARRAY' );
push( @{$vars->{ $var_name }}, $part );
$vars->{ $var_name } = $part;
# We reached the end, return the handler
if( $pos == $#$parts )
$access = $ref->{_access_control} if( $ref->{_access_control} );
if( ref( $handler ) eq 'CODE' )
# return( $ref->{_handler} );
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => $handler,
methods => ( scalar( @$supported_methods ) ? $supported_methods : $ref->{_allowed_methods} ? $ref->{_allowed_methods} : $def_methods ),
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
$ep->access( $ref->{_access_control} ) if( $ref->{_access_control} );
return( $ep );
elsif( $handler =~ /^([^\-]+)\-\>(\S+)$/ )
my( $cl, $meth ) = ( $1, $2 );
# require $cl unless( defined( *{"${cl}::"} ) );
my $rc = eval{ $self->_load_class( $cl ); };
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Unable to load class \"$cl\": $@" }) ) if( $@ );
# NOTE: 2021-09-05 (Jacques): See above same comment for the same issue, i.e. we only need to use the class name to check if the method exists, otherwise creating an instance of the object would have undesirable consequences under OPTIONS
# my $o = $cl->new(
# apache_request => $self->apache_request,
# debug => $self->debug,
# request => $req,
# response => $resp,
# # Pass the api object here as well
# api => $self,
# ) || return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) );
# my $code = $o->can( $meth );
my $code = $cl->can( $meth );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Class \"$cl\" does not have a method \"$meth\"." }) ) if( !$code );
# return( sub{ $code->( $o, api => $self, @_ ) } );
my $ep = Net::API::REST::Endpoint->new(
handler => sub
my $o = $cl->new(
apache_request => $self->apache_request,
debug => $self->debug,
request => $req,
response => $resp,
# Pass the api object here as well
api => $self,
return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) ) if( !defined( $o ) );
$code->( $o, api => $self, @_ );
methods => ( scalar( @$supported_methods ) ? $supported_methods : $ref->{_allowed_methods} ? $ref->{_allowed_methods} : $def_methods ),
variables => $vars,
access => $access,
path => $uri,
return( $ep );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => $e }) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Found a scalar \"${handler}\" to handle variable \"$var_name\", but I do not know what to do with it. If this was supposed to be a package, the syntax needs to be My::Package->my_sub" }) );
return( $check->( $pos + 1, $ref ) );
# Empty means not found
return( '' );
# We return empty, not undef if nothing was found
my $ep = $check->( 0, $routes->{ $client_api_version } );
# An error occurred
if( !defined( $ep ) )
return( undef() );
# Nothing found
elsif( !length( $ep ) )
return( '' );
return( $ep );
sub routes
my $self = shift( @_ );
if( @_ )
my $hash = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "No route hash reference was provided." }) );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Routes provided ($hash) is not a hash reference." }) ) if( ref( $hash ) ne 'HASH' );
my $req = $self->request;
my $resp = $self->response;
# Walk through the hash to check everything is ok
# Returns nothing if all is ok, or self returns an error description
my $check;
$check = sub
my $this = shift( @_ );
foreach my $k ( sort( keys( %$this ) ) )
my $v = $this->{ $k };
if( ref( $v ) eq 'HASH' )
if( !CORE::exists( $v->{_handler} ) &&
!CORE::exists( $v->{_delete} ) &&
!CORE::exists( $v->{_get} ) &&
!CORE::exists( $v->{_head} ) &&
!CORE::exists( $v->{_post} ) &&
!CORE::exists( $v->{_put} ) )
return( "The keyword '_handlers' used is mispelled. It should be '_handler'" ) if( CORE::exists( $this->{_handlers} ) );
return( "No handler was specified for the end point \"$k\". I was expecting a key \"_handler\", \"_delete\", \"_get\", \"_head\", \"_post\", or \"_put\" to be present." );
if( my $err = $check->( $v ) )
return( $err );
elsif( $k eq '_name' )
return( "Value provided for _name is empty." ) if( !length( $v ) );
return( "Value provided for _name is a reference, but I was expecting a scalar." ) if( ref( $v ) );
