Data::Storage::Filesystem::Record - generic abstract storage mechanism
None yet. This is an early release; fully functional, but undocumented. The next release will have more documentation.
- new
my $obj = Data::Storage::Filesystem::Record->new; my $obj = Data::Storage::Filesystem::Record->new(%args);
Creates and returns a new object. The constructor will accept as arguments a list of pairs, from component name to initial value. For each pair, the named component is initialized by calling the method of the same name with the given value. If called with a single hash reference, it is dereferenced and its key/value pairs are set as described before.
- clear_data
Clears the value.
- clear_filename
Clears the value.
- clear_mode
Clears the value.
- clear_stored
Clears the boolean value by setting it to 0.
- data
my $value = $obj->data; $obj->data($value);
A basic getter/setter method. If called without an argument, it returns the value. If called with a single argument, it sets the value.
- data_clear
Clears the value.
- filename
my $value = $obj->filename; $obj->filename($value);
A basic getter/setter method. If called without an argument, it returns the value. If called with a single argument, it sets the value.
- filename_clear
Clears the value.
- mode
my $value = $obj->mode; $obj->mode($value);
A basic getter/setter method. If called without an argument, it returns the value. If called with a single argument, it sets the value.
- mode_clear
Clears the value.
- set_stored
Sets the boolean value to 1.
- stored
$obj->stored($value); my $value = $obj->stored;
If called without an argument, returns the boolean value (0 or 1). If called with an argument, it normalizes it to the boolean value. That is, the values 0, undef and the empty string become 0; everything else becomes 1.
- stored_clear
Clears the boolean value by setting it to 0.
- stored_set
Sets the boolean value to 1.
Data::Storage::Filesystem::Record inherits from Class::Accessor::Complex.
The superclass Class::Accessor::Complex defines these methods and functions:
mk_abstract_accessors(), mk_array_accessors(), mk_boolean_accessors(),
mk_class_array_accessors(), mk_class_hash_accessors(),
mk_class_scalar_accessors(), mk_concat_accessors(),
mk_forward_accessors(), mk_hash_accessors(), mk_integer_accessors(),
mk_new(), mk_object_accessors(), mk_scalar_accessors(),
mk_set_accessors(), mk_singleton()
The superclass Class::Accessor defines these methods and functions:
_carp(), _croak(), _mk_accessors(), accessor_name_for(),
best_practice_accessor_name_for(), best_practice_mutator_name_for(),
follow_best_practice(), get(), make_accessor(), make_ro_accessor(),
make_wo_accessor(), mk_accessors(), mk_ro_accessors(),
mk_wo_accessors(), mutator_name_for(), set()
The superclass Class::Accessor::Installer defines these methods and functions:
If you talk about this module in blogs, on or anywhere else, please use the datastorage
This document describes version 0.06 of Data::Storage::Filesystem::Record.
No bugs have been reported.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to <
>, or through the web interface at
See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.
The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a CPAN site near you. Or see <>.
Marcel Grünauer, <>
Copyright 2004-2008 by Marcel Grünauer
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.