Changes for version 0.5.0 - 2009-07-12

  • introducing continue button to move game forward
  • dealing cards after player completed her actions
  • infecting new cities after player got her cards
  • checking if a player has too many cards before continuing
  • allowing player to drop cards
  • making window large enough to hold map + various bars
  • info bar now on the right of the map
  • current player now displayed in toolbar


cooperative pandemic board game
base class for pandemic cards
pandemic city card
city object for Games::Pandemic
local configuration for Games::Pandemic
controller for a pandemic game
pandemic card deck
disease object for Games::Pandemic
map information for Games::Pandemic
standard pandemic map from real game
pandemic game player
dispatcher pandemic role
medic pandemic role
operations expert pandemic role
researcher pandemic role
scientist pandemic role
base class for Games::Pandemic dialog windows
dropping cards dialog window for Games::Pandemic
sharing dialog window for Games::Pandemic
generic dialog window for Games::Pandemic
main window for Games::Pandemic
frame to display a player
Tk utilities for gui building
various utilities for Games::Pandemic