String::FlexMatch - flexible ways to match a string


use String::FlexMatch;

my $s = String::FlexMatch->new(string => 'foobar');
if ($s eq 'foobar') {

my $s = String::FlexMatch->new(regex => 'Error .* at line \d+');
if ($s eq 'Error "foo" at line 58') {

my $s = String::FlexMatch->new(code => 'sub { length $_[0] < 10 }');
# or:
# my $s = String::FlexMatch->new(code => sub { length $_[0] < 10 });

if ($s ne 'somelongstring') {


Normally when trying to see whether two strings are equal, you use the eq operator. If you want to find out whether one string matches another more flexibly, you'd use a regular expression. And sometimes you have to call a subroutine with a string argument that will tell you whether that argument is interesting, i.e. matches in a broader sense.

When running data-driven tests, you sometimes don't know per se which form of matching (eq, regex or code) you need. Take the following example:

use Test::More;
use String::FlexMatch;
use YAML;

sub frobnicate { $_[0] + $_[1] }

my $tests = Load do { local $/; <DATA> };
plan tests => scalar @$tests;

for my $test (@$tests) {
  my $baz = frobnicate($test->{testarg}{foo}, $test->{testarg}{bar});
  is($baz, $test->{expect}{baz});

    foo: 2
    bar: 3
    baz: 5
    foo: 21
    bar: 34
    baz: !perl/String::FlexMatch
      regex: '\d+'

A setup like this was the reason for writing this class. If you find any other uses for it, please let me know so this manpage can be expanded with a few cookbook-style examples.



Gets or sets the object's string value.


Gets or sets the object's regex value. If a string is given, it is converted to a regex via qr(). Since creating the object by reading a YAML file won't go through this accessor, it's still possible that this property holds a string value, which is why it is converted to a regex, if necessary, when reading the property as well.


Gets or sets the object's coderef value, which should be an anonymous subroutine. If a string is given, it is converted to a code via eval(). Since creating the object by reading a YAML file won't go through this accessor, it's still possible that this property holds a string value, which is why it is converted to a coderef, if necessary, when reading the property as well.



Stringification returns (in order of preference) the string property of the object (if it is defined), or the stringified regex (if it is defined) or the stringified coderef (if it is defined). Otherwise it returns undef.


Comparing a string to this object via the eq operator returns a true value if one of the following conditions holds (checked in the order given here):

  • If the object has a defined string property then it must be equal (using eq) to the string.

  • If the object has a defined regex property, then the string must match the regex.

  • If the object has a defined code property, then the anonymous sub is called with the string as an argument and whatever that returns is also returned as the result of the eq operation.

Note that at least one of the two things compared must be a string. It is not possible to compare two String::FlexMatch objects if neither of them has a defined string property. After all, how should a regex be compared to coderef, or two regexes, or two coderefs?


Comparing a string to this object via the ne operator returns the inverse of the comparison via the eq operator.


  • Because of a change in Test::More's _deep_check() in the version used by perl 5.8.1-RC4, this class doesn't work with that Test::More's is_deeply(), eq_hash() and eq_array().

If you find any other bugs or oddities, please do inform the author.


See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a CPAN site near you. Or see <>.


This document describes version 0.05 of String::FlexMatch.


Marcel Grünauer <>


Copyright 2003 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.