Changes for version 0.06

  • ** fixed the big memory leak ** (article at
  • Change archives location from /Year/Month/Date to /archives/Year/Month/Date (category archive location, i.e. /categories/Angerwhale/2007/01/01, is unchanged)
  • cleanup lots of controller code (use Chained)
  • fix cache memory leak
  • fix the last unicode problem (tag args not decoded)
  • canonicalize tags properly; tags display as lowercase only
  • make UserStore more tolerant of transient keyserver errors
  • add a post confirmation message linking to the comment's feed
  • remove extra final line from POD blocks
  • show "logged in as" message after successful login
  • attribute comments to logged-in users correctly
  • internal: Use "default" *only* for 404 page


Catalyst CGI
Create a new Catalyst Component
Catalyst FastCGI
Catalyst Testserver
Catalyst Test
get a YAML feed and check the signatures on it


filesystem-based blog with integrated cryptography
provides methods for getting content
get content from a directory of articles
data and metadata stored on disk representing an Angerwhale::Content::Item
load filters and return the filter subs
read-only processed comment/article
abstract base class for Content Items
Catalyst Controller
generate and validate captchas
Generate a blog listing of recent articles in a given category, optionally filtered by date
Catalyst Controller
Catalyst Controller
Root Controller for this Catalyst based application
return sidebar feeds as JSON
Catalyst Controller
Catalyst Controller
Dispatches formatting of posts/comments to sub-modules
get blog articles
Manages Blog users.
Catalyst plugin that caches responses and serves them when appropriate.
Test Angerwhale
return fake catalyst/angerwhale application/context ($c) for tests
setup a tidy for use with Angerwhale tests
an anonymous uesr
Common class that abstracts a "feed" of some sort
render Atom feed
Format stash into XHTML page via TT template
Catalyst JSON View
Jemplate View for Angerwhale


in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Controller/
in lib/Angerwhale/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Model/
in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/View/