Bio::DB::Bam::Query -- Object representing the query portion of a BAM/SAM alignment
Given an alignment retrieved from a Bio::DB::Sam database,
my $query = $alignment->query;
my $name = $query->display_name;
my $start = $query->start;
my $end = $query->end;
my $dna = $query->dna; # dna string
my $seq = $query->seq; # Bio::PrimarySeq object
my @scores = $query->qscore; # quality score s
This is a simple Bio::SeqFeatureI object that represents the query part of a SAM alignment.
- $seqid = $query->seq_id
The name of the read.
- $name = $query->name
The read name (same as seq_id in this case).
- $name = $query->display_name
The read display_name (same as seq_id in this case).
- $tag = $query->primary_tag
The string "match".
- $tag = $query->source_tag
The string "sam/bam".
- $start = $query->start
The start of the match in read coordinates.
- $end = $query->end
The end of the match in read coordinates;
- $len = $query->length
The length of the read.
- $seq = $query->seq
A Bio::PrimarySeq representing the read sequence.
- $scores = $query->qscore
The read quality scores. In a list context, a list of integers equal in length to the read sequence length. In a scalar context, an array ref.
- $dna = $query->dna
The DNA string.
- $strand = $query->strand
If the query was reversed to align it, -1. Otherwise +1.
- $seq = $query->subseq($start,$end)
Return a Bio::PrimarySeq object representing the requested subsequence on the read.
- $dna = $query->reversec
The reverse complement of the read DNA.
Bio::Perl, Bio::DB::Sam, Bio::DB::Bam::Alignment, Bio::DB::Bam::Constants
Lincoln Stein <>. <>
Copyright (c) 2009 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.