Changes for version 0.01 - 2011-05-15
non-blocking interface to ZeroMQ sockets
AnyEvent::Handle-like interface for 0MQ sockets
stuff both readable and wrtiable handles do
be a readable handle
be a writable handle
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_PUB publish/subscribe sockets
trait to prefix a message with a topic
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_PULL push/pull sockets
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_PUSH push/push sockets
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_REP request/reply sockets
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_REQ request/reply sockets
Role for specialized socket types that has_a handle object
Non-blocking OO abstraction over ZMQ_SUB publish/subscribe sockets
trait to parse messages and extract the topic
Type constraints for data passed to the ZMQ library