elsif( ref( $v ) eq 'CODE' )
# We're ok
elsif( $v =~ /^([^\:]+)\:{2}[^\:]+/ )
# my $cl = $subroutes->{ $part };
my $cl = $v;
my $meth;
if( $cl =~ /^([^\-]+)\-\>(\S+)$/ )
( $cl, $meth ) = ( $1, $2 );
# require $cl unless( defined( *{"${cl}::"} ) );
my $rc = $self->_load_class( $cl );
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => "Unable to load class \"$cl\": " . $self->error }) ) if( !defined( $rc ) );
# 2021-09-06: We do not need to instantiate an object to check if the module 'can' a method, and also this would trigger code which could lead to undesired results, because the instantiated object does not know if this is an actual query and at this stage could be missing authentication tokens to work properly. Yes, I am talking out of experience here :)
#my $o = $cl->new(
# apache_request => $self->apache_request,
# debug => $self->debug,
# request => $req,
# response => $resp,
# # Pass the api object here as well
# api => $self,
# checkonly => 1
#) || return( $self->pass_error( $cl->error ) );
if( defined( $meth ) )
return( "Class \"$cl\" does not have a method \"$meth\"." ) if( !$cl->can( $meth ) );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => $e }) );
elsif( $k eq '_allowed_method' )
return( "The keyword '_allowed_method' used is mispelled. It should be '_allowed_methods'" ) if( !CORE::exists( $this->{_allowed_methods} ) );
elsif( $k eq '_access_controls' )
return( "The keyword '_access_controls' used is mispelled. It should be '_access_control'" ) if( !CORE::exists( $this->{_access_control} ) );
elsif( $k =~ /^_(allowed_methods|access_control)$/ )
# Ok
# If it is neither a code reference nor a package name, we raise an error
return( "I was expecting a code reference or a package name, but instead got '$v' for key $k" );
# first level of keys are api version numbers, such as 1, 1.2, 2, etc...
# and for each api version there is a set of route
my @api_versions = keys( %$hash );
foreach my $vers ( @api_versions )
if( $vers !~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$/ )
return( $self->error( "API version number '$vers' is not a valid version number. Valid values are 1, 1.2, 1.5.3 for example." ) );
elsif( ref( $hash->{ $vers } ) ne 'HASH' )
return( $self->error( "API version number '$vers' value is not an hash reference. Its value must be a route to resources as hash reference." ) );
foreach my $version ( sort( @api_versions ) )
if( my $err = $check->( $hash->{ $version } ) )
return( $self->error({ code => 500, message => $err }) );
$self->{routes} = $hash;
return( $self->{routes} );
sub server
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $r = $self->apache_request;
return( $r->server ) if( $r );
return( Apache2::ServerUtil->server );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to get the Apache server object: $e" ) );
## sub server_version { return( version->parse( Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_version ) ); }
## Or maybe the environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE, e.g. Apache/2.4.18
## sub server_version { return( version->parse( Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_version ) ); }
sub server_version
my $self = shift( @_ );
# $self->request->log_error( "Apache version is: " . Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_description );
return( version->parse( '2.4.18' ) );
## $ok = $s->set_handlers($hook_name => \&handler);
## $ok = $s->set_handlers($hook_name => [\&handler, \&handler2]);
## $ok = $s->set_handlers($hook_name => []);
## $ok = $s->set_handlers($hook_name => undef);
sub set_handlers { return( shift->_try( 'server', 'set_handlers', @_ ) ); }
sub supported_api_versions
my $self = shift( @_ );
if( @_ )
my $v = ref( $_[0] ) ? shift( @_ ) : \@_;
my $vers = [];
foreach my $this ( @$v )
push( @$vers, version->parse( $this ) );
$self->{supported_api_versions} = $vers;
return( $self->{supported_api_versions} );
sub supported_content_types { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'supported_content_types', @_ ) ); }
sub supported_languages { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'supported_languages', @_ ) ); }
sub supported_methods { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'supported_methods', @_ ) ); }
sub warn
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $txt = join( '', map( ref( $_ ) eq 'CODE' ? $_->() : $_, @_ ) );
my( $pkg, $file, $line, @otherInfo ) = caller;
my $sub = ( caller( 1 ) )[3];
my $sub2 = substr( $sub, rindex( $sub, '::' ) + 2 );
my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new;
my $frame = $trace->next_frame;
my $frame2 = $trace->next_frame;
my $r = $self->apache_request;
$txt = sprintf( "$txt called from %s in package %s in file %s at line %d\n%s\n", $frame2->subroutine, $frame->package, $frame->filename, $frame->line, $trace->as_string );
return( $r->warn( $txt ) ) if( $r );
return( CORE::warn( $txt ) );
sub well_known
my $self = shift( @_ );
return( Apache2::Const::DECLINED );
sub _try
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $pack = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No Apache package name was provided to call method" ) );
my $meth = shift( @_ ) || return( $self->error( "No method name was provided to try!" ) );
my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
# $r->log_error( "Net::API::REST::_try to call method \"$meth\" in package \"$pack\"." );
return( $self->$pack->$meth ) if( !scalar( @_ ) );
return( $self->$pack->$meth( @_ ) );
catch( $e )
return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to call Apache ", ucfirst( $pack ), " method \"$meth\": $e" ) );
# NOTE: Net::API::REST::Endpoint package
use strict;
use warnings;
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
$self->{access} = 'public';
$self->{handler} = '';
$self->{methods} = [];
$self->{path} = '';
$self->{path_info} = [];
$self->{variables} = {};
$self->{_init_strict_use_sub} = 1;
$self->SUPER::init( @_ );
return( $self );
sub access { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'access', @_ ) ); }
sub handler { return( shift->_set_get_code( 'handler', @_ ) ); }
sub is_method_allowed
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $meth = shift( @_ );
my $ok_methods = $self->methods;
return( scalar( grep( /^$meth$/i, @$ok_methods ) ) );
sub methods { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'methods', @_ ) ); }
sub path { return( shift->_set_get_uri( 'path', @_ ) ); }
sub path_info { return( shift->_set_get_array( 'path_info', @_ ) ); }
# sub variables { return( shift->_set_get_hash_as_object( 'variables', 'Net::API::REST::Endpoint::Variables', @_ ) ); }
sub variables { return( shift->_set_get_hash_as_mix_object( 'variables', @_ ) ); }
# NOTE: Net::API::REST::RC package
use strict;
use warnings;
use overload (
'""' => 'as_string',
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
$self->{code} = undef();
$self->{message} = undef();
$self->{_init_strict_use_sub} = 1;
$self->SUPER::init( @_ );
return( $self );
sub as_string { return( shift->{code} ); }
sub code { return( shift->_set_get_number( 'code', @_ ) ); }
sub message { return( shift->_set_get_scalar_as_object( 'message', @_ ) ); }
sub TO_JSON { return( shift->{code} ); }
# NOTE: pod
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Net::API::REST - Framework for RESTful APIs
package MyPackage;
use strict;
use curry;
use parent qw( Net::API::REST );
use Net::API::Stripe;
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
$self->{routes} =
# API version 1
1 =>
'favicon.ico' => $self->curry::noop,
auth =>
google =>
_handler => $self->curry::oauth_google,
callback => $self->curry::oauth_google(callback => 1),
linkedin =>
_handler => $self->curry::oauth_linkedin,
callback => $self->curry::oauth_linkedin(callback => 1),
stripe => $self->curry::stripe,
# Whatever method is fine. Will call the method handle in package MyAPI::Users to handle the endpoint
users => 'MyAPI::Users->handle',
preferences =>
_access_control => 'restricted',
_delete => $self->curry::remove_preferences,
_get => $self->curry::get_preferences,
_post => $self->curry::update_preferences,
$self->{api_version} = 1;
$self->{supported_api_versions} = [qw( 1 )];
