BioX::Wrapper::Gemini::Examples - Documentation describing the use of the BioX::Wrapper::Gemini module.
For more detailed Gemini usage please refer to the gemini documentation at L:<Gemini Read the Docs|>.
Full Workflow Example
Create the Bash script
This set of commands creates an (obviously fake) vcf file, compressed vcf file, and the correct directory structure.
mkdir example
cd example
touch test1.vcf
touch test2.vcf.gz
echo "#!/bin/bash" > --indir `pwd` --outdir `pwd`/processed >>
Directory Structure
Gemini wrapper creates your directory structure for you. If the --outdir option does not exist it will be created for you.
The normalized compressed vcf files will be in process/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf .
The sqlite databases will be in /processed/gemini-wrapper/gemini_sqlite .
See the process file
# This file was generated with the following options
# --indir /home/user/example
# --outdir /home/user/example/processed
# Starting Sample Info Section
# test1, test2
# Ending Sample Info Section
# Starting Bgzip Section
# The following samples must be bgzipped before processing can begin
# /home/user/example/test1.vcf
bgzip /home/user/example/test1.vcf && tabix /home/user/example/test1.vcf.gz
# Finished Bgzip Section
# Normalizing with VT and annotating with SNPEFF the following samples
# test1, test2
bcftools view /home/user/example/test1.vcf.gz | sed 's/ID=AD,Number=./ID=AD,Number=R/' \
| vt decompose -s - \
| vt normalize -r $REFGENOME - \
| java -Xmx4G -jar $SNPEFF/snpEff.jar -c \$SNPEFF/snpEff.config -formatEff -classic GRCh37.75 \
| bgzip -c > \
/home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test1.norm.snpeff.gz && tabix /home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test1.norm.snpeff.gz
bcftools view /home/user/example/test2.vcf.gz | sed 's/ID=AD,Number=./ID=AD,Number=R/' \
| vt decompose -s - \
| vt normalize -r $REFGENOME - \
| java -Xmx4G -jar $SNPEFF/snpEff.jar -c \$SNPEFF/snpEff.config -formatEff -classic GRCh37.75 \
| bgzip -c > \
/home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test2.norm.snpeff.gz && tabix /home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test2.norm.snpeff.gz
# Finished Normalize Annotate Section
# Gemini is loading the following samples
# test1, test2
gemini load -v /home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test1.norm.snpeff.gz \
--skip-cadd -t snpEff \
gemini load -v /home/user/example/processed/gemini-wrapper/norm_annot_vcf/test2.norm.snpeff.gz \
--skip-cadd -t snpEff \
# Finished Gemini Load Section
Notes on Default Values
BioX::Wrapper::Gemini assumes you have environmental variables set for the SnpEff install ($SNPEFF), reference genome ($REFGENOME).
You can change this with --ref /path/to/reference.fa --snpeff /path/to/snpeff
If you change the snpeff variable you will probably need to change the snpeff_opt --snpef_opt "-c /path/to/snpeff/snpEff.config -formatEff -classic GRCh37.75"
The gemini db_load_opts has the default set as "--skip_cadd -t snpeff" --db_load_opts "--skip_cadd --cores 3 -t snpeff"
This can be easily accomplished with environment modules. For more information please refer to the modules documentation.
For more functional documentation check out the wikipedia page.
For easy install try
sudo yum install environment-modules
See what the variables are with
env |grep MODULE
You can create a custom module path with
export MODULEPATH=/path/to/user/modules:$MODULEPATH
SnpEff Module example
## SnpEff modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr "\tAdds the snpeff binaries to your path.\n module load snpeff \n java -jar $SNPEFF/snpEff.jar -c /path/to/configuration/file/snpEff.config <args>"
module-whatis "Adds the snpeff binaries to your path."
module add java/jdk1.7.0_67
set ROOT_DIR /system/apps/software
setenv SNPEFF $ROOT_DIR/snpEff
#For analysis and denormalizing
module add samtools/1.2
prepend-path PATH $ROOT_DIR/vt
Upcoming Functionality
Add in a VEP workflow option
Jillian Rowe <>
This module was originally developed at and for Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar. With approval from WCMC-Q, this information was generalized and put on github, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude.