Paws::MediaPackageVod - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD


use Paws;

my $obj = Paws->service('MediaPackageVod');
my $res = $obj->Method(
  Arg1 => $val1,
  Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
  # if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
  # of the arguments type
  Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
  # if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
  # the constructor of the arguments type
  Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1'  }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],


AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

For the AWS API documentation, see



Id => Str
PackagingGroupId => Str
SourceArn => Str
SourceRoleArn => Str
[ResourceId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreateAsset

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreateAssetResponse instance

Creates a new MediaPackage VOD Asset resource.


Id => Str
PackagingGroupId => Str
[CmafPackage => Paws::MediaPackageVod::CmafPackage]
[DashPackage => Paws::MediaPackageVod::DashPackage]
[HlsPackage => Paws::MediaPackageVod::HlsPackage]
[MssPackage => Paws::MediaPackageVod::MssPackage]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreatePackagingConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreatePackagingConfigurationResponse instance

Creates a new MediaPackage VOD PackagingConfiguration resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreatePackagingGroup

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::CreatePackagingGroupResponse instance

Creates a new MediaPackage VOD PackagingGroup resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeleteAsset

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeleteAssetResponse instance

Deletes an existing MediaPackage VOD Asset resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeletePackagingConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeletePackagingConfigurationResponse instance

Deletes a MediaPackage VOD PackagingConfiguration resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeletePackagingGroup

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DeletePackagingGroupResponse instance

Deletes a MediaPackage VOD PackagingGroup resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribeAsset

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribeAssetResponse instance

Returns a description of a MediaPackage VOD Asset resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribePackagingConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribePackagingConfigurationResponse instance

Returns a description of a MediaPackage VOD PackagingConfiguration resource.


Id => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribePackagingGroup

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::DescribePackagingGroupResponse instance

Returns a description of a MediaPackage VOD PackagingGroup resource.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[PackagingGroupId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListAssets

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListAssetsResponse instance

Returns a collection of MediaPackage VOD Asset resources.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[PackagingGroupId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingConfigurations

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingConfigurationsResponse instance

Returns a collection of MediaPackage VOD PackagingConfiguration resources.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingGroups

Returns: a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingGroupsResponse instance

Returns a collection of MediaPackage VOD PackagingGroup resources.


Paginator methods are helpers that repetively call methods that return partial results

ListAllAssets(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, PackagingGroupId => Str])

ListAllAssets([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, PackagingGroupId => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

- Assets, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Assets' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListAssetsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

ListAllPackagingConfigurations(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, PackagingGroupId => Str])

ListAllPackagingConfigurations([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, PackagingGroupId => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

- PackagingConfigurations, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'PackagingConfigurations' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingConfigurationsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

ListAllPackagingGroups(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

ListAllPackagingGroups([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

- PackagingGroups, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'PackagingGroups' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::MediaPackageVod::ListPackagingGroupsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.


This service class forms part of Paws


The source code is located here:

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