# By default, we support the GET and POST to access our endpoints
# It may be adjusted endpoint by endpoint and if nothing is specified this default is used.
$self->{default_methods} = [qw( GET POST )];
# This is ALL possible supported methods
$self->{supported_methods} = [qw( DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS POST PUT )];
$self->{supported_languages} = [qw( en-GB en fr-FR fr ja-JP )];
$self->{key} = 'kAncmaDajnacSnbGmbXamn';
# We want JWE (Json Web Token encrypted). This will affect jwt_encode's behaviour
$self->{jwt_encrypt} = 1;
# Because we are encrypting
$self->{jwt_algo} = 'PBES2-HS256+A128KW';
$self->{jwt_encoding} = 'A128GCM' unless( length( $self->{jwt_encoding} ) );
$self->{jwt_accepted_algo} = [qw( PBES2-HS256+A128KW HS256 )];
$self->{jwt_accepted_encoding} = [qw( A128GCM )];
$self->SUPER::init( @_ );
return( $self );
sub stripe
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $ep = $self->endpoint;
my $pinfo = $ep->path_info;
my $remote_ip = $self->request->remote_ip;
my $sig = $self->request->headers( 'Stripe-Signature' );
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message => "No signature found" }) ) if( !CORE::length( $sig ) );
my $payload = $self->request->data || return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message => "No payload data received from the client." }) );
## Net::API::Stripe object
my $stripe = Net::API::Stripe->new(
# Enable debug to get debug data in http server log
debug => 0,
conf_file => "/home/john_doe/stripe-settings.json",
) || do
$self->message( 3, "Unable to initiate a Net::API::Stripe object using the configuration file /home/john_doe/stripe-settings.json" );
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message => $self->oops }) );
# Do an IP source check to be sure this is Stripe talking to us
if( !defined( my $ip_check = $stripe->webhook_validate_caller_ip({ ip => $remote_ip, ignore_ip => $ignore_ip }) ) )
return( $self->reply({ code => $stripe->error->code, message => $stripe->error->message }) );
# Now, we make sure this is Stripe sending this by checking the signature of the payload
my $check = $stripe->webhook_validate_signature({
secret => $signing_secret,
signature => $sig,
payload => $payload,
time_tolerance => $max_time_spread,
if( !defined( $check ) )
return( $self->reply({code => $stripe->error->code, message => $stripe->error->message }) );
# Ok, if we are here, we passed all checks
# Don't wait, reply ok back to Stripe so our request does not time out
$self->response->code( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK );
my $json = $self->json->utf8->encode({ code => 200, success => $self->true });
$self->response->print( $json );
# Do something with the payload received
my $evt = $stripe->event( $payload ) ||
return( $self->reply({ code => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message => $self->oops }) );
printf( STDERR "Received an event from api version %s on %s for Stripe object type %s\n", $evt->api_version, $evt->created->iso8601, $evt->type );
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK );
=head1 VERSION
The purpose of this module is to provide a powerful, yet simple framework to implement a RESTful API under Apache2 mod_perl.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new( hash )
This initiates the package and take the following parameters:
=over 4
=item * C<request>
This is a required parameter to be sent with a value set to a L<Apache2::RequestRec> object
=item * C<debug>
Optional. If set with a positive integer, this will activate verbose debugging message
=head2 apache_request()
Returns the L<Apache2::RequestRec> object.
=head2 api_uri()
Returns the api URI as a C<URI> object.
=head2 api_version( integer or decimal )
Get or sets the current api version on the server.
=head2 bailout( error string )
Given an error message, this will prepare the http header and response accordingly.
It will call B<gettext> to get the localised version of the error message, so this method is expected to be overriden by inheriting package.
If the outgoing content type set is C<application/json> then this will return a properly formatted standard json error, such as:
{ "error": { "code": 401, "message": "Something went wrong" } }
Otherwise, it will send to the client the message as is.
=head2 base_path( path )
If in the Directory directive of the Apache Virtual Host, a C<Net_API_REST_Base> was set, this method will be set with this value.
=head2 compression_threshold( integer )
The number of bytes threshold beyond which, the B<reply> method will gzip compress the data returned to the client.
=head2 decode_base64( data )
Given some data, this will decode it using base64 algorithm. It uses L<APR::Base64::decode> in the background, because L<MIME::Decoder> may have some issue under mod_perl.
=head2 decode_json( data )
This decode from utf8 some data into a perl structure.
If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can be accessed with the B<error> method.
