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use strict;
use Test::More 0.88;
# This is a relatively nice way to avoid Test::NoWarnings breaking our
# expectations by adding extra tests, without using no_plan. It also helps
# avoid any other test module that feels introducing random tests, or even
# test plans, is a nice idea.
our $success = 0;
END { $success && done_testing; }
my $v = "\n";
eval { # no excuses!
# report our Perl details
my $want = '5.008';
my $pv = ($^V || $]);
$v .= "perl: $pv (wanted $want) on $^O from $^X\n\n";
defined($@) and diag("$@");
# Now, our module version dependencies:
sub pmver {
my ($module, $wanted) = @_;
$wanted = " (want $wanted)";
my $pmver;
eval "require $module;";
if ($@) {
if ($@ =~ m/Can't locate .* in \@INC/) {
$pmver = 'module not found.';
} else {
diag("${module}: $@");
$pmver = 'died during require.';
} else {
my $version;
eval { $version = $module->VERSION; };
if ($@) {
diag("${module}: $@");
$pmver = 'died during VERSION check.';
} elsif (defined $version) {
$pmver = "$version";
} else {
$pmver = '<undef>';
# So, we should be good, right?
return sprintf('%-45s => %-10s%-15s%s', $module, $pmver, $wanted, "\n");
eval { $v .= pmver('Exporter','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('File::Copy','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('File::ShareDir::PathClass','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('File::Temp','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('Module::Build','0.3601') };
eval { $v .= pmver('Path::Class','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('Readonly','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('Test::More','0.88') };
eval { $v .= pmver('base','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('strict','any version') };
eval { $v .= pmver('warnings','any version') };
# All done.
$v .= <<'EOT';
Thanks for using my code. I hope it works for you.
If not, please try and include this output in the bug report.
That will help me reproduce the issue and solve you problem.
ok(1, "we really didn't test anything, just reporting data");
$success = 1;
# Work around another nasty module on CPAN. :/
no warnings 'once';
$Template::Test::NO_FLUSH = 1;
exit 0;