chkbundle - Keep CPAN bundle distributions up to date
chkbundle -p ShipIt
This program automates uploading bundle distributions to CPAN. It assumes the distribution is written using Template::Plugin::CPAN::Packages and hence using Pod::Generated.
It parses a CPAN packages file and gathers which distributions should be in the bundle. It then scrapes the distributions currently in the bundle from the bundle's web page on The two are compared and if there is a difference, it is displayed in a tabular diff format and it asks whether you want to re-upload the bundle. If yes, it goes to the working directory and runs shipit
All is explained in the documentation of the command-line options.
- --prefix <string>, -p <string>
Prefix of the bundle distribution name. Assumes the bundle distribution is called
>-Bundle >. - --packages <filename>, -a <filename>
Location of the 02packages.details.tar.gz file. Defaults to
. - --verbose, -v
Be more verbose.
- --help, -h
Show this documentation.