Mojo::Netdata::Collector::HTTP - A website monitorer for Mojo::Netdata



Below is an example /etc/netdata/mojo.conf.d/ config file. Note that the file can have any name and you have have as many as you want, as long as it has the extension.

  # Required
  collector => 'Mojo::Netdata::Collector::HTTP',

  # Optional
  insecure        => 0,  # Set to "1" to allow insecure SSL/TLS connections
  connect_timeout => 5,  # Max time for the connection to be established
  request_timeout => 5,  # Max time for the whole request to complete
  proxy           => 1,  # Set to "0" to disable proxy auto-detect
  update_every    => 30, # How often to run the "jobs" below

  # Default values, unless defined in the job
  family  => 'default-family-name',
  headers => {'X-Merged-With' => 'headers inside job config'},

  # Required - List of URLs and an optional config hash (object)
  jobs => [

    # List of URLs to check (Config is optional)

    # URL and config parameters
    '' => {

      method => 'GET',               # GET (Default), HEAD, POST, ...
      headers => {'X-Foo' => 'bar'}, # HTTP headers

      # Set "dimension" to get a custom label in the chart.
      # Default to the "Host" header or the host part of the URL.
      dimension => 'foo', # Default: ""

      # Set "family" to group multiple domains together in one chart,
      # Default to the "Host" header or the host part of the URL.
      family => 'bar', # Default: ""

      # Only one of these can be present
      json   => {...},           # JSON HTTP body
      form   => {key => $value}, # Form data
      body   => '...',           # Raw HTTP body


Here is an example /etc/netdata/health.d/mojo-http.conf file:

 template: web_server_code
       on: httpcheck.code
    class: Errors
     type: Web Server
component: HTTP endpoint
   plugin: mojo
   lookup: max -5m absolute foreach *
    every: 1m
     warn: $this >= 300 && $this < 500
     crit: $this >= 500 && $this != 503
       to: webmaster

 template: web_server_up
       on: httpcheck.code
    class: Errors
     type: Web Server
component: HTTP endpoint
   plugin: mojo
   lookup: min -5m absolute foreach *
    every: 1m
     crit: $this == 0
    units: up/down
       to: webmaster


Mojo::Netdata::Collector::HTTP is a collector that can chart web page response time and HTTP status codes.



$array_ref = $self->jobs;

A list of jobs generated by "register".


$str = $collector->type;

Defaults to "http".


$ua = $collector->ua;

Holds a Mojo::UserAgent.


$num = $chart->update_every;

Default value is 30. See "update_every" in Mojo::Netdata::Collector for more details.



$collector = $collector->register(\%config, $netdata);

Returns a $collector object if any "jobs" are defined in %config. Will also set "update_every" from %config or use "update_every" in Mojo::Netdata if it is 10 or greater.


$p = $collector->update_p;

Gathers information about the "jobs" registered.


Mojo::Netdata and Mojo::Netdata::Collector.