SPVM::Document::Modules - SPVM Standard Modules
The list of SPVM Standard Modules. All Standard modules are yet experimental status.
Standard Modules
CPAN Modules
The list of some CPAN modules. All CPAN modules are yet experimental status.
Math - Math functions
Regex - Regular Expression
Unicode - Unicode Utilities
MIME::Base64 - Base 64
Time::Local - Time Reverse Manipulation
SPVM::Errno - Error Number
SPVM::Resource::Re2::V2022_06_01 - Resource of Google RE2 release 2022-06-01.
SPVM::Resource::Zlib::V1_2_11 - zlib v1.2.11 Resource
SPVM::Cwd - get pathname of current working directory
SPVM::IO - File IO, Socket, Select/Polling.
SPVM::Digest::MD5 - SPVM interface to the MD5 Algorithm
SPVM::Digest::SHA - SPVM extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512