Changes for version 0.06
- ** fixed the big memory leak ** (article at
- Change archives location from /Year/Month/Date to /archives/Year/Month/Date (category archive location, i.e. /categories/Angerwhale/2007/01/01, is unchanged)
- cleanup lots of controller code (use Chained)
- fix cache memory leak
- fix the last unicode problem (tag args not decoded)
- canonicalize tags properly; tags display as lowercase only
- make UserStore more tolerant of transient keyserver errors
- add a post confirmation message linking to the comment's feed
- remove extra final line from POD blocks
- show "logged in as" message after successful login
- attribute comments to logged-in users correctly
- internal: Use "default" *only* for 404 page
Catalyst CGI
Create a new Catalyst Component
Catalyst FastCGI
Catalyst Testserver
Catalyst Test
get a YAML feed and check the signatures on it
filesystem-based blog with integrated cryptography
provides methods for getting content
get content from a directory of articles
data and metadata stored on disk representing an Angerwhale::Content::Item
load filters and return the filter subs
read-only processed comment/article
abstract base class for Content Items
Catalyst Controller
generate and validate captchas
Generate a blog listing of recent articles in a given category, optionally filtered by date
Catalyst Controller
Catalyst Controller
Handles logins
Root Controller for this Catalyst based application
return sidebar feeds as JSON
Catalyst Controller
Catalyst Controller
Dispatches formatting of posts/comments to sub-modules
get blog articles
Manages Blog users.
Catalyst plugin that caches responses and serves them when appropriate.
Test Angerwhale
return fake catalyst/angerwhale application/context ($c) for tests
setup a tidy for use with Angerwhale tests
an anonymous uesr
Common class that abstracts a "feed" of some sort
render Atom feed
Syndicated JSON
Syndicated YAML
Format stash into XHTML page via TT template
Catalyst JSON View
Jemplate View for Angerwhale
in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Content/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Controller/
in lib/Angerwhale/Filter/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Format/
in lib/Angerwhale/Model/
in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/
in lib/Angerwhale/View/