POE::Component::Client::MPD::Stats - class representing MPD stats


print $stats->artists;


The MPD server maintains some general information. Those information can be queried with the stats event of POCOCM. This method fires back an event with a POCOCM::Message, which data() is an POCOCM::Stats object, containing all relevant information.

Note that an POCOCM::Stats object does not update itself regularly, and thus should be used immediately.



new( %kv )

The new() method is the constructor for the POCOCM::Status class. It is called internally by PCOCOM::Commands, with the result of the stats command sent to MPD server.

Note: one should never ever instantiate an POCOCM::Stats object directly - use the stats event of POCOCM.


Once created, one can access to the following members of the object:


Number of artists in the music database.


Number of albums in the music database.


Number of songs in the music database.


Daemon uptime (time since last startup) in seconds.


Time length of music played.


Sum of all song times in the music database.


Last database update in UNIX time.

Please note that those accessors are read-only: changing a value will not change the current settings of MPD server. Use POCOCM events to alter the settings.


For all related information (bug reporting, mailing-list, pointers to MPD and POE, etc.), refer to POE::Component::Client::MPD's pod, section SEE ALSO


Jerome Quelin, <jquelin at>


Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.