Audio::MPD::Collection - an object to query MPD's collection


my $song = $mpd->collection->random_song;


Audio::MPD::Collection is a class meant to access & query MPD's collection. You will be able to use those high-level methods instead of using the low-level methods provided by mpd itself.



new( $mpd )

This will create the object, holding a back-reference to the Audio::MPD object itself (for communication purposes). But in order to play safe and to free the memory in time, this reference is weakened.

Note that you're not supposed to call this constructor yourself, an Audio::MPD::Collection is automatically created for you during the creation of an Audio::MPD object.

Retrieving songs & directories

all_items( [$path] )

Return all Audio::MPD::Items (both songs & directories) currently known by mpd.

If $path is supplied (relative to mpd root), restrict the retrieval to songs and dirs in this directory.

all_items_simple( [$path] )

Return all Audio::MPD::Items (both songs & directories) currently known by mpd.

If $path is supplied (relative to mpd root), restrict the retrieval to songs and dirs in this directory.

/!\ Warning: the Audio::MPD::Item::Song objects will only have their tag file filled. Any other tag will be empty, so don't use this sub for any other thing than a quick scan!

items_in_dir( [$path] )

Return the items in the given $path. If no $path supplied, do it on mpd's root directory.

Note that this sub does not work recusrively on all directories.

Retrieving the whole collection


Return the list of all albums (strings) currently known by mpd.


Return the list of all artists (strings) currently known by mpd.


Return the list of all song titles (strings) currently known by mpd.


Return the list of all pathes (strings) currently known by mpd.

Picking a song

song( $path )

Return the Audio::MPD::Item::Song which correspond to $path.

Songs, albums & artists relations

albums_by_artist( $artist )

Return all albums (strings) performed by $artist or where $artist participated.

songs_by_artist( $artist )

Return all Audio::MPD::Item::Songs performed by $artist.

songs_from_album( $album )

Return all Audio::MPD::Item::Songs appearing in $album.

songs_with_title( $title )

Return all Audio::MPD::Item::Songs which title is exactly $title.


You can find more information on the mpd project on its homepage at, or its wiki

Regarding this Perl module, you can report bugs on CPAN via

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Jerome Quelin <>


Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.