=head2 decode_uri( $string )
Provided with an uri encoded string, and this uses L<URI::Escape> to return its decoded form.
See also L</encode_uri>
=head2 decode_url( $string )
Given a url-encoded string, this returns the decoded string
This uses L<APR::Request> XS method.
=head2 decode_utf8( data )
Decode some data from ut8 into perl internal utf8 representation.
If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can be accessed with the B<error> method.
=head2 default_methods( [ qw( GET POST ... ) ] )
This sets or gets the default methods supported by an endpoint.
=head2 encode_base64( data )
Given some data, this will encode it using base64 algorithm. It uses L<APR::Base64::encode> in the background, because L<MIME::Decoder> may have some issue under mod_perl.
=head2 encode_json( hash reference )
Given a hash reference, this will encode it into a json data representation.
However, this will not utf8 encode it, because this is done upon printing the data and returning it to the client.
=head2 encode_uri( $string )
Provided with a string, and this uses L<URI::Escape> to return an uri encoded string.
See also L</decode_uri>
=head2 encode_url( $string )
Given a string, this returns its url-encoded version
This uses L<APR::Request> XS method.
=head2 encode_utf8( data )
This encode in ut8 the data provided and return it.
If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can be accessed with the B<error> method.
=head2 endpoint( [ Net::API::REST::Endpoint object ] )
This gets or sets an L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint> object.
=head2 generate_uuid()
Generates an uuid string and return it.
=head2 get_auth_bearer()
Checks whether an C<Authorization> http header was provided, and get the Bearer value.
If no header was found, it returns an empty string.
If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can be accessed with the B<error> method.
=head2 get_handlers()
Returns a reference to a list of handlers enabled for a given phase.
$handlers_list = $res->get_handlers( $hook_name );
A list of handlers configured to run at the child_exit phase:
@handlers = @{ $res->get_handlers( 'PerlChildExitHandler' ) || []};
=head2 gettext( 'string id' )
Get the localised version of the string passed as an argument.
This is supposed to be superseded by the package inheriting from L<Net::API::REST>
=head2 handler()
This is the main method called by Apache to handle the response. To make this work, in the Apache configuration, you must set the handler to your package and have your package inherit from L<Net::API::REST>. For example:
PerlResponseHandler MyPackage
When called by Apache, B<handler> will initiate a L<Net::API::REST::Request> object and a L<Net::API::REST::Response>
If the incoming request is an OPTIONS request such as a typical one issued during a javascript Ajax call, it will call the method B<http_options>() which will also set the cors policy by calling B<http_cors>()
Finally, it will try to find a route for the endpoint sought in the incoming query, and construct a L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint> object with the context information of the endpoint, including information such as variables that could exist in the path. For example:
Here the llc property has an id 123 and the directors property has an id 42. Those two variables are stored in the L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint> object. This object can then be accessed with the method B<endpoint>
Having found a route, B<handler> calls the anonymous subroutine in charge of handling the endpoint.
If no route was found, B<handler> returns a C<400 Bad Request>.
If the endpoint handler returns undef(), B<handler> will return a C<500 Server Error>, otherwise it will pass the return value back to Apache. The return value should be an L<Apache2::Const> return code.
=head2 header_datetime( DateTime object )
Given a C<DateTime> object, this sets it to GMT time zone and set the proper formatter (L<Net::API::REST::DateTime>) so that the stringification is compliant with http headers standard.
=head2 http_cors()
Checks http request context and set the proper CORS http headers.
=head2 http_options()
If the request is an OPTIONS request, this method is called. It will do a C<pre-flight check> and look forward to see if the user has access to the resource sought and sets the response http headers accordingly.
=head2 init_headers( code reference )
If this is set, then L<Net::API::REST::handler> will call it.
=head2 is_allowed
Get or set handlers to check permission for various aspects of the api.
Each handler must return a valid HTTP Status code as an L<Apache2::Cons> value and if the returned code is an error, L<Net::API::REST> will stop right there and return it to Apache. See L<Net::API::REST::Status> for more information.
Currently supported handlers types are:
=over 4
=item I<access>
This is called in L</handler> and before it runs the code associated with the endpoint.
