Module::Changes - Machine-readable Changes file


my $release = Module::Changes->make_object_for_type('release');


If you are looking for an overview of what Module-Changes is about, see the documentation of the changes program.

This class is the heart of the Module-Changes distribution. It is a factory that can make relevant objects.

You can subclass this module to change its mappings. For example, if you write a new YAML parser, you can set it as the object constructed for the formatter_yaml factory type. See Class::Factory::Enhanced for more information.

This is the place to document a few assumptions that Module-Changes makes.

The terms revision, version, subversion and alpha are used in the other modules' documentation. The meanings are taken directly from Perl::Version. For example, in the version number v1.02.03_04, the revision is 1, the version is 02, the subversion is 03 and the alpha is 04.

The layout of the YAML file is best demonstrated by an example:

- global:
name: Foo-Bar
- v0.03:
author: Marcel Gruenauer <>
date: 2008-02-15T14:23:12-05:00
- Complete rewrite
- v0.02:
author: Marcel Gruenauer <>
date: 2008-02-15T13:50:05-05:00
- Added this
- Changed that
- v0.01:
author: Marcel Gruenauer <>
date: 2008-01-29T09:46:20-05:00
- Initial release

The file starts with a declaration of global attributes. At the moment there is only one such attribute - the distribution name.

This is followed by any number of releases. Each release is a hash that has the version number (in Perl::Version notation) as the key and the release details as the value.

Both the global section and the releases are within an overall array so that the order is preserved - within a hash, the order is not guaranteed.

The release details are another hash, having keys for author and date, an array of change strings and an array of tag strings. The date is in DateTime::Format::W3CDTF format.

This layout has been chosen so as to appear natural, with a sufficient amount of machine-readable information, without being overburdened by details that no one would maintain anyway.


There has been some discussion about a machine-readable Changes file.

See and

I'm maintaining a few distributions myself and have phases of making some changes to several distributions. Opening the Changes file, copying a few lines, inserting the current date and time and so on gets tedious.

I wanted to have a command-line tool with which to interact with Changes files. Also the Changes file should be machine-readable. So I wrote Module-Changes. I've chosen YAML for the format, although this is by no means mandatory - it's easy to write a new parser or formatter for your format of choice. Integration of new parsers, formatters etc. is something I still have to work on, though.

Some see YAML as a failed format, but enough people (me included) find it useful and easy to read for both humans and machines, so that's what I've chosen as the default format. Even so, we need to agree on a YAML schema - that is, the layout of the Changes file.

This is not set in stone, it's more of a proposal. I'm hoping for a discussion of what people like or don't like in the current version, and what they would like to see in future versions.


Integrity check with regard to version numbers and timestamps.


If you talk about this module in blogs, on or anywhere else, please use the modulechanges tag.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at


See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a CPAN site near you. Or see <>.


Marcel Grünauer, <>


Copyright 2007 by Marcel Grünauer

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.