PSO - Perl module for running the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm


use AI::PSO;

my %params = (
    numParticles   => 4,	# total number of particles involved in search (there is a trade-off between cooperation and time here if the fitness function takes a while...)
    numNeighbors   => 3,	# number of particles that each particle will share its progress with (degree of cooperation)
    maxIterations  => 1000,	# maximum number of iterations before exiting with no solution found
    dimensions     => 4,	# this must be the number of parameters you want to optimize (it will also be the size of the array passed to your fitness function)
    deltaMin       => -4.0,	# minimum change in velocity during PSO update
    deltaMax       =>  4.0,	# maximum change in velocity during PSO update
    meWeight       => 2.0,	# 'individuality' weighting constant (higher weight (than group) means trust individual more, neighbors less)
    meMin          => 0.0,	# 'individuality' minimum random weight (this should really be between 0, 1)
    meMax          => 1.0,	# 'individuality' maximum random weight (this should really be between 0, 1)
    themWeight     => 2.0,	# 'social' weighting constant (higher weight (than individual) means trust group more, self less)
    themMin        => 0.0,	# 'social' minimum random weight (this should really be between 0, 1)
    themMax        => 1.0,	# 'social' maximum random weight (this should really be between 0, 1)
    exitFitness    => 1.0,	# minimum fitness to achieve before exiting (if maxIterations is reached before, then program will exit with no solution)
    verbose        => 0,      # 0 prints solution, 1 prints particle:fitness at each iteration, 2 dumps each particle (+1)

sub custom_fitness_function(@input) {	
      # this is a callback function.  @input will be passed to this, you do not need to worry about setting it...
      # ... do something with @input which is an array of floats
      # return a value in [0,1] with 0 being the worst and 1 being the best

my @solutionArray = pso_get_solution_array();

General Guidelines

  • I suggest that meWeight and themWeight add up up to 4.0

  • If you have a large search space, increasing deltaMin and deltaMax and delta max can help cover more area Conversely, if you have a small search space, then decreasing them will fine tune the search.

  • You really should set meMin and themMin to 0, and meMin and themMin to 1 unless you know what you are doing.

  • I've personally found that using a global (fully connected) topology where each particle is neighbors with all other particles (numNeighbors == numParticles - 1) converges more quickly. However, this will drastically increase the number of calls to your fitness function. So, if your fitness function is the bottleneck, then you should tune this value for the appropriate time/accuracy trade-off.

  • The number of particles also increases cooperation and search space coverage at the expense of compute. Typical applications should suffice using 20-40 particles.

  • NOTE: I force people to define all parameters, but guidelines 1-3 are standard and pretty safe.


    It is a cooperative approach to optimization.  Instead of an evolutionary 
    approach which kills off unsuccessful members of the search team, each 
    particle in PSO shares its information with its neighboring particles.
    So, if one particle is not doing to well (has a low fitness), then it looks 
    to its neighbors for help and tries to be more like them while still 
    maintaining a sense of individuality.
    A particle is defined by its position and velocity.  The parameters a user 
    wants to optimize define the dimension of the problem hyperspace.  So, if 
    you want to optimize three variables, a particle will be three dimensional 
    and will have 3 position values, 3 velocity values etc.
    Particles fly around the problem hyperspace looking for local/global maxima.  
    At each position, a particle computes its fitness.  If it does not meet the 
    exit criteria then it gets information from neighboring particles about how well 
    they are doing.  If a neighboring particle is doing better, then the current 
    particle tries to move closer to its neighbor by adjusting its weights.  The 
    velocity controls how quickly a particle changes location in the problem 
    hyperspace.  There are also some stochastic weights involved in the positional 
    updates so that each particle is truly independent and can take its own search 
    path while still incorporating good information from other particles.
    Solution convergence is quite fast once one particle becomes close to a local 
    maxima.  Having more particles active means there is more of a chance that you 
    will not be stuck in a local maxima.  Often times different neighborhoods 
    (when not configured in a global neighborhood fashion) will converge to different 
    maxima.  It is quite interesting to watch graphically.
    The algorithm implemented in this module is taken from the book Swarm Intelligence 
    by Russell Eberhart and James Kennedy.  I highly suggest you read the book if you 
    are interested in this sort of thing.  There are a few minor implementation changes 
    I have made, but the heart of the algorithm is as stated in the book.


  • pso_set_params(%config_hash)

    Sets the particle swarm configuration parameters to use for the search.
  • pso_register_fitness_function()

    Sets the user defined fitness function to call.  The fitness function should 
    return a value between 0 and 1.  Users may want to look into the sigmoid 
    function [1 / (1+e^(-x))] and it's variants to implement this.
    Also, you may want to take a look at either t/PSO.t for the simple test or 
    examples/NeuralNetwork/ for an example on how to train a simple 3-layer 
    feed forward neural network.  (Note that a real training application would have a 
    real dataset with many input-output is a _very_ simple example.
    Also note that the neural network exmaple requires g++.  Type 'make run' in the 
    examples/NeuralNetwork directory to run the example.  Lastly, the neuraal network
    c++ code is in a very different coding style.  I did indeed write this, but it was
    many years ago when I was striving to make my code nicely formatted and good looking :)).
  • pso_optimize()

    Runs the particle swarm optimization algorithm.  This consists of running 
    iterations of search and many calls to the fitness function you registered 
    with pso_register_fitness_function()
  • pso_get_solution_array()

    By default, pso_optimize() will print out to STDERR the first solution, or the best 
    solution so far if the max iterations were reached.  This function will simply return 
    an array of the winning (or best so far) position of the entire swarm system.  It is an 
    array of floats to be used how you wish (like weights in a neural network!).


  • examples/NeuralNet/ =item * t/PSO.t


1. Swarm intelligence by James Kennedy and Russell C. Eberhart. ISBN 1-55860-595-9

2. A Hybrid Particle Swarm and Neural Network Approach for Reactive Power Control AI-PSO-$VERSION/extradocs/ReactivePower-PSO-wks.pdf


W. Kyle Schlansker


Copyright (C) 2006 by W. Kyle Schlansker

This code is released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. A copy of this license may be found along with this module or at:

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 498:

=over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'

Around line 539:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'