use strict;
use v5.14.0;
use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile );
use Workflow::Exception qw( configuration_error persist_error );
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
$Workflow::Persister::File::VERSION = '2.04';
my @FIELDS = qw( path );
sub init {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
unless ( $self->use_uuid eq 'yes' || $self->use_random eq 'yes' ) {
unless ( $params->{path} ) {
configuration_error "The file persister must have the 'path' ",
"specified in the configuration";
unless ( -d $params->{path} ) {
configuration_error "The file persister must have a valid directory ",
"specified in the 'path' key of the configuration ",
"(given: '$params->{path}')";
"Using path for workflows and histories '$params->{path}'");
$self->path( $params->{path} );
sub create_workflow {
my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
my $generator = $self->workflow_id_generator;
my $wf_id = $generator->pre_fetch_id();
$self->log->debug("Generated workflow ID '$wf_id'");
my $full_history_path = $self->_get_history_path($wf);
## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers)
mkdir( $full_history_path, 0777 )
|| persist_error "Cannot create history dir '$full_history_path': $!";
return $wf_id;
sub fetch_workflow {
my ( $self, $wf_id ) = @_;
my $full_path = $self->_get_workflow_path($wf_id);
$self->log->debug("Checking to see if workflow exists in '$full_path'");
unless ( -f $full_path ) {
$self->log->error("No file at path '$full_path'");
persist_error "No workflow with ID '$wf_id' is available";
$self->log->debug("File exists, reconstituting workflow");
my $wf_info;
try {
$wf_info = $self->constitute_object($full_path);
catch ($error) {
persist_error "Cannot reconstitute data from file for ",
"workflow '$wf_id': $error";
return $wf_info;
sub update_workflow {
my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
sub create_history {
my ( $self, $wf, @history ) = @_;
my $generator = $self->history_id_generator;
my $history_dir = $self->_get_history_path($wf);
$self->log->info("Will use directory '$history_dir' for history");
foreach my $history (@history) {
if ( $history->is_saved ) {
$self->log->debug("History object saved, skipping...");
$self->log->debug("History object unsaved, continuing...");
my $history_id = $generator->pre_fetch_id();
my $history_file = catfile( $history_dir, $history_id );
# Serialize as hash so reconstituting the object returns a hash again
# we need to return a list of hashes when returning the history list.
$self->serialize_object( $history_file, { %$history } );
$self->log->info("Created history object '$history_id' ok");
sub fetch_history {
my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
my $history_dir = $self->_get_history_path($wf);
$self->log->debug("Trying to read history files from dir '$history_dir'");
opendir( my $hist, $history_dir )
|| persist_error "Cannot read history from '$history_dir': $!";
my @history_files = grep { -f $_ }
map { catfile( $history_dir, $_ ) } readdir $hist;
closedir $hist;
my @histories = ();
foreach my $history_file (@history_files) {
$self->log->debug("Reading history from file '$history_file'");
my $history = $self->constitute_object($history_file);
push @histories, $history;
return @histories;
sub _serialize_workflow {
my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
my $full_path = $self->_get_workflow_path( $wf->id );
$self->log->debug("Trying to write workflow to '$full_path'");
my %wf_info = (
id => $wf->id,
state => $wf->state,
last_update => $wf->last_update,
type => $wf->type,
context => { %{$wf->context->{PARAMS} } },
$self->serialize_object( $full_path, \%wf_info );
$self->log->debug("Wrote workflow ok");
sub serialize_object {
my ( $self, $path, $object ) = @_;
$self->log->info( "Trying to save object of type '",
ref($object), "' ", "to path '$path'" );
open( THINGY, '>', $path )
|| persist_error "Cannot write to '$path': $!";
print THINGY Dumper($object)
|| persist_error "Error writing to '$path': $!";
close(THINGY) || persist_error "Cannot close '$path': $!";
$self->log->debug("Wrote object to file ok");
sub constitute_object {
my ( $self, $object_path ) = @_;
my $content = slurp($object_path);
no strict;
my $object;
my $error;
my $success = do {
local $@;
my $rv = eval "\$object = do { $content }; 1;";
$error = $EVAL_ERROR;
if (not $success) {
die $error;
return $object;
sub _get_workflow_path {
my ( $self, $wf_id ) = @_;
$self->log->info( "Creating workflow file from '",
$self->path, "' ", "and ID '$wf_id'" );
return catfile( $self->path, $wf_id . '_workflow' );
sub _get_history_path {
my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
return catdir( $self->path, $wf->id . '_history' );
=head1 NAME
Workflow::Persister::File - Persist workflow and history to the filesystem
=head1 VERSION
This documentation describes version 2.04 of this package
<persister name="MainPersister"
Main persistence class for storing the workflow and workflow history
records to a filesystem for later retrieval. Data are stored in
serialized Perl data structure files.
=head2 METHODS
=head3 constitute_object
This method deserializes an object.
Takes a single parameter of an filesystem path pointing to an object
Returns the re-instantiated object or dies.
=head3 create_history
Serializes history records associated with a workflow object
Takes two parameters: a workflow object and an array of workflow history objects
Returns: provided array of workflow history objects upon success
=head3 create_workflow
Serializes a workflow into the persistance entity configured by our workflow.
Takes a single parameter: a workflow object
Returns a single value, a id for unique identification of out serialized
workflow for possible deserialization.
=head3 fetch_history
Deserializes history records associated with a workflow object
Takes a single parameter: a workflow object
Returns an array of workflow history objects upon success
=head3 fetch_workflow
Deserializes a workflow from the persistance entity configured by our workflow.
Takes a single parameter: the unique id assigned to our workflow upon
serialization (see L</create_workflow>).
Returns a hashref consisting of two keys:
=item * state, the workflows current state
=item * last_update, date indicating last update
=head3 init ( \%params )
Method to initialize the persister object. Sets up the configured generators
Throws a L<Workflow::Exception> if a valid filesystem path is not provided with
the parameters.
=head3 serialize_object
Method that writes a given object to a given path.
Takes two parameters: path (a filesystem path) and an object
Throws L<Workflow::Exception> if unable to serialize the given object to the
given path.
Returns: Nothing
=head3 update_workflow
Updates a serialized workflow in the persistance entity configured by our
Takes a single parameter: a workflow object
Returns: Nothing
=head1 TODO
=item * refactor L</constitute_object>, no checks are made on filesystem prior
to deserialization attempt.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item * L<Workflow::Persister>
Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Please see the F<LICENSE>
=head1 AUTHORS
Please see L<Workflow>