The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Khonsu::Page;
sub attributes {
my $a = shift;
return (
page_size => {$a->RW, $a->REQ, $a->STR},
background => {$a->RW, $a->STR},
num => {$a->RW, $a->REQ, $a->NUM},
current => {$a->RW, $a->OBJ},
columns => {$a->RW, $a->NUM, default => sub { 1 }},
column => {$a->RW, $a->NUM, default => sub { 1 }},
column_y => {$a->RW, $a->NUM, default => sub {1 }},
is_rotated => {$a->RW, $a->NUM},
header => {$a->RW, $a->OBJ},
footer => {$a->RW, $a->OBJ},
toc => {$a->RW, $a->BOOL},
padding => {$a->RW, $a->NUM},
sub add {
my ($self, $file, %args) = @_;
my $page = $args{open} ? $file->pdf->openpage($args{num} || $self->num) : $file->pdf->page($args{num} || $self->num || 0);
$self->rotate if $args{rotate};
if ($self->background) {
fill_colour => $self->background,
if ($self->header) {
if ($self->padding) {
return $self;
sub rotate {
my ($self) = shift;
my ($blx, $bly, $trx, $try) = $self->current->get_mediabox;
return $self;
sub render {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$self->header->render($file) if $self->header;
$self->footer->render($file) if $self->footer;
sub remaining_height {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->h - ($self->y + ($self->footer ? $self->footer->h : 0))
sub width {
my ($self) = @_;
return ($self->w - ($self->padding * (2 + ($self->columns - 1)))) / $self->columns;
sub next {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if ($self->column < $self->columns) {
$self->column($self->column + 1);
$self->x($self->x + $self->width + $self->padding);
} else {