For example:
$self->is_allowed( access => sub
my $req = $self->request;
my $ep = $self->endpoint;
my $ref;
if( $ep->access eq 'restricted' )
if( !$req->headers->get( 'Authorization' ) || !$req->headers->get( 'X-CSRF-Token' ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE );
elsif( !( $ref = $self->auth_check ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED );
# To implement the double submit security measure
elsif( !$req->headers->get( 'X-CSRF-Token' ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE );
=item I<content_type>
This handler, if present, is called from L</handler> before executing the code reference associated with the endpoint.
It is designed to check the content type in the request is acceptable as a security measure recommended and described in L<OWASP REST security cheat sheet|https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/REST_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html>
For example:
$self->is_allowed( content_type => sub
my $type = shift( @_ );
# You can also get the request content type with:
# my $type = $self->request->type;
=item I<method>
This handler, if present, is called with the request method (e.g. GET, POST, etc) to check if it is allowed.
Note that C<OPTIONS> is different and should always be allowed to implement pre-flight check for L<CORS|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS>
For example:
$self->is_allowed( method => sub
my $meth = shift( @_ );
my $ok_methods = [qw( GET POST )];
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED ) if( !scalar( grep( $meth eq $_, @$ok_methods ) ) );
Note that this is equivalent to setting the value of L</supported_methods> to an array reference with values C<GET POST>, but provides you with more granularity and control.
=item I<network>
This is called very early in L</handler> and is designed to check if the user's ip is authorised to access the api.
The handler is called with the remote ip address as a string.
This could be a good opportunity to check for api abuse and throttling.
For example:
$self->is_allowed( network => sub
my $ip = shift( @_ );
if( $self->is_banned( $ip ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_FORBIDDEN );
elsif( $self->is_throttled( $ip ) )
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS );
# returning Apache2::Const::OK would work too although it is not the same value
return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK );
=head2 is_perl_option_enabled()
Checks if perl option is enabled in the Virtual Host and returns a boolean value
=head2 json()
Returns a JSON object.
=head2 jwt_accepted_algo( string )
Get or set the algorithm supported for the JWT tokens.
=head2 jwt_accepted_encoding( string )
Get or set the supported encoding for the JWT tokens.
=head2 jwt_algo( string )
The chosen algorithm to create JWT tokens
=head2 jwt_decode( token )
Given a JWT token, this will decode it and returns a hash reference
=head2 jwt_encode
Provided with an hash reference of parameters, and this will prepare the token data and call L<Net::API::REST::JWT/encode_jwt>
It accepts the following arguments and additional arguments recognised by L<Net::API::REST::JWT> can also be provided and will be passed to L<Net::API::REST::JWT/encode_jwt> directly.
It returns the encrypted token as a string or C<undef> if an error occurred which can be retrieved using the L<Module::Generic/error> method.
=over 4
=item * C<algo>
This will set the I<alg> property in the token.
=item * C<audience>
This will set the I<aud> property in the token payload.
=item * C<encoding>
This will set the I<enc> property in the token payload.
=item * C<encrypt>
If true, this will encrypt the token. When provided this will affect the I<algo>.
For example, when not encrypted, by default the algorithm used is C<HS256>, but when encryption is activated, the algorithm becomes C<PBES2-HS256+A128KW>
=item * C<expires>
This will set the I<exp> property in the token payload.
=item * C<issued_at>
This will set the I<iat> property in the token payload.
=item * C<issuer>
This will set the I<iss> property in the token payload.
=item * C<key>
This will set the I<key> property in the token payload.
=item * C<payload>
The hash data to become the token payload. It can contains discretionary elements.
=item * C<subject>
This will set the I<sub> property in the token payload.
=item * C<ttl>
If provided, this will set the I<exp> property to I<iat> + I<ttl>
=head2 jwt_encoding
=head2 jwt_encrypt
=head2 jwt_extract
=head2 jwt_verify
=head2 jwt_verify_audience
=head2 key
=head2 lang( string )
Set or get the current language
=head2 lang_unix( string )
Given a language, this returns a language code formatted the unix way, ie en-GB would become en_GB
=head2 lang_web( string )
Given a language, this returns a language code formatted the web way, ie en_GB would become en-GB
=head2 log_error( string )
Given a string, this will log the data into the error log.
