Language::Ook - a Ook! interpreter.


use Language::Ook;
my $interp = new Language::Ook( "program.ook" );


A programming language should be writable and readable by orang-utans. So Ook! is a programming language designed for orang-utans.

Ook! is bijective with BrainFuck, and thus, Turing-complete.


new( [filename] )

Create a new Ook interpreter. If a filename is provided, then read and store the content of the file in the cartesian Lahey space topology of the interpreter.

Public methods

read_file( filename )

Read a file (given as argument) and store its code.

Side effect: clear the previous code.

run( )

Run the code stored.

store_code( code )

Store the given code and check wether it is valid Ook! code.

tick( )

Execute the next Ook instruction to be executed.

Private methods

Those methods should not be called directly. Use at your own risks, you've been warned!

dec_ptr( )

Implement the Ook! Ook! instruction.

end_loop( )

Implement the Ook? Ook! instruction.

inc_ptr( )

Implement the Ook. Ook. instruction.

mv_ptr_down( )

Implement the Ook? Ook. instruction.

mv_ptr_up( )

Implement the Ook. Ook? instruction. Append new cells if the current cells aren't enough.

Implement the Ook! Ook. instruction.

read_cell( )

Implement the Ook. Ook! instruction.

start_loop( )

Implement the Ook! Ook? instruction.


Jerome Quelin, <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.