Language::Befunge::Ops - definition of the various operations


This module implements the various befunge operations. Not all those operations will be supported by the interpreter though, it will depend on the type of befunge chosen.



num_push_number( )

Push the current number onto the TOSS.


str_enter_string_mode( )
str_fetch_char( )
str_store_char( )

Mathematical operations

math_addition( )
math_substraction( )
math_multiplication( )
math_division( )
math_remainder( )

Direction changing

dir_go_east( )
dir_go_west( )
dir_go_north( )
dir_go_south( )
dir_go_high( )
dir_go_low( )
dir_go_away( )
dir_turn_left( )

Turning left, like a car (the specs speak about a bicycle, but perl is _so_ fast that we can speak about cars ;) ).

dir_turn_right( )

Turning right, like a car (the specs speak about a bicycle, but perl is _so_ fast that we can speak about cars ;) ).

dir_reverse( )
dir_set_delta( )

Hmm, the user seems to know where he wants to go. Let's trust him/her.

Decision making

decis_neg( )
decis_gt( )
decis_horiz_if( )
decis_vert_if( )
decis_z_if( )
decis_cmp( )

Flow control

flow_space( )

A serie of spaces is to be treated as one NO-OP.

flow_no_op( )
flow_comments( )

Bypass comments in zero tick.

flow_trampoline( )
flow_jump_to( )
flow_repeat( )
flow_kill_thread( )
flow_quit( )

Stack manipulation

stack_pop( )
stack_duplicate( )
stack_swap( )
stack_clear( )

Stack stack manipulation

block_open( )
block_close( )
bloc_transfer( )

Funge-space storage

store_get( )
store_put( )

Standard Input/Output

stdio_out_num( )
stdio_out_ascii( )
stdio_in_num( )
stdio_in_ascii( )
stdio_in_file( )
stdio_out_file( )
stdio_sys_exec( )

System info retrieval

sys_info( )

Concurrent Funge

spawn_ip( )

Library semantics

lib_load( )
lib_unload( )
lib_run_instruction( )




Jerome Quelin, <>

Development is discussed on <>


Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.