When log_error is accessed with the L<Apache2::RequestRec> the error gets logged into the Virtual Host log, but when log_error gets accessed via the L<Apache2::ServerUtil> object, the error get logged into the Apache main error log.
=head2 print( list )
print out the list of strings and returns the number of bytes sent.
=head2 push_handlers
=head2 reply( http code, message | hash reference )
Given an http code and a message, or just a hash reference, B<reply> will find out if the code provided is an error and format the replied json appropriately like:
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Some error" } }
It will json encode the returned data and print it out back to the client after setting the http returned code.
If a C<cleanup> hash property is provided with a callback code reference as a value, it will be set as a cleanup callback by calling C<< $r->pool->cleanup_register >>. See L<https://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/http.html#PerlCleanupHandler>
The L<Net::API::REST> object will be passed as the first and only argument to the callback routine.
=head2 request()
Returns the L<Net::API::REST::Request> object. This object is set early during the instantiation in the B<handler> method.
=head2 response
Returns the L<Net::API::REST::Response> object. This object is set early during the instantiation in the B<handler> method.
=head2 route( URI object )
Given an uri, this will find the route for the endpoint sought and return and L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint> object.
If nothing found, it will return an empty string.
If there was an error, it will return C<undef> and set an error object that can be retrieved with the inherited L<Module::Generic/error> method. The error object will also contain a C<code> attribute which will represent an http status code.
L</route> is called from L</handler> to get the endpoint object and related handler, then calls the handler after performing a number of operations. See L</handler> for more information.
Otherwise, a L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint> is returned.
=head2 routes( hash reference )
This sets the routes for all the endpoints proposed by the RESTful server
=head2 server()
Returns a L<Apache2::Server> object
=head2 server_version()
Tries hard to find out the version number of the Apache server.
=head2 set_handlers()
=head2 supported_api_versions( array reference )
Get or set the list of supported api versions
=head2 supported_languages( array reference )
Get or set the list of supported language codes, such as fr_FR, en_GB, ja_JP, zh_TW, etc
=head2 supported_methods( array reference )
Get or set the list of supported http methods.
=head2 warn( list )
Given a list of string, this sends a warning.
=head2 well_known()
If the http request is for /.well-know, then we simply decline to process it.
This does not mean it won't get processed, but just that we pass and let Apache handle it directly.
=head2 _try( object type, method name, @_ )
Given an object type, a method name and optional parameters, this attempts to call it.
Apache2 methods are designed to die upon error, whereas our model is based on returning C<undef> and setting an exception with L<Module::Generic::Exception>, because we believe that only the main program should be in control of the flow and decide whether to interrupt abruptly the execution, not some sub routines.
=head1 Net::API::REST::Endpoint methods
=head2 access()
This specifies the level of access: private or restricted
=head2 handler()
Returns the handler found to handle the endpoint
=head2 is_method_allowed()
Returns a boolean on whether the given method is allowed.
=head2 methods()
Returns an array reference of the methods allowed for this endpoint.
=head2 path_info()
Returns a string for this path info, if any.
=head2 supported_content_types
Sets or gets an array of supported content types
=head2 variables()
Returns a hash reference of name => value pairs for the variables found in the endpoint sought by in the http request. For example:
In this case, llc has an id value of 12 and the director an id value of 23. They will be recorded as variables as instructed by the route map set by the package using L<Net::API::REST>
=head1 AUTHOR
Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<jack@deguest.jp>E<gt>
CPAN ID: jdeguest
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Net::API::REST::Cookie>, L<Net::API::REST::DateTime>, L<Net::API::REST::JWT>, L<Net::API::REST::Endpoint>, L<Net::API::REST::Query>, L<Net::API::REST::Request>, L<Net::API::REST::Request::Params>, L<Net::API::REST::Request::Upload>, L<Net::API::REST::Response>, L<Net::API::REST::Status>
L<Apache2::Request>, L<Apache2::RequestRec>, L<Apache2::RequestUtil>
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
files under the same terms as Perl itself.