Rex::Commands::File - Transparent File Manipulation


With this module you can manipulate files.


task "read-passwd", "server01", sub {
   my $fh = file_read "/etc/passwd";
   for my $line = ($fh->read_all) {
      print $line;

task "read-passwd2", "server01", sub {
   say cat "/etc/passwd";

task "write-passwd", "server01", sub {
   my $fh = file_write "/etc/passwd";
   $fh->write("root:*:0:0:root user:/root:/bin/sh\n");
delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log", matching => "root";
delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log", matching => qr{Failed};
delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log", 
                       matching => "root", qr{Failed}, "nobody";
file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
   source => "/path/on/local/machine";
file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
   content => "foo bar";
file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
   source => "/path/on/local/machine",
   owner  => "root",
   group  => "root",
   mode   => 400,
   on_change => sub { say "File was changed."; };


template($file, @params)

Parse a template and return the content.

my $content = template("/files/templates/vhosts.tpl", 
                    name => "test.lan",
                    webmaster => 'webmaster@test.lan');
file($file_name, %options)

This function is the successor of install file. Please use this function to upload files to you server.

task "prepare", "server1", "server2", sub {
   file "/file/on/remote/machine",
      source => "/file/on/local/machine";
   file "/etc/hosts",
      content => template("templates/etc/hosts.tpl"),
      owner   => "user",
      group   => "group",
      mode    => 700,
      on_change => sub { say "Something was changed." };
   file "/etc/motd",
      content => `fortune`;
   file "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf",
      source => "/files/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf",
      on_change => sub { service httpd => "restart"; };

If source is relative it will search from the location of your Rexfile or the .pm file if you use Perl packages.


This function opens a file for writing (it will truncate the file if it already exists). It returns a Rex::FS::File object on success.

On failure it will die.

my $fh;
eval {
   $fh = file_write("/etc/groups");

# catch an error
if($@) {
   print "An error occured. $@.\n";

# work with the filehandle

This function opens a file for reading. It returns a Rex::FS::File object on success.

On failure it will die.

my $fh;
eval {
   $fh = read("/etc/groups");

# catch an error
if($@) {
   print "An error occured. $@.\n";

# work with the filehandle
my $content = $fh->read_all;

This function returns the complete content of $file_name as a string.

print cat "/etc/passwd";
delete_lines_matching($file, $regexp)

Delete lines that match $regexp in $file.

task "clean-logs", sub {
    delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log" => "root";
append_if_no_such_line($file, $new_line, @regexp)

Append $new_line to $file if none in @regexp is found. If no regexp is supplied, the line is appended unless there already an identical line in $file.

task "add-group", sub {
   append_if_no_such_line "/etc/groups", "mygroup:*:100:myuser1,myuser2", on_change => sub { service sshd => "restart"; };
extract($file [, %options])

This function extracts a file. Supported formats are .box, .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2, .tbz2, .zip, .gz, .bz2, .war, .jar.

task prepare => sub {
   extract "/tmp/myfile.tar.gz",
     owner => "root",
     group => "root",
     to    => "/etc";

   extract "/tmp/foo.tgz",
     type => "tgz",
     mode => "g+rwX";

Can use the type=> option if the file suffix has been changed. (types are tar, tgz, tbz, zip, gz, bz2)

sed($search, $replace, $file)

Search some string in a file and replace it.

task sar => sub {
   sed qr{search}, "replace", "/var/log/auth.log";