Revision history for Games::Pandemic.

0.5.0 Sun Jul 12 14:45:43 2009
 - introducing continue button to move game forward
 - dealing cards after player completed her actions
 - infecting new cities after player got her cards
 - checking if a player has too many cards before continuing
 - allowing player to drop cards
 - making window large enough to hold map + various bars
 - info bar now on the right of the map
 - current player now displayed in toolbar

0.4.0 Thu Jul  2 18:48:24 2009
 - moving license to gpl3
 - treating a city implemented
 - sharing card implemented
 - discovering cure implemented
 - passing now means finishing one's turn
 - updating status bar works
 - updating number of available research station
 - current player blinks on map
 - bigger pawns on the map
 - scrolling player cards

0.3.0 Fri Jun 26 12:39:04 2009
 - player can move to an adjacent city
 - player can fly directly to a city
 - player can shuttle to another research station
 - player can charter from current city
 - player can build a research center
 - using a real toolbar
 - adding menu entries to match toolbar
 - fix gettext extraction
 - tracing objects death in debug mode
 - using real moose roles
 - caching images

0.2.0 Wed Jun 24 17:36:24 2009
 - introducing player class
 - creating 2 players, displaying them on gui
 - dealing cards to players, displaying them
 - pass action implemented
 - basic stubs for turn events complete
 - trimming cruft in archive

0.1.0 Fri Jun 19 18:11:39 2009
 - original version
 - main window + basic startup