Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git - update your git repository after release
version 1.093240
In your dist.ini:
filename = Changes ; this is the default
This plugin does two things for module authors using git to track their work:
before releasing: checks that git is in a clean state
after releasing: perform some simple git actions
The plugin accepts the following options:
filename - the name of your changelog file. defaults to Changes.
Checks before releasing
The following checks are performed before releasing:
there should be no files in the index (staged copy)
there should be no untracked files in the working copy
the working copy should be clean. The changelog and dist.ini can be modified locally, though.
If those conditions are not met, the plugin will die, and the release will thus be aborted. This lets you fix the problems before continuing.
Simple git actions after releasing
Once the release is done, this plugin will record this fact in git. The following actions are then performed:
commit your changelog (and your dzil config if you update the version manually) to git. The commit message will be the changelog entry for this release.
create a tag named
.push the branch and the tags to your remote repository. Since it's a simple push, it means that the remotes should be correctly configured in your local repository.
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Jerome Quelin
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.