The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.999927 - 2010-08-15

  • Code name "Comet", this is a major release.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL method defaults to Mojolicious.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL method detour to MojoX::Dispatcher::Routes.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL attribute partial to MojoX::Routes.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL CSS3 selector tests to Test::Mojo.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL method test_server to Mojo::Client.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL oneliner module ojo.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL support for static files in the DATA section of Mojolicious applications.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL Bonjour support.
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL support for route name generation.
  • Added graceful shutdown support to Mojo::Server::Daemon.
  • Added multiple guides and improved documentation substantially.
  • Added finished callback support for HTTP transactions.
  • Added relative path support to Mojo::URL. (marcus)
  • Added simple iterator support to Mojo::DOM.
  • Added XML namespace support to Mojo::DOM.
  • Added is_xhr method to Mojo::Message::Request.
  • Added detect_proxy method to Mojo::Client. (DaTa)
  • Added say and trim methods to Mojo::ByteStream.
  • Added custom socket support to Mojo::Client.
  • Added SHA1 support to Mojo::ByteStream. (vti)
  • Added app helper.
  • Renamed attributes method in Mojo::DOM to attrs.
  • Renamed search method in Mojo::DOM to find.
  • Cleaned up tests. (memowe)
  • Cleaned up regular expressions in Mojo::DOM. (mpu)
  • Improved Mojo::Client error logging.
  • Improved Mojo::Template error messages.
  • Improved generated multipart messages to be 2 bytes shorter. (John Kingsley)
  • Improved conditions by allowing them to access the stash.
  • Fixed memory and file descriptor leaks in Mojo::Client.
  • Fixed Mojo::Server::Daemon::Prefork to use a random lock file by default.
  • Fixed Mojo::DOM to support escaped selectors.
  • Fixed Mojo::DOM parser bugs.
  • Fixed Mojo::DOM child listing bug. (evt)
  • Fixed Mojo::DOM multiline attribute bug. (tempire)
  • Fixed charset detection of the dom builder in Mojo::Message. (und3f)
  • Fixed json/data rendering with layouts in MojoX::Renderer.
  • Fixed Mojo::IOLoop to not stop unexpectedly.
  • Fixed graceful shutdown in Mojo::Server::Daemon::Prefork.
  • Fixed Mojo::Server::CGI and Mojo::Server::FastCGI to be more portable.
  • Fixed poll + tls support.
  • Fixed language switching in Mojolicious::Plugin::I18n.
  • Fixed async Mojo::Client tests.
  • Fixed HTML1 and HTML5 compatibility of Mojo::DOM.
  • Fixed a selector bug in Mojo::DOM.
  • Fixed environment detection.
  • Fixed Mojolicious application embedding.
  • Fixed a tutorial bug. (zoul)
  • Fixed tests to not use any optional modules.
  • Fixed small Mojolicious::Lite bug. (sharifulin)
  • Fixed Mojo application generator. (zakame)
  • Fixed edgy stringified return value bug in MojoX::Dispatcher::Routes. (DaTa)
  • Fixed route rendering bug. (koban)
  • Fixed route without namespace bug.
  • Fixed route with mixed format bug. (sharifulin)
  • Fixed small url_for bug.
  • Fixed Mojo::IOLoop to not connect to TLS hosts without checking TLS support first. (ashleydev)
  • Fixed multiple WebSocket bugs.
  • Fixed Test::Mojo::Server to be more portable. (afresh1)
  • Fixed url_for to not expose userinfo in absolute URLs.
  • Fixed path detection bug in generated scripts. (merlyn)
  • Fixed a small redirect bug in Mojo::Client.
  • Fixed a route callback inheritance bug.
  • Fixed a security problem in the HMAC MD5 implementation. (vti)


Mojolicious Guide To The Galaxy
Frequently Asked Questions
The Mojo Command System
The Mojolicious Command System


The Box!
Asset Base Class
File Asset
In-Memory Asset
Minimal Base Class For Mojo Projects
Async IO HTTP 1.1 And WebSocket Client
Command Base Class
CGI Command
Daemon Command
Prefork Daemon Command
FastCGI Command
Generator Command
Application Generator Command
Gitignore Generator Command
Makefile Generator Command
Get Command
PSGI Command
Test Command
Version Command
HTTP 1.1 Content Base Class
HTTP 1.1 MultiPart Content Container
HTTP 1.1 Content Container
HTTP 1.1 Cookie Base Class
HTTP 1.1 Request Cookie Container
HTTP 1.1 Response Cookie Container
Cookie Jar For HTTP 1.1 User Agents
Minimalistic XML DOM Parser With CSS3 Selectors
HTTP 1.1 Date Container
Exceptions With Context
HTTP 1.1 Filter Base Class
HTTP 1.1 Chunked Filter
Hello World!
Detect And Access The Project Root Directory In Mojo
Minimalistic Reactor For TCP Clients And Servers
Minimalistic JSON
Simple Logger For Mojo
HTTP 1.1 Message Base Class
HTTP 1.1 Request Container
HTTP 1.1 Response Container
Parameter Container
HTTP Server Base Class
CGI Server
Async IO HTTP 1.1 And WebSocket Server
Preforking HTTP 1.1 And WebSocket Server
FastCGI Server
PSGI Server
Perlish Templates!
Transaction Base Class
HTTP 1.1 Transaction Container
WebSocket Transaction Container
Uniform Resource Locator
Upload Container
Controller Base Class
Routes Dispatcher
Serve Static Files
MIME Type Based Renderer
Always Find Your Destination With Routes
Routes Visitor
Routes Pattern
Signed Cookie Based Sessions
Controller Base Class
MIME Types
The Web In A Box!
Generator Command
App Generator Command
Lite App Generator Command
Controller Base Class
Micro Web Framework
Plugin Base Class
Agent Condition Plugin
Default Helpers Plugin
EP Renderer Plugin
EPL Renderer Plugin
Header Condition Plugin
Intenationalization Plugin
JSON Configuration Plugin
POD Renderer Plugin
Powered By Plugin
Request Timer Plugin
Tag Helpers Plugin
Testing Mojo!
Server Tests
Fun Oneliners With Mojo!


in lib/Mojo/
in lib/Mojo/
in lib/Mojo/Server/
in lib/Mojolicious/